Search results

  1. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Hi everyone! I’m sorry, I’ve been really bad about posting lately. I’ll try to check in more regularly but just make it shorter. Janie- I see that you have had some fantastic results, congratulations! Way to go! That just motivates you to keep going, doesn’t it? Keep it up & I’m sure you’ll...
  2. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Hello everyone! I guess I haven’t been very consistent with my posting, but sometimes it just seems the day gets away from you, know what I mean? Anyhow, first I have to say Happy Birthday Sandra! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments, including your fitness ones. It is always nice...
  3. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Happy Friday evening! Today I did another workout which consisted of 18 minutes of a 10 second rest to 20 second work ratio. I got to use my new interval timer, which worked out very nicely. I think I’m going to like that thing! Cheryl- I hope you get a chance to post some of...
  4. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Good evening ladies! Hope everyone ‘s day went well. I managed to get Cardio Coach Volume 8 done today. I haven’t done this one in a long time. My quads were sure burning! Diane06: I'm so sorry you've been sick for so long:(. I hope it is nothing serious. Get better, O.K? Janie: So you...
  5. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Hi everyone! I obviously haven’t checked in for awhile, I’ve been preoccupied with some other things and just haven’t had the time. Oh my gosh, I am behind on everyone’s posts and what all of you have been doing. I will try to read through some of them later, it looks like you all have been...
  6. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Good morning! So yesterday I was bad, didn’t get my workout in at all. I was so sluggish all day, and this after feeling so energized all week. Kind of a crash and burn I guess. Today I plan to do my final Meso 1 disc 12, and see if I can add some cardio afterwards. I’ll report back later on...
  7. Diane15

    What kind of iPod?

    I agree with the previous poster. The iPod Touch sounds just right for you. Since you want to use it for videos, the screen size is large enough for viewing too. My likes: I can use it with a Wi-Fi connection and don’t need to pay an extra monthly fee for it (like the iPhone), there are so many...
  8. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Happy Wednesday! Today I did disc 11 & HiiT 30/30. After this week I’ll be done with Meso 1. That was 8 weeks worth & after a recovery week I’m ready to move on to Meso 2. Actually, I’ll kind of miss Meso 1 since the workouts do go by fast. Janie- I was doing a search on Insanity & ran...
  9. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Happy Tuesday evening! Today I decided to go for an outdoor walk/jog for about an hour. It was so nice out and I started out with my dog, but she decided to be stubborn today so I took her home and went without her. I think she was confused! Maybe tomorrow she will cooperate. Janie-...
  10. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Good evening, I’m trying to catch up on everyone’s posts, since I didn’t get a chance to look this weekend. Last Saturday I did the Drill Max Ultra Cardio Premix. Today was disc 10 again followed by Hiit Pyramid. Cheryl- Wow! What a wonderful experience that I’m sure you will always...
  11. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Hi everyone! Just a quick post from me tonight. Today I did Disc 12, that was enough for me! Sandra- I agree with the others, your posts aren’t too long! Imax 2 & then a half-marathon? Holy cow! Was that the same day? I love Imax 2 (actually all 3 of the Imaxes); it does give you an...
  12. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Good afternoon to all! Today I did Kick, Punch, & Crunch- I haven’t done this one in awhile, but I’ve always loved it. I added my 1 lb. weighted gloves & it sure makes a difference. Love the ab segment on there too. Pam- Looks like many of you are on disc 17. Those weights sure are hard...
  13. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Good evening! Today I did disc 11 & HiiT 40/20. Yesterday I ended up doing Athletic Step & 20 minutes of Step Moves. Elle- Thank you for your service! What branch of the military were you in? I am so glad you had a positive experience serving. Great work on the leg workout, those tri-sets...
  14. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Good morning everyone, I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. My weekend was unexpectedly busy, my washing machine finally went out so DH & I had to go shopping for a new one on Sunday. He was only home for Sunday & Monday, & washing machine shopping was not on our agenda for...
  15. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Happy Friday everyone! I did disc 9 today- no cardio. Gabriella- Congratulations on landing that job! Hang in there and just do what you can until you get adjusted. Eunice- Have fun in San Diego! Do you spin regularly? I have never done it, but I do use Cardio Coach on my exercise bike &...
  16. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Hello! I hope everyone’s day went well. I’m quite exhausted today, my sister was here from Florida for the last 3 weeks and had to fly back today so I was up late visiting with her for the last couple of evenings. Today I managed to catch up & did both discs 7 & 8. I really don’t want to have...
  17. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Hi to everyone! This is just a quick check-in to say I'm still here. I have a whole bunch of crazy family issues that came up & will probably continue through Wednesday. Unfortunately my workout didn't get completed today, but I will try to make up for it tomorrow hopefully. I hope everybody...
  18. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Good afternoon! Today I did STS disc 9- Legs (ouch!) It never gets easier. No cardio for me today, my legs are too wiped out! Janie- Did you & DH have a good time? I hope so! I am not familiar with Westport, I am in southern California. What state are you in? Regarding 30/30, I think it’s...
  19. Diane15

    opinion about MMA kickbox

    Hi again! Yes, I have tried each of those (Circuit Blast & Fusion) once only though. Regarding Circuit Blast, I personally don’t like to mix my weights & cardio at the same time, but I did think it was pretty intense. I can see myself using it for cardio purposes in the future. I didn’t think...
  20. Diane15

    opinion about MMA kickbox

    Well, I would say if KPC wasn’t intense enough for you, then you probably wouldn’t like MMA Kickbox. Do you have all of the new Shock Cardios? I really like the 3 HiiTs, they are very intense to me. I have only tried Step Moves once, so I haven’t really decided how I feel about that one. I also...