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    Blury with fast movements

    I haven't noticed this issue, but I have found RWH jarring in a few workouts that the timing is not right. I know on the bonus abs, the editing is incorrect and the cast is going to the wrong side on some exercises. But I got used to it and now I just ignore the screen.

    Substitutions for Feb 2011 Rock Bottoms Rotation?

    Hi Cathletes, Looking for some advice from the experienced folks on this forum, as I am going to attempt the Feb 2011 Rock Bottoms Rotation for the first time, but missing the following DVDs: STS Cardio HiiT STS Plyo Legs STS Total Body Isolation and Compound STS Ab Circuits I was thinking...

    Which series is more advanced? Strong and Sweaty or RWH??

    For me, what makes RWH more advanced is all the jumping. Even in Upper Body Circuit, you are jumping! In Strong and Sweaty boot camp, you do some jumping, but then the PHA workout (which is one of my favorites) does not have any jumping. But that being said, I did the 30-day Strong and Ripped...

    Ploy HIIT One

    I don't think I will ever try the one-handed burpees! I just don't think I need to...two hands is fine for me! I do the one-handed ones in ICE on the step, but just don't have any desire to test myself against the floor. :-)

    Calorie Burn

    I am using Wahoo Tickr, which I find is quite close to the Cathe calorie counts (within 10-20 calories almost every time), but not sure this means it is the best option. But I do find it fun and reassuring to see my heart rate, because it convinces me that I am where I should be... :-)

    Shred Cardio

    I leave my step at one riser, and don't feel one bit guilty about it! I do this for RWH Lower Body Circuit and Plyo HIIT 2 as well. It is the over-and-over jumping that I just can't do fast enough with 2 risers. So I try to focus on lifting the step moves and squatting deeper on the plyo jacks...

    Shred Cardio

    Yes, for sure speedier! But I find I like it, because I think the goal is to get your heart rate up in a shorter period of time, since the entire cardio segment is shorter than most. Also, I don't know about everyone else, but I find I am very grateful for the low-impact segment (which reminds...

    Really loving Fit Split

    I really agree! And I love how the push and pull days are often combined on the same disc, giving so many options. :-)

    Calorie Burn

    I think the biggest difference I see is that the rests are quite brief in the weight/leg workouts. My heart rate really stays up there through the entire hour!

    Fit Split & Ripped With HiiT One Month Rotation

    For those who enjoy mixed rotations, I would also urge you to consider the Strong and Ripped rotation, which I feel is the best combined rotation I have done. Once I get done with the straight up Fit Split 30-day rotation, I might consider doing Strong and Ripped again...I am determined to get...

    FitSplit review

    I so agree with the "these move so fast" observation! I am used to a bit more rest from previous Cathe workouts, but in this series, it is giddy up! Fine by me...I am as busy as most of us, and so appreciate that I can get a full push or pull workout in approximately 30 minutes, including warm...

    Low Impact Cardio & Metabolic Conditioning Review / Thoughts

    Oh yes...when did Cathe decide to throw in an extra 6 plank jack pushups??? And so interesting that your husband was soaked! I keep thinking of some of the big, strong coaches and husbands I know, and wondering how they would deal with this routine...even just keeping to Cathe's weight... :-)

    Mixed Impact Cardio+Pull Day

    Although I still have one cardio routine left to try (shred, which is on the schedule for tomorrow), I have done all of the other segments and agree with you: I don't find these exercises intermediate either. The weights are heavy, the breaks are brief, and the exercises are challenging (and...

    Low Impact Cardio & Metabolic Conditioning Review / Thoughts

    I am right there with you on this review! I also expected it to be on the easy side based on Cherrypie's review, but I did not find it easy either. I took a brief break between the cardio and metabolic sections to get my gloves on, and then started out matching Cathe's weights, but by the time...

    Mixed Impact Cardio+Pull Day

    I am late starting these workouts because I was waiting for the rotation to be available in the Workout Manager, but the thing I was most curious about was how combining the loop with the dumbbells was going to feel. Wow. It makes quite a difference, especially on those external rotation things...

    Mixed Impact Cardio+Pull Day

    I really appreciate this response, because sometimes I feel the same way. Right now, when I want some cardio without the intensity, I do Step Moves or the step combo only premix on Low Max. I can get a light sweat going, get some steps on my fit bit, and elevate my mood even on days when I am...

    Strength before cardio - same workout

    I think next time I do that workout, I will stick with 6 pound dumbbells for the compound legs instead of trying to go with 8s. My shoulders are just not strong enough for the overhead presses. :-)

    Strength before cardio - same workout

    It's a good that I asked myself recently during To the Max Extreme premix. I bailed on the second round of Compound Legs and went straight to the ab section, but wondered if Compound Legs came first, would have I been able to complete the entire workout. :-)

    Fit Split Shred Cardio / Push Day

    Sorry for my poor choice of words: I should have said "before forming an opinion" instead of "before posting a negative review." I was trying to be encouraging but unfortunately did not have that effect. We all love Cathe but have our personal favorites, and that is as it should be. I just know...

    Fit Split Shred Cardio / Push Day

    I am really sorry that you found this very simple step warm up too complex, but I would urge you to give it time before posting a negative review. I love step routines but can sympathize with those who find complex routines frustrating (e.g. Low Impact Challenge, Rhythmic Step, 4 Day Split High...