Search results

  1. L

    HB - peeps

    Hi HB! I don't post much but I lurk here everyday. I was watching the news this a.m. and thot of you. They were saying that even tho the company that makes peeps has produced approx. 300,000,000 for this Easter, there will still be a shortage in the U.S. You immediately came to mind and I...
  2. L

    Rotator Cuff Problems

    Thank you all SO much for your advice! It's nice to know that there are some really caring people out there. I'm going to check into the books that were suggested and get those in the mail to him as soon as I can. As far as insurance goes, his problem is not in getting a job - it's finding...
  3. L

    Rotator Cuff Problems

    Hi everyone! I'm posting this for my son. He's a 24 year old student who has always lifted and been very athletic. He has always had some weakness in his rotator cuff. Last week he dislocated his shoulder while doing a drill for ice hockey. He had a recheck with the doctor this a.m. who...
  4. L

    Morning exercisers... Need help!

    I have always exercised in the morning. Like everybody else mentioned, keep a workout log and know ahead of time what you're going to do. I have all my stuff set up and ready to go as soon as I get my kids off to school. The only other thing I will add is that I drink a Slimfast in the...
  5. L

    Hi Everyone!!

    OK - I've been sitting quiet and just lurking. But I'll jump in now to help California get more votes. I'm from Southern California, 20 minutes from Disneyland in Orange County. Diane
  6. L

    slightly sore knees

    Nikki, My knees used to bother me some when I first started working out. As I became stronger, they bothered me less and less. If I don't pay close attention to my form they'll still act up on occasion. Try concentrating on staying back on your heels a little more when doing knee lifts...