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  1. E

    Debra Waterhouse books work for you?

    Crummy....I was hoping there were some folks out there who had some success with incorporating her ideas. Debra, What exactly did you mean when you said "Second, >her exercise recommendations don't apply >to endurance sports enthusiasts" Thanks so much!
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    Standing leg work necessary?

    RE: Hi Ellen! Hi Debbie, You bring up something interesting. If I'm doing floorwork I'm using my body weight (and sometimes light weights) as the resistance so wouldn't that be considered "weight bearing"? So wouldn't that benefit my bones as well as doing lunges? Doing standing floor work...
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    Standing leg work necessary?

    Hoping Cathe has a minute to see this quesion! I'm supposed to do a standing leg workout today and would really LOVE not having to do those dreaded lunges. I do have a sinking feeling I know what Cathe would say. That for a well balanced strength training program one needs to include some...
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    Debra Waterhouse books work for you?

    RE: Debra Waterhouse books, do they address this? Yes, she has two books. One is "Outsmarting the female fat cell" and the one I just read "Outsmarting the midlife female fat cell". It deals with exactly what you are talking about- so if your going to purchase one I would get the midllife...
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    Debra Waterhouse books work for you?

    I read "Outsmarting the midlife fat cell" and what I got out of that was I need to do 4 days of 60 minutes cardio sessions at a heart rate to burn fat and 2 days of weight training. Ok.....I'm pretty close to that right now so I think I'll try it.. Anyone around 45 or so try this and get...
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    How do I get rid of bodyfat? Weights or Cardio?

    Oops .... I am doing 6 days of cardio. On 2 days a week I go for long bike rides in the morning (about 1 hour) and then do 30 minutes of stairclimbing at night and on those days I do PSAbs or Firm abs.
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    How do I get rid of bodyfat? Weights or Cardio?

    Ruth, I know what you mean about bad days. Sometimes I just don't have the will to put one foot in front of the other. Don't know why-they seem to come out of nowhere. Glad to hear today was better for you! As far as my new rotation-I'm using running 3 miles as my morning cardio 4 x a week...
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    Standing leg work necessary?

    I hate standing leg work. I always get little twinges and aches in my knees while doing it and so I always worry, although after 2 years of strength training my knees are much stronger. Is it possible to maintain leg muscle strength by doing floorwork only? I want to lean out muscles I have, not...
  9. E

    How do I get rid of bodyfat? Weights or Cardio?

    Ruth, Funny you should mention Power Hour. I ordered it last week! I am just starting a higher rep, lower weight rotation and I wish I had Power Hour right now! I have never done this type of rotation, so I have high hopes that it will make a difference. I am also doing 1/2 hour of cardio in...
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    How do I get rid of bodyfat? Weights or Cardio?

    Thanks everyone for your help. Sometimes I get so tired of all this tinkering I have to do to get results. I look around at people who don't exercise and feel that for all the hard work I put in I should be looking MUCH better than I do! Don't get me wrong, I'm healthy, I'm strong, I'm usually...
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    Power Hour or PS Series?

    Your input is very much appreciated! So does "strength gains" mean big muscles? And does "endurance" mean long thin muscles? I have to admit I've always been strong and able to lift or carry anything I wanted. So I'm basically strength training for looks! What I want is to look as toned and...
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    What did Cede do to get so lean?

    Thanks Alli! I posted there. Hope she gets a chance to respond!
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    I am so glad to see this post! I asked about Cedie on the Ask Cathe forum. I can imagine how busy she is but will keep checking to see if she gets a minute to share. She looks AMAZING!
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    Power Hour or PS Series?

    I have PSLA. I have preordered Power Hour. Will I get different results from these two very different kinds of workouts? And what are those results likely to be? I understand that PS is slower and heavier and Power Hour is faster and lighter. But what is the benefit of those two very different...
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    What did Cede do to get so lean?

    I asked a question yesterday about which will give me the results I want cardio or weights. I am impressed by the way Cede looks in these new pictures. Cede please, if your out there what did you do? Up the cardio or focus on the weights? You looked fantastic before and now you look even...
  16. E

    How do I get rid of bodyfat? Weights or Cardio?

    I don't want to get stronger. I don't want more muscle. I'm plenty strong and have nice muscles under this layer of fat. I want to get rid of about 20 pounds of excess bodyfat. How do I do it? Cardio or weights?
  17. E

    Length (timewise) of Slow & Heavy series?

    I have some of your tapes but I do not use them very much. Sorry. :( Not because I don't like you, but basically because I don't like step very much and I do other videos more often. But I think there is a real need for this type of workout on video and I would purchase it if it met my needs...