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  1. L

    Question for people with multiple dogs

    I have three dogs in a 1200 sq. ft. house! I have two bulldogs and a boston terrier. My older bulldog is crazy and can only be with the other two dogs for short periods of time with supervision. I never thought I'd get a third dog, but we had the opportunity to adopt this precious bulldog who's...
  2. L

    Kind to the Knees?

    I can only do kind to the knees workouts and KickMax has a low impact premix that's even easier on my knees than LowMax! It's a great workout and the leg work at the end is tough but knee-friendly as well.
  3. L

    Thank You from a Low-Impacter!!!

    Cathe and crew, You have outdone yourselves again! Thank you soooooo much for the Low Impact premix on Kick Max! It's PERFECT! Between this workout and Low Max, I'm getting awesome workouts without killing my knees! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :7
  4. L

    Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard Core series even after you did changes to your DV

    I set my DVD player to PCM and checked to make sure both the red and white wires were plugged into my tv, but Kick Max is barely audiable, Low Max volume is very low (lower than Basic Body Fusion). I could hear Muscle Max just a little better, or it may have just been the beat I could hear...
  5. L

    cathe- premixes

    I, for one, would be willing to pay for a separate "TimeSaver" DVD with shorter premix workouts from the series on one DVD just like the TimeSaver Workouts from the Body Blasts.
  6. L

    Does anyone have experience with SSRIs?

    LAST EDITED ON May-02-02 AT 06:35PM (Est)[p]I've been on Prozac for the past year. It's helped tremendously with my depression and PMS and I have not experienced any side effects. I still have PMS, but it's definitely more bearable. Not only have I NOT gained weight on Prozac, I've actually lost...