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  1. R

    Help! Which 5 videos should I choose to get me started?

    LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-01 AT 00:31AM (Est)[p]I would like to thank everyone for their input. I am definitely going to order the PS series and MIS. I have a few questions concerning Interval Max and Circuit Max. Will I acheive better results combining Interval max with the strength tapes since...
  2. R

    Help! Which 5 videos should I choose to get me started?

    LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-01 AT 11:57PM (Est)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-01 AT 00:32 AM (Est) Hello! I am going to try Cathe's videos for the first time. I posted a message concerning MIS. Thank you for your input. I have decided to buy 4 videos + 1 FREE to get me started! I cannot decide...
  3. R

    Maximum Intensity Strength/Cardio

    LAST EDITED ON Jun-05-01 AT 11:23PM (Est)[p]Hello! I am a new mother, my daughter is 5 months old, and a former consistent FIRM user. About 6 months prior to becoming pregnant, I used Vol 3,4,5,6 approx. 4-5 days/week. I am beginning to get back into an exercise program and I'm finding it...