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  1. J

    Pregnant with # 2!!

    Michelle: I haven't been to see my OB yet, but according to my due date is June 18th! As far as exercise goes, so far so good. The morning sickness hasn't really hit yet so aside from feeling a little breathless at times, I have been able to Firm and Cathe with just a few...
  2. J

    Could something be wrong?

    RE: Very normal Thank you both so much for your reasuring words! I know that worrying is pointless, because it can't change anything. I have been trying to continue with my (mostly) healthy eating habits and being smart about exercise (not working too hard) and that's all I can do right now...
  3. J

    Could something be wrong?

    I'm just 5 weeks pregnant. Don't have my first OB appt. until Monday. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I'm already worried something may be wrong because I feel so GOOD! With my last pregnancy, I started having bad morning sickness at 5 weeks. I was also very tired and got breathless...
  4. J

    Pregnant with # 2!!

    Hi! This is my first post here, but I've been lurking around reading everything for a few weeks now "in preparation". I just found out today that I'm pregnant again! I can't beleive it since this was our FIRST try. I'm hoping to do things differently with this pregnancy. With my first...
  5. J

    Personal question for personal trainers

    Hi! I am certified as a personal trainer through NSCA and AFAA, but right now I am staying home with my 10 mo. old son. When I was working, I made about $15.oo per hour. I worked at a fitness center, and was constantly cancelled on by clients. It was particularly annoying because my appt...