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  1. S

    "Body for life"

    results Hi Laura For me the results were quite quick. I would bet in 3 to 4 weeks you should see a difference. I also noticed when I first started restricting the carb intake, I was a bit spacey at first. It does take your body a while to adjust to the change in the type of calories you are...
  2. S

    "Body for life"

    how Hi Laura I have been able to keep my body fat low thanks to Cathe tapes, running 3 times a week and you guessed it, low carbs. It was tough at first, cutting the carbs, but I actually have gotten used to it. It does require me to eat more often throughout the day. I eat six small meals, and...
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    "Body for life"

    body for life hi my husband and a good friend both did the challenge. I have to say they did get great results, but they were very strict with both the diet and workout plan. I also use the Myoplex Lite shakes once a day to add to my five small meals. I have been able to keep my body fat...
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    hinder or help my progress?

    cheat day Hi That is exactly what my husband and I do! We started this over a year ago when my husband started a training contest. It is working well for us. I think it keeps us from feeling deprived. We don't go too crazy, but we do enjoy ourselves on Sunday.
  5. S

    reducing bulk

    Hi Cathe, I have been using MIS for two years and alternating your PS series. I am 5'2 and tend to build muscle fairly quickly. I am concerned that my short legs are starting to look a bit bulky. I am happy with the results I have achieved from your videos, but am wondering if it is possible to...