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  1. Ms_B

    3 months pp and scale is stuck...

    Hey Eren, I am 3 months pp and was only 3 lbs. overweight at my 6 week check-up. However, my stomach is still too big for my taste and I don't know what happened to my butt which seemed to merge with my back during my pregnancy... I am still breastfeeding and if things go according to...
  2. Ms_B

    3 months postpartum and frustrated

    Hi! I'm in the same spot as you... Just posted a thread without realizing you had the same type of problem and post. The bouncer also doesn't work for me because the only way she stays in it without crying is with a pacifier which she repeatedly spits out and I have to stop and put back...
  3. Ms_B

    How to get back on the wagon?

    ETA: Sorry I didn't see the "3 months postpartum.." post... Hey All, My baby girl is now about 10 weeks old and I am desperately in need of getting back on the ball as far as exercise is concerned... I started doing an Intensity Series rotation about 2 weeks ago when it seemed that the...
  4. Ms_B

    Anyone else due now?

    Just wanted to wish you the best! I just delivered my 1st baby on Aug. 31st! :D It wasn't as bad as I expected (until they gave me Pitocin to speed up the last 2 cm that is). But I labored at home until my water broke and by the time I reached the hospital I was 8 cm dilated... No epidural...
  5. Ms_B

    what are you reading

    I just finished reading The Monk by Matthew Lewis, and am now reading Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck and Ina May's Guide to Childbirth (in an effort to get myself psyched about natural childbirth at the end of this month!). :D