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  1. C

    Diet and excercise advice

    Thank you for responding with great information. I like this website because people like you encourage me to try harder to be fit. I thank you for that. I will look into the meetings, I think it will help me to stay on track. I hope you keep maintaining your weight, sounds like you are doing a...
  2. C

    Diet and excercise advice

    Thank you for responding. I haven't been to weight watchers for about two years, but I still have the fast food and supermarket books from there and also the points finder. I am still going off of my weight being under 150lbs. so I would only have 18-23 points a day, and to be honest, that is...
  3. C

    Diet and excercise advice

    I really appreciate your advice and I am not offended at all. I have been realizing that I hurt myself on the weekends and then spend all week trying to burn everything off. On Fridays I am usually away from home all day and all night long so it is hard for me to work out, but on Saturdays and...
  4. C

    Diet and excercise advice

    Dear Cathe, I was hoping that you could give me tips on a well balanced diet, that wouldn't leave me hungry. I am trying to stick with a weight watchers diet and I work out Monday-Thursday. I am not seeing the results I want. What is your diet during the week? I usually eat a banana for...
  5. C

    I'm new and I need help

    Thank you very much for the help. I will look into buying some of the videos you suggested. I'm sure I will be having more questions as I am making changes. Thank you for the advice and support.
  6. C

    I'm new and I need help

    I am new to the Cathe videos. I own three of the workout videos which are All Step Imax 2 Ab Hits I have the all step video practically memorized, but I recently got Imax 2 and the Ab Hits video. I am having trouble keeping up with the Imax 2 video. Some of the choreography is...