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    Hi TerryMia, I did an online search because I remember there was a thread concerning Medical trancription from long ago. I saw that you are a medical transcriptionist and I think you are the one that lives in St Charles, MO. Anyhow, I live in Chesterfield, MO and was seriously thinking...
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    What kind of dog are you?

    That was fun! I am a Lundehund (Norwegian Puffin Dog). Never heard of this breed before.
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    working moms--when do you workout

    RE: very, very early Thanks everyone. I am writing this at 5:10am on Sunday morning and planning to exercise right after this. Good practice for tomorrow when I actually start my job. I am much more of a morning person so getting up a little earlier will probably work best for me.
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    working moms--when do you workout

    I have been a SAHM for 4 years and over these 4 years I have had plenty of time to workout. I have decided to re-enter the workforce(going back on Monday!) fulltime and my biggest fear is that I won't have the time to workout. I have to be at work by 8:00 AM and would have to leave the house...
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    What's your #1 pet peeve?

    My pet peeve are people in the express lane at the grocery store with more items than what is allowed in the express lane.
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    job offer -feeling bad

    I don't post much but am feeling rather bad/guilty that I handled this job offer in an unprofessional manner. I am a SAHM looking to re-enter the work force and had a job interview that paid fairly well but thought the job sounded rather boring. I didn't think I would get the job, however was...
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    Have you ever been told you like a celebrity??

    I have been told several times I look like Meg Ryan
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    What scenes from movies or TV always make you cry?

    These are the 2 that I can think of that bring tears to my eyes. Terms of Endearment Brian's Song
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    When you were little/what did you want to be?

    I was a huge horse lover and wanted to be a jockey when I grew up.
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    Relocation for Hubby/What to do???

    Janice, I vaguely remember you posting some time ago about this (I think???) Is your husband the one from Quincy Illinois. I grew up in Pittsfield, Illinois, about 45 minutes from Quincy. I now live in St. Louis. After growing up in a very rural area I prefer living in the city and going...
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    which jacket would you pick to run in?

    TerryMia, Yes, lets definitely do that after the holidays- that would be so much fun!
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    which jacket would you pick to run in?

    Terry Mia, A get-tegether is a great idea. It would be nice to meet other Cathe fans in the St. Louis area.
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    which jacket would you pick to run in?

    Hi JulieMom, Madonna and TerryMia, I lived in Clayton for many years and now live in Chesterfield. I lived in Clayton in my single years- and loved it--got married and moved out to Chesterfield and enjoy it out here as well. Everytime I am in Clayton I have to drive by my old apartment...
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    Financial Stability? OT

    My husband and I are in the best financial position we have ever been in. We have no credit card debt and a very nice savings built up, money in our childrens college account. We don't have wealthy family members so we did this on our own. I think its important to write everything down and...
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    It is christmas in Illinois

    Hi Dani Yes, I did eat at Alexanders Steakhouse-loved that place. I have many good memories of those good ole' college days at ISU.
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    It is christmas in Illinois

    Dani, I just noticed that you graduated from ISU in Bloomington Normal--I did too in 1987.
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    It is christmas in Illinois

    I grew up in a small town - Pittsfield, Illinois, I now live in St Louis, MO.
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    moving to Arizona!

    Janice, Just curious---is your husband from Quincy Ill. I was born and raised in a VERY small town near there-Pittsfield, IL. We used to drive to Quincy to go to the mall and dentist etc. Quincy had everything out little town did not at the time. That was over 20 years ago. I now live...
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    I am a stay at home Mom, however I have decided once my daughter goes into First Grade (she is 3 right now) I want to work- so I have just started taking classes for court reporting and should be done in 3 years. My sister is a court reporter out East and loves it.