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  1. Cupcake

    40's+ April

    Hi, She's all over Instagram and Pinterest. She has two e-books and a sample eating guide. I tried the Day 1 Legs and Cardio. but because I have not been doing squats or lunges for ages, my DOMS were awful on Friday. I looked at it initially and thought it would be easy....4 exercises...
  2. Cupcake

    40's+ April

    Thanks for the warm welcome :) My legs have DOMS today from Thursday. That routine surprised me, it looked easy on paper but then again, I am de conditioned. I think more easy conditioning is in order before tackling that one again. So Friday was Kathy Smith's Power Walk and TA Abcentric...
  3. Cupcake

    40's+ April

    Hi, Can I join your check in? It looks like it's a good mix of different forms of work outs and right now that's what I need. Mon: I did Keli Roberts Step Tues: Cathe C&W, Wed: TA abcentric Thurs: Kayla Itsines BBG Week 1 Day 1 Hope you don't mind me joining? Have an awesome day! Sent from...
  4. Cupcake

    Total Fitness DVDs Spring Sale

    I got three Christi Taylor and 2 Step Up Revolution Dance workouts :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Cupcake

    anyone do tracy anderson's workouts?

    I think what you are forgetting once that we are all different and what you may like or enjoy...might not be the same as everyone else. What we are only pointing out are other exercise alternatives. You might not like this method and that's fine but to go on an on about Catabolism and...
  6. Cupcake

    anyone do tracy anderson's workouts?

    Wow. Now she reduced me to " flaunting" Damn I'm such a flaunter, I should be ashamed of myself for trying to somehow establish a point when clearly words don't get across. Anyway, it still doesn't matter because You can science your posts all the way but until you realise that yours is not a...
  7. Cupcake

    anyone do tracy anderson's workouts?

    Empirical. That's the word! That was the word to end the debate! You are a genius. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Cupcake

    anyone do tracy anderson's workouts?

    Lol thanks! Yeah I got that Pink Bosu, the Pink Barbell and pink sandbag last fall before my shoulder decided to derail me. They go with my Pink KB ( 15, 20,25 lbers ... They do make heavy pink things! ) My legs got big from spinning...the quads mostly because I was crazy and did it a lot and we...
  9. Cupcake

    anyone do tracy anderson's workouts?

    Last word Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Cupcake

    anyone do tracy anderson's workouts?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Cupcake

    anyone do tracy anderson's workouts?

    I suppose you should really use that brain for that. Good luck with that. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Cupcake

    anyone do tracy anderson's workouts?

    Lololol....motor unit. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Cupcake

    anyone do tracy anderson's workouts?

    Oh that's my upbringing telling you politely that yours sucks. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Cupcake

    anyone do tracy anderson's workouts?

    Sigh, funny how you turn things around isn't it? Funny how suddenly I'm just a fan and not a person who was discussing an alternate type of exercise. Emotional? No, exasperated ... Yes. If anyone is ain't me. You're the one that's intolerant of anything that's not what you think...
  15. Cupcake

    anyone do tracy anderson's workouts?

    Well it is looking better and no overdeveloped thigh muscles, but I'm sure that answer would just make you grumble about something else. Logic dictates how I respond to you. How could you possibly expect anything else from your approach? A is A. And this would be the proper context where I...
  16. Cupcake

    anyone do tracy anderson's workouts?

    If you read the post I wrote S&H worked for my butt. But high rep light weights for lower body did not. They hit my quads and hams more. I want a butt not massive bulging quads and hams. But that's a moot point now, as I'm liking how they look now that they have lost that bulk. No one really...
  17. Cupcake

    anyone do tracy anderson's workouts?

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Cupcake

    anyone do tracy anderson's workouts?

    Nckfitheart, I don't have any hostility towards lifting. It's rather amusing that you project such ideas onto other people simply because you can't seem to grasp the concept that people have choices and are free to choose regardless of your opinion. If any one is trolling, it would be you. You...
  19. Cupcake

    anyone do tracy anderson's workouts?

    Good 4 U!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Cupcake

    anyone do tracy anderson's workouts?

    Hi. In Meta when she hits the Mat it really doesn't bug me because I know she means to do 40 reps each set. Plus I pause it after she does like 3 counts so I can get my full 40 reps. I actually have a cheat sheet with a stick person drawn. Lol. So I hit the mat knowing I'm doing 40 reps for 6...