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  1. K

    check-in 7-27-02

    RE: wash and wear wedding dress You guys are too funny. My first dress was borrowed and my second was not really a wedding dress (though it has long since hit the trash can). Kim
  2. K

    check-in 7-27-02

    RE: July 28 checkin Hello everyone Congrats to all you happily married people. I join in with Honeybunch except mine were 6 and 5 years. And Emily, I can relate (I live it) to the low financial situation - I hope you are able to eventually afford Cathe's new tapes. My team's ball season...
  3. K

    When does fitness become an addiction? Why are some of you overtraining?

    RE: Balance I personally think that if people avoid social situations and family functions to exercise, then that can be a problem. That being said, however, if I choose to workout for an hour after work instead of going for a beer, that is another thing. But to avoid a fun pot luck supper or...
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    Check-In For Week Ending 7/22/01

    RE: Very proud indeed Hey Cleda You Go Girl!! Kim
  5. K

    Check-In For Week Ending 7/22/01

    RE: July 22 checkin Hi guys I have been playing quite a bit of slo pitch and so as not to do over do it, my workouts were quite limited this week. My throwing arm has been a bit sore so I decided not to lift any weights this week. Monday - rest Tuesday - CIA 9701 in a.m. and 2 games in p.m...
  6. K

    14 Years of Sobriety!

    RE: Honeybunch - 2 of them for me too! I also married 2 alcoholics, one of whom I have been split with for a year now. The first one is the father of my children and so we have some contact, but only with respect to the children and it is quite civil. I have lived with a male alcoholic my...
  7. K

    Clean Eating Challege!

    RE: Will not give up coffee since I only drink 2 to 3 cups a day, all in the a.m. before 10:00 usually. However, I will give up chocolate and limit the night eating. Cheese has been way too friendly with me lately as well. Kim
  8. K

    I have gotten 3/4 of an inch taller!!

    RE: a.m. I was measured in the a.m. at the doctor's office. My doctor said that one is taller in the morning since the vertebrae compact during the day, however, it is not as vast a difference as 3/4". The nurse who measured me told me that I was probably not properly measured in the past. Kim
  9. K

    I have gotten 3/4 of an inch taller!!

    RE: Same here I have always thought I was 5'6" but went to the doctor today, got measured, and was told I was just a hair under 5'7". Go figure. I must have been measured wrong previously or maybe I did grow some since the last time I was really measured way back.... Kim
  10. K

    Check-In for week of 7-8-01 thru 7-15-01

    RE:kinda sounds like you could possibly have the pulled the piriformis muscle. I could so easily be wrong but I have heard that that is a common thing with running. When I hurt my hamstring, it also hurt up there and my physiotherapist suggested that I may have also pulled my piriformis when...
  11. K

    Check-In for week of 7-8-01 thru 7-15-01

    RE:Erica How did you injure your glute? I am sure I saw it somewhere but cannot recall. Kim
  12. K

    Check-In for week of 7-8-01 thru 7-15-01

    RE: Not much of a cardio week for me Hi everyone I am playing a lot of ball this next two weeks and I don't really consider that cardio but in not wanting to overdue anything.... Anyway, here was my week: Monday - rest Tuesday - PS CST in a.m. and double header ball game in p.m. (played all...
  13. K

    How do you workout away from home?

    You could always go running or walking as well. Sometimes when I travel, I bring Christi's Strength, Balance and Flexibility, however, I do not always have access to a VCR. So I always bring my running shoes. For resistance, do as many pushups as you possibly can with good form, then take a...
  14. K

    Too Thin?

    RE: Flex for them and tell them that starving people certainly do not have muscles like these! Your weight for your height sounds pretty on target to me. I have heard those comments before but I do not hear them so much anymore (could have been those recently gained 5 lbs. :)) Seriously...
  15. K

    Check in for 7-8-01

    RE: Hi Aimee Hey, it's cool to be a coach and I am sure glad to have had some wonderful ones over the years. Good coaches are a lot like good teachers - some you never forget and they do make a difference. Kim
  16. K

    Check in for 7-8-01

    RE: checking in again LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-01 AT 11:24AM (Est)[p]Hi everyone I missed the checkin last week as I was off to Calgary with my date (celebrated my 38th there on the Friday) and thought checking in on Wednesday was a bit too late. Deb - you had a good looking week; hope those...
  17. K

    A Few Questions

    RE: Makes my feat of doing 41 at first and then sets of 15 til I hit 100 look pretty wimpy. I guess I have something to aspire to. Way to go Honeybunch. Kim
  18. K

    Early check in for w/e 6/23

    RE: Challenge the muscle! This week, I saw my physiotherapist since my resuming ball was giving me some twinges, nothing serious but I wanted to be sure. In any event, she told me that the pain I felt was a "mechanical" pain due to remodeling in the hamstring muscle area. Her advice was to...
  19. K

    Step heights on LL?

    An easy way to tell what Cathe's step height is that each riser is 2" and the actual step is 4" (On the original Step at least and they do look very similar). So, if she has 5 risers and the mini-step, (5x2+4=14) that would 14". Just pause your VCR and count the risers and go from there. I...
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    RE: Don't be sorry for giving your opinion Hi Becky You should feel free to give your opinion whenever you like. I think it took quite bit of guts to give your opinion given the previous posts on the matter. Aside from the risk associated with taking Hydroxycut is the annoyance that a lot of...