Anyone else due now?


Hi there, I am due Sept 9 and anxiously awaiting "labor" day. wondering if anyone else is due right? I haven't been posing regularly but have been reading here and there. now that i'm on modified bed rest and banished from work I am totally impatient for this boy to make his appearance lol.

Congrats! Im not due until february so i'm not in the same boat as you. I hope you have an easy labor. Enjoy your soon to be new addition :)
Hi Wendy,
I have also been a lurker during this pregnancy. I am scheduled to be induced on Wednesday--still can't believe it. We're having our third and don't know what it is this time. Wishing you all the best in your last week!
Hi Eren - congrats to you and I wish you a healthy and quick labor and delivery. it's great that you will have that surprise... i'm way too much of a planner and i just had to know - it's a boy! this is my second, will be boy #2 but my first was soooo long ago that it feels like my first in a lot of ways and the Dr has said as much. My son is 14 now. are you having a lot of pressure down low or contractions? I have been for the last 2 weeks or so but not dilated each time they check... i hope your reason for induction is not causing any anxiety and I wish you the best!

jenmgo - thanks for the well wishes! i hope you are feeling well. my second trimester was definitely a high point!

Thanks for the well wishes. I've had a lot of pressure and contractions. I am dialated to a 31/2, that's the main reason why we're inducing.

My situation with my first and second is similar to yours, about 12 years apart and the second delivery went much quicker and smoother than the first even though it had been so long. I hope it's the same in your experience this time!
I'm not due quite yet...three weeks to go! I'm due on September 25th. I don't make it to nearly as much as I used job, summer activities, and getting ready for the baby have consumed so much of my time. Hope to be back on more when I'm on maternity leave.
lisamarie - I'm in the same boat. I haven't posted much (actually haven't posted in ages til this week). Now I find myself banished from work and all of a sudden I'm needed to hear from/about other mothers, I guess because I'm spending so much time at home... maybe we'll end up "maternity leave" buddies on! LOL

I am due this Saturday (9/6/08)

I am due Saturday, however, I just got back from the doctor and she said my son is far back and even though I have dilated, he has not engaged or made his way down the birth canal. I am scheduled to get induced September 17th. Hopefully, I won't have to wait that long. :confused:
dcmennealy - i hope you won't have to wait that long either! i've been havng contractions more frequently today but still not at any regular intervals and, like you, I am not dilated and baby is head down but not engaged (as of appt on Thurs). This waiting game is no fun!

Just wanted to wish you the best!

I just delivered my 1st baby on Aug. 31st! :D It wasn't as bad as I expected (until they gave me Pitocin to speed up the last 2 cm that is). But I labored at home until my water broke and by the time I reached the hospital I was 8 cm dilated... No epidural or other pain medication, as planned!

We are having a great time!!! :)

p.s. Not sure if this is what did it, but my due date was the 29th and on the 30th I took castor oil at around 1pm and went into labor at 10pm!

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