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  1. G

    How do I get rid of bodyfat? Weights or Cardio?

    Don't forget the old " calories in/calories out" factor. If you are already doing cardio and weight work but aren't seeing a decrease in body fat you need to adjust your diet. If you are taking in more calories then you are expending, even though you're getting plenty of exercise, you won't drop...
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    Starting a sensible diet and exercise!

    Hi Stella, I had the same problem as you, ate sensibly til dinner time and then I was starving and could not avoid overeating. I was always taught snacking in between meals was a no-no and that 3 meals a day should be it. I also had that late afternoon energy drain you mentioned. I had to...
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    New Forum Idea for Exercisers over 35 - Anyone Interested?

    Great Idea I would love to see a forum like that get started.Sheila
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    body for life and pure strenght?

    Body for Life Hi Tamara, I did Bill Phillips thing back when it was called the "Physique Transformation Challenge". He didn't offer any specific workout programs back then so I did my own thing using Carthe's cardio and Pure Strength tapes. It worked great. So go for it! Just remember a huge...
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    Increasing weight

    Hi Colia, Something I've found helpful when I want to increase my weight is adding these plates called PlateMates to my dumbbells. They magneticly attach to each end of your dumbbell. Then you can increase your weight more gradually than having to go up to the next size dumbbell. Hope this...
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    Too Much Trapezius Development

    <center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-00 AT 05:06PM (EST)</font></center> Hi Cathe, I've been doing the PS series for quite some time. Recently, I've been trying to increase the weight I use for the chest, shoulder, tricep workout. But I seem to be getting alot of...
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    Protein Shakes Hi Marisol, Keep in mind that unless you are substituting the protein shakes for other food you would normally eat, then you are ADDING about 400 extra calories to your diet everyday. So it really depends on how you're using them.
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    "Body for life"

    EAS Products Right now I'm only using the Myoplex Lite shakes. I have at least one a day and sometimes two because I try to eat 4 to 5 small meals a day. The diet is tough to keep up. Now that I'm at a weight I'm happy with, I follow the diet on weekdays and eat what I want on the weekends...
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    "Body for life"

    Body for Life Hi, Just wanted to let you know that I tried the EAS Transformation Challenge and I got results. Not the dramatic changes you see in those photos they print, otherwise I guess I would have won, right ...but real results nonetheless. I lost 15lb. of fat and gained some muscle. It...
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    Hi, I did both cardio and strength training for years and never saw any big changes in my weight or appearance. What made the difference for me was seriously changing my eating habits. I started eating 5 tp 6 small meals a day. I increased my protein intake and replaced starchy carbs with fruits...
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    Foot Problem

    Hi Cathe, I recently added your Maximum Intensity Cardio and Interval Max tapes to my workout routine. I've been working out for a long time so I wasn't anticipating any problems using these advanced tapes. But I notice the arches of my feet are very sore afterwards. Am I doing something wrong...