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  1. G

    Intuitive Eating Check'm in 4/08-14

    IE Hi Gang, I'm starting to feel heavier these days and I think the poor eating habits are starting to catch up with me. I'm becoming more aware of my belly and it just feels all bloated. I'll try to take this as just a sign of overfullness. I know that work stress has been messing with my...
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    Intuitive Eating Check'm in 4/08-14

    Niclyf - Maybe try binging more during the week :) Actually, I'm a bit serious. Maybe you don't give yourself enough fun or pleasure during the week and feel the need to cram it all in on the weekend. Perhaps if you worked in some treats (food or otherwise) during the week the weekend would...
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    Intuitive Eating Check'm in 4/08-14

    weekend eating Hollycat - Oh yeah, the last diet syndrome is so me too. I also am tempted to think that eating intuitively might be easier when I'm at my "goal" weight. But after my most recent diet I am so convinced that dieting just does not work for me. My calories were so low and it just...
  4. G

    Intuitive Eating Check'm in 4/08-14

    Way to go Jillybean!
  5. G

    Intuitive Eating Check'm in 4/08-14

    Wow, so the responses last week were so helpful. I have to get back to work right now but I wanted to set up the new check-in and say how much your comments mean to me. I forgot to check what the next stage was before writing this and will be sure to post it later. I believe it deals with...
  6. G

    Intuitive Eating Checkin 4/01-4/07

    Hiya Sigston, Have you seen the book Intuitive Eating by Tribole et al.? It's awesome. It shows the benefits of not thinking of food as good or just be food and you can trust yourself to eat what you need after you've let go of the dieting mentality. I'm starting a new checkin for...
  7. G

    Intuitive Eating Checkin 4/01-4/07

    You gals are awesome!!!!!! Your posts have helped me tremendously. I can relate and it helps me realize that this is a persistent problem that is difficult to shake but can be shook free of. The last couple of days I've felt chubbier and have noticed that my mind is searching for ways to...
  8. G

    Intuitive Eating Checkin 4/01-4/07

    Alright! Week 3 and I'm still not the size of a house! :) Following the book is going well and I'm actually sick of a lot of the junk food I indulged in when I started. I want salads, fruits, and other veggies now. I honestly feel like I'm on the way to balance though I still fight the fear...
  9. G

    Intuitive Eating Check-in 3/25-3/31

    get out of jail free card Aaaah, the food prison. On the lamb from the law are yeah? :) I just wanted to check in here real quick and wish you the best of luck in busting out. It's great that you have a sense that it's a prison and not a good place to be. Oh yeah, I'm struggling with it too...
  10. G

    Intuitive Eating Check-in 3/25-3/31

    ie Hi kkshedevil! That's a great attitude...find out for yourself what works for you! Heck, there must have been a time before diets when people figured out for themselves what to eat and the human race managed to survive. Your stomach acting up must make things difficult because it so...
  11. G

    Intuitive Eating Check-in 3/25-3/31

    Bizarre!!!!!! LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-02 AT 06:44PM (Est)[p]Way to go Holly! I know what you mean about how hard it can be to stop counting calories. I tend to agree with ditching the scale. I threw mine away on my birthday as a little gift to myself :) and now weigh myself when I run into a...
  12. G

    I'll try to make this short...

    Hi Jillybean! Here's a big cyber pat on the back!!!!!!! Why are you worried about the glycemic thing? Oh, but I've got an idea...maybe if you forget about the evil of starches then you'll be able to eat them instead of cookies which it sounds like you're a bit sick of. I heard this...
  13. G

    Intuitive Eating Check-in 3/25-3/31

    Hi Gang, How is everyone doing? Started any crazy diets lately? :) Yep, that's a joke. Alas, I think that might be as good as they get this Monday afternoon. This week I'm focusing on the next two principles of the IE book: * Make Peace with Food * and getting rid of the diet police I'm...
  14. G

    Gritting Teeth, Counting Blessings

    Hormones, shmormones, let's take back the night! Annette, I feel your pain and as my Aunt Flo is due to arrive you couldn't have posted this at a better time as far as I'm concerned. Way to go! 1. I'm in America <sound familiar Annette? that was just too good and true> 2. My boyfriend...
  15. G

    Intuitive Eating Check-in 3/18-24

    Hey Kathy, I'm 30 right now...I guess it's time!!!! Wooohooo, no more dieting, that's all I gotta say ;) J. p.s. I love that "rumbly in my tumbly" description :)
  16. G

    Intuitive Eating Check-in 3/18-24

    Hi Missys_mom, Thank you! It's great to hear these success stories of a different sort, supporting the idea that we don't need to be on a diet. It's ironic, one of the reasons I've been using in past months and diets for dieting was because I wanted to learn healthy eating so that if/when I...
  17. G

    Female Fat Cell - and Other Books

    Hi Gayle, There's a recent thread about nutrition books and you can find some of the comments in the "Intuitive Eating check-in", too. One of my friends has been very happy following Waterhouse's book. She's not fanatic about diet, she's lost weight, feels better, and feels better about...
  18. G

    My Aunt sends these e-mails....

    YOUR AUNT ROCKS!!!!!!! and so do you! Thank you for this one, it warmed my heart. :) J
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    Hey Everyone!

    Yooooo Murph! Alright..since you'll be off your feet for a bit (like a good girl would) you have time to read...did you know Bo Derek's got a book out with a title that kinda goes like "I learned everything I know from horses"????!? If you could read this for me and get back to me I'd...
  20. G

    Intuitive Eating Check-in 3/18-24

    Sarah, I love your attitude :) It's funny, I do find myself saying more and more loudly to myself "#*$@! dieting" and now after doing this for a little bit I'm already starting to feel the trust grow. Of course, a couple hours ago I started to feel hungry and was just like oh no! What in the...