Search results

  1. K

    Ryka in Canada?

    I found a source Hi there Kate in B.C. I order them from a place in Lethbridge, Alberta called Runner's Soul. The proprietor's name is Ron and he has got them for me twice now. His phone number is (403) 327-2241. Tell him Kim from Saskatchewan sent you. On occasion, I have seen them in...
  2. K

    Humbling experience...

    RE: Look me up! Hi Kristina I will look you up. I have written down your e-mail and will get back to you with some contact e-mail addresses and phone numbers. Sounds great! And, we should be sure to get a hold of Andrea too if do anything else other than workout. Kim
  3. K

    Check-In for Week of Nov. 26

    RE: I wondered ... Thanks guys I am not too sure about the role model in patience thing. I think it that were true, the re-injury problem may not be in existence right now. I am presently in intensity withdrawal but I am still working out and gradually getting better. I will tell you who is...
  4. K

    Humbling experience...

    RE: Going to Las Vegas Hi Kristina I am coming to Las Vegas for the Christmas holidays to visit with my brother and his family (new baby a few months old) and my father and his family. I will be arriving on December 15 and staying until the 30th. I live in Canada and will very much...
  5. K

    Humbling experience...

    RE: Going to Las Vegas Hi Kristina I am coming to Las Vegas for the Christmas holidays to visit with my brother and his family (new baby a few months old) and my father and his family. I will be arriving on December 15 and staying until the 30th. I live in Canada and will very much...
  6. K

    Check-In for Week of Nov. 26

    You guys been missin me? Hey everyone I have not stepped off the face of the earth but I have been trying to heal my now re-injured (about 4 weeks ago) hamstring, which I might add was never properly healed to begin with. I think the kickboxing may have been my downfall to re-injury being the...
  7. K

    Checking In - My first Time

    hamstring bugging me - back to more moderate cardio Hi everyone and welcome Dawn. I am not sure what I did last week but my hamstring is still bugging me. So, I am going to go back to the PS series and alternate cardio every other day. I am beginning to think I will be haunted by this...
  8. K

    Doing the checkin thang!

    RE: Hi Debbie! LAST EDITED ON Oct-12-00 AT 08:21AM (Est)[p]So Debbie, you want some "spcecial" stuff. :-) Well, I had to go away last weekend (it was Thanksgiving in Canada) but I did not get a chance to see my honey unfortunately. I will be travelling to see him this weekend, however, and...
  9. K

    Doing the checkin thang!

    RE: Hi Debbie! So Debbie, so want some "spcecial" stuff. :-) Well, I had to go away last weekend (it was Thanksgiving in Canada) but I did not get a chance to see my honey unfortunately. I will be travelling to see him this weekend, however, and as well as enjoying each other's company, we...
  10. K

    Doing the checkin thang!

    RE: Finally got to Cathe's New Tapes and I absolutely love them! Here I am late again but at least here I am this week. Hey Honeybunch, congrats on your new job. I have been at my job for 16 years and while I do like my job, thank God, I know change can be hard. Getting up for work in the...
  11. K

    New, and greedy!

    Prince Albert is only 2 1/2 hours away if you drive the speed limit that is. That is so cool that you live in Prince Albert. I was just there the other day on my way home from Saskatoon (and Regina visiting my date). Perhaps we will have to get together and work out some day. As for Cathe's...
  12. K

    chest work

    RE: MIS does have some flies Hi there, I am not Wendy but just having done MIS recently, I can assure you that it does have flies. Kim
  13. K

    New, and greedy!

    RE: I say go for it and get the new tapes - you'll catch on Hey, I bet it is Saskatchewan that you live in judging from your e-mail address. Me too. Whereabouts in Saskatchewan are you? It is great to see more Canadians on this forum. We will be able to relate to the cold winter soon to...
  14. K


    RE: Hi Debbie Yes Debbie, you did detect a little smile there. I have been seeing someone new and that would be the same person I won the canoe race with about a month ago. However, the "new relationship" thing has wreaked a bit of havoc on my workout schedule but I am sure the added rest...
  15. K


    I have been a check-in slacker not to mention the workout thing Hi everyone I have been quite busy and shall we say preoccupied a wee bit with other things. (if I could wink, I would). That, and the fact that my hamstring is still a bit twingy have made this week a bit of wash out. Can you...
  16. K

    A full CXT check-in

    Back for the checkin Hi guys I missed last week's checkin because I went away for the weekend and then got so busy, well you know.... I just received Cathe's new tapes but have not had a chance to even preview them but I know time is on my side and I will get to them. Here was my week...
  17. K

    starting check-in early 8/27

    Hi Debbie I know it sounds crazy but when I was checking into rehab for my hamstring, this was one of the suggestions by the sports medicine people. It helps to strengthen the hamstring and it actually feels good to do it. However, one does not go very far in this position as one looks silly...
  18. K

    starting check-in early 8/27

    No triathlon this year BUT... I did end up in a canoe race on the weekend and myself and my partner (a new like interest ) won second place in the race. What a blast that was! Welcome Carola and hi everybody else. Here was my week: Monday - Step Reebok and PS BBA Tuesday - Happy Hour...
  19. K


    If it sounds too good to be true... then perhaps it is. There is, in my opinion, no quick and effortless way to be fit. It takes dedication, consistency and effort. North Americans want to believe in all those gimmicks out there but they simply are just that, gimmicks and money wasters...
  20. K


    Weight Training <center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-18-00 AT 10:10AM (EST)</font></center> I know you mentioned that you upped your exercise but have you been lifting heavy enough to induce muscle growth? The PS series will definitely help you there. If you consistently...