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  1. S

    Favorite "Fluffy" Reads For Summer!

    RE: Favorite I LOVED The Starter fact I'm on my way to the library to get Maneater right now. But between them I read The Nanny Diaries and In her shoes. I recommend them both as well! I am really into Chick Lit right now....very entertaining but easy to put down when the kids need me.
  2. S

    Biggest Loser- totally disillusioned!!! :-(

    Alison Sweeney,"Sami" from Days of Our Lives is the host this year. I'm really excited about that. She has always had to work hard for her body too, so I'm happy to see her get the gig.
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    Dog / Puppy Question - what would you do?

    Well I don't know much about dogs, let alone breeding.....but I would think that she would be better off with you. Isn't it going to be hard enough on her to have the pups and "lose" them, let alone lose her family temporarily?
  4. S

    $900 for a cat - would you do it?

    > >I sometimes feel like the odd person out and I feel like I >have to apologize that I bought the dogs that I bought. I am >all FOR resueing, in fact I volunteer for a rescue group and I >am to the point to start a new non-profit organization. > Not all of us who >don't rescue every...
  5. S

    Minnie is a very happy kitty

    That is so exciting that Minnie has found her home! I'm so happy for you. It's nice that it was able to be your dad as well, that way you know she is safe. And then you can visit too. Yea for noaccidents as well. Sorry, I don't have any advice for the mice other than make sure you patch any...
  6. S

    A nice gentle dish soap

    >Hopefully I can find this Seventh Generation in Hannaford.... >in the organic section? I'll also try to Method---I like >their stuff as well as the bleaching idea. The bleach thing will defiantly get rid of any tastes or smells. I highly recommend it.
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    A nice gentle dish soap

    Humm you must be very sensitive to the taste. I'm not sure if they make such a thing, but maybe you could try a perfume free one and see if that would work. I use Sunlight, and I can't taste it...but I never can. Oh I do know one trick. Take your second sink (hopefully you have one) and fill...
  8. S

    Update on Minnie

    RE: Amy >> the >label says it can also be used for cleaning up the odor of >decomposing bodies! Kathryn, is there something you want to share with the group?!?!?!?;-) :D
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    whats the deal w/ protien shakes?

    I have a real hard time eating breakfast. And if I do, I make less than steller choices. I don't have the energy or time to make a good breakfast. So I opt for a protine shake with skim milk, banana and strawberry. It is the only way I can get a "meal" in first thing in the morning. And it works...
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    Sports Bra for us well-endowed girls

    I love my Shock Absorber. Not real pretty, but it works great. (and I'm bigger than you, so it should work good for you.)
  11. S

    JEEP Question

    >I do. > >Pros: Medium size vehicle > I love driving it > goes everywhere > you are safe in this, with the roll bars > nice comments from people > can take windows, doors and top off, really cool in >more ways than one. > Has soft top or hard top...
  12. S

    Jay Leno - I'm glad I live in America - This is long -

    RE: Jay Leno - I'm glad I live in America - This is lon... >>>As wonderful as it is to engage in a intelligent >>conversation >>>with you, Bill, you'll have to excuse me now, I have more >>>important things to do, I think I need to clean my >>bathrooms. >>Now it doesn't really matter if...
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    Jay Leno - I'm glad I live in America - This is long -

    RE: Jay Leno - I'm glad I live in America - This is lon... >Carola, >Slimmingmom’s 20 years of experience in Europe and the times >I’ve been there, must have been our imagination, because we >all know you just can’t be wrong and you sure DON'T make >things up. Maybe someone was in a bubble...
  14. S

    Jay Leno - I'm glad I live in America - This is long -

    RE: Jay Leno - I'm glad I live in America - This is lon... >>I see your 20 years and raise you 30. Carola, With all due >>respect you crack me up. LOL >> >She has lived in CANADA for 20 years, Bill. No, it's not part >of the EU! > >I have said BEFORE in this thread and in other threads...
  15. S

    Jay Leno - I'm glad I live in America - This is long -

    RE: Jay Leno - I'm glad I live in America - This is lon... >>"Contrary to what you said, the content was discredited in >>several of the posts." >>(Maybe who said it, but NOT the content, not at all!) > >Oh yes, it was discredited by my original post as well as >Nancy's post in substance...
  16. S

    Looking for some x-tra cash?

    That's so funny! Every time I see that commercial I'm like ya right "we'll send you a cheque"! I always thought it was a scam too! LOL!
  17. S

    Reprimanding Employees in public???

    Hummm...I would find it very hard to believe that he doesn't have an office that he could have done that in. I had an employer that did that to me once in front, well in fact while I was helping a customer. After I was done I pulled her aside and told her if she ever embarrassed me in front of a...
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    Would this upset you???If your daughter???

    Well if I could have a cut of the money I would be all for it. Why not??? I mean it's better than her doing porn right?!?! ha ha gotcha! No, it is wrong and obvious that she is in it for the money. If it were my daughter I would be very disappointed in her and my self for my poor...
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    New law being pondered for NJ town....

    Ok that makes sense.:D
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    Don't pump gas on May 15th!

    I have to agree with you. I drive a Jeep Liberty, and there is no way I would drive anything smaller. Partly because I couldn't fit the kid related stuff in anything smaller, and partly because I feel safer in it. When I see those "smart cars" I cringe and all I can think of is how would one...