Search results

  1. R

    New to Cathe

    RE: Welcome! Lately I have found myself doing the Firms tapes back to back in order to feel as if I have gotten the full benefit of working out, with the exception of Cardio Burn no matter how often I do that tape I still feel exhausted afterward. I ordered the CTX Series and am on pins and...
  2. R

    New to Cathe

    RE: Welcome! Thank you so much for getting back to me so soon. I think I will go ahead and get the CTX Series. I figure these tapes will introduce me to the various kinds of choreography-step, hi/lo, and kickboxing-that I can find in other Cathe tapes. This way I can also see which I like...
  3. R

    New to Cathe

    I have been a user of The Firm for approx. 4 years now and I'm getting bored. I NEED to try something new. I have been eyeing Cathe's tapes for months now but there are so many that I would like to try but have limited funds, can you give me any suggestions. I have my list narrowed down to...