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  1. E

    What chores do your younger kids do?

    Yes, but there's also the argument that you do work around the home because it is your family home and you are part of the family and it is your home, too. We don't get paid to do our chores around the house and the children should be expected to contribute to the well-being of the family home...
  2. E

    If you love to Bedazzle....

    :):):) When this was being discussed on the radio, someone brought up the fact that it may be difficult to clean the area with the crystals there and the fear of accidently removing them. Erica
  3. E

    So excited!

    Congratulations! That really is exciting. You are very brave!! ;):p:D Erica
  4. E

    What chores do your younger kids do?

    My 7 yo dd will wash the windows with a paper towel and Windex and also empty the dishwasher. I prefer for her only to do the silverware, but she insists on doing everything sometimes and has done fine. Oh - she dusts sometimes, too. We don't do allowances and my dd complains about this...
  5. E

    If you love to Bedazzle....

    I heard about this on the radio this morning. They said it only lasts for 5 days. Erica
  6. E

    Numb fingers

    I was one of the lucky ones to get carpal tunnel in both of my hands in my last pregnancy and it didn't go away after delivery like it does for most women (or maybe all women except for me). I also have cubital tunnel in my right hand. Hope everything resolves for you after your baby is...
  7. E

    Numb fingers

    Cubital tunnel syndrome affects the opposite fingers that carpal tunnel does (pinky and 1/2 the ring finger). Erica
  8. E

    Not such a Happy Easter...

    I'm in the same situation. My family just uses me and doesn't care about me or my DH/kids at all. Morningstar - hope you are feeling better today. Sorry you had a rough Easter. Sometimes it helps to let go of what you think families "should" do and just accept them for who they are...
  9. E

    Insane Abs/Maximum Interval Sports Training

    Zozo - the exact same thing happened to me. I bought Insanity with the Deluxe Set from ebay from an American seller, but it was shipped from China and my MIST and Insane Abs were all scrambled. I contacted the seller and they sent out replacements that had the exact same problem. They ended...
  10. E

    Bye Diet Coke, I'm going to miss you

    You can do it! I was a Diet Coke addict years ago and gave it up in 2001. I drink flavored seltzer water now and love it - it gives me the carbonation I crave without all of the chemicals. I actually ended up getting pregnant unexpectedly soon after I gave up the Diet Coke and was...
  11. E

    I JUST DID 75 PULL-UPS!!! I am in love...

    Wow, Melissa! That is AMAZING! What an accomplishment! You have worked so hard and have gotten great results. :):):) Congratulations! Erica
  12. E

    Hey Grammar Police!!!

    My son learned this the hard way. He had to write a paper for General Music class and put the period outside the quotes at the end of the sentence. The music teacher took off a point every single time he did it, so he ended up with a low grade on the paper. I was furious - even an English...
  13. E

    power hour MIS

    I agree that they are different enough to get both. If I could only choose one, I'd choose MIS. Erica
  14. E

    Favorite Children's Book

    My dd(7) and my niece(11) both loved these books! Erica
  15. E

    Just finished a good book...

    I read Firefly Lane last year and liked it, but it was so sad. I don't read very much fiction. Right now I'm reading a book called, Boundaries with Kids. Erica
  16. E

    Favorite Children's Book

    My daughter is reading the 4th Harry Potter book now, too. She's 7 1/2 and it's a really big book for her (she's halfway through). My favorite books were: Little Women Trixie Belden I am surprised to see other Trixie Belden fans! I didn't realize the series was so popular. I want...
  17. E

    Best Compliment EVER

    That is so sweet. Kids' compliments are the best because they are so sincere. What a great role model you are for your dd! :) Erica
  18. E

    I'm surprised

    Did you register and post just to cause more drama by complaining about Jonezie causing too much drama? :confused: Looks like Jonezie can't win - she can't post anything serious because she is accused of trying to moderate the forum and then she gets criticized for having fun with other...
  19. E

    I'm surprised

    How about bring vs. take? :confused: Erica
  20. E

    Been coming here for many years.....

    Yes, but you didn't use your "male" user account to bash this forum, you did it anonymously under your female account. Erica