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  1. F

    How did you discover Cathe?

    From One Kook to Another..... Hey Nanc! And aren't we glad that we finally DID start using those passwords and posting at the forum? (I know I sure am glad I DID!!!) Let alone going on those ROAD TRIPS where you were meeting other people from the INTERNET... Wheh!!!!! You know, those...
  2. F

    Baby Eric Pictures

    Absolutely PRECIOUS....... Thanx sooooo much for posting the pictures. Everyone looks fantastic and Eric is beautiful! Thank you for sharing those special "moments" with all your cyber friends!!!! Cleda
  3. F

    How did you discover Cathe?

    I was LUCKY.... I have a friend who works in the fitness field (and is a trainer among other things). Back somewhere around 1989 when I was losing weight (the WRONG way....) and exercising with Joanie Greggans, Charlene Prickett, Margaret Richards, Jane Fonda, Kathy Smith and using the EZ...
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    Bodypump home video

    Oh NO...... Just what I need..... More exercise stuff to check out??? If it IS exercise stuff... no, I have never heard of it....... Do tell Stevie, what is it?? I'm waiting with baited breath!!! tee-hee..... Cleda
  5. F

    Bodypump home video

    BodyPUMP....Love it or Leave it... Hi Shelley! I have the BodyPUMP home system and I LOVE it. Probably more cuz of the music then anything! I get a GREAT workout from it and I increase the weights depending on the day. If you pay attention to your form and use heavy enough weights (which...
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    Baby Eric Is Here!

    Congratulations...... Happy to hear both baby and Mom are doing fine!!!! And Just think: Born in 1999, a TAX DEDUCTION for 1999!!!!! ...... Wahhhhhhhoooooooo Cleda
  7. F

    FinallyAtGoal...this question's for you!

    Tae Bo Live #1 Hi Jessica! I don't know if I really like the tape. Being the tried and true vidiot that I am, I have only done the tape 2 (or maybe 3) times at the most!!! I needed something different. It was very upbeat and great for a change of pace. (I still prefer the slower ones i.e...