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  1. G


    Hi There - I agree with the others -- it was very irresponsible for Dr. Phil to make such a sweeping statement. That being said, I've seen a few studies that do link EXTREME stress during pregnancy to some problems. In the studies that I've read the stressor is the death of an older child --...
  2. G

    My morning sickness is killing me!!

    Hi Amy - I'm sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. My doctor is very conservative, and her recommendations for nausea are either 1) Vitamin B6, 50 mg twice a day or 2) Emetrol (this is a class A drug - completely safe during pregnancy and is available over the counter). I didn't have...
  3. G

    Leaving Olivia to teach

    LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-02 AT 03:14PM (Est)[p]Hi Jeni- I had the same situation with my son - I was planning on going back to work - but I just couldn't do it. At the last minute I decided to be a stay at home mom. That being said, I understand that everyone is in a different situation. Baby #2...
  4. G

    Book suggestions for Moms to be?

    Hi Tricia - I haven't read all of the books that you mentioned, but, I've seen them at La Leche meetings. You may want to find the number for your local La Leche League and find out if you can get the books from them. I actually borrowed quite a few from the La Leche League lending library --...
  5. G

    freaked out by cautious doctor

    Hi Gina - Until Sheila has a chance to answer you directly, I've copied a post from Cathe to Denise on this subject. Jennifer ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cathe Friedrich Jan-21-02, 01:38 PM (Est) 1. "RE: How hard is too hard?" Hi Denise...
  6. G

    freaked out by cautious doctor

    Hi Gina :) I think it is generally accepted that you can continue exercise at your regular intensity/duration - as long as you don't become exhausted and out of breath. It is important that you pay close attention to the cues your body gives you. I know that I had to modify quite a bit during...
  7. G

    freaked out by cautious doctor

    Hi Erica - I understand your worry. But, honestly, I think you're doctor is a little behind the times. I know you'll get some wonderful information from the others on this board, but until then, here's some information to ease your mind a bit. Here's a link to an article from the Physician...
  8. G


    Hi Debs -- I had swelling with my pregnancy - mostly ankles, legs, and my hands, too. I had pregnancy induced hypertension (pre-eclampsia) and was put on bed rest at my 36th week. The fact that you are having headaches can be a very big warning sign, I think you should call the doctor...
  9. G

    1st Trimester Questions.....restrictions?

    Hi -- I'm just 5 1/2 weeks pregnant. This is my second pregnancy. I didn't exercise at all with my first. I've been working out to Cathe and Firm tapes for about 10 months. I've made wonderful progress in my fitness level, but I'm still overweight. (I'm 5'3" and weight about 185 lbs). I am...