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  1. N

    does this irritate ANYbody else, but me?

    I TOTALLY AGREE!! Specially when I'm doing it on a carpet in my dinky living room.... So I usually do it Over face over and then another regular over so I end up with the same position as everyone else and can move on!
  2. N

    cardio or weights first?

    LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-02 AT 01:13PM (Est)[p]Hi, When I asked the exact same question to one of pro fitness ladies, I was told that I should lift first if the goal is to lose body fat. But seems like every one has their own theory when it comes to this question. From my personal experience, I...
  3. N

    Great Mats?

    Debbie, Would you mind telling me what is the name of the matt you bought from Costco? I'd love to get them, too. Thanks.
  4. N

    Woooohooo! I just got my CTX Upper b

    Hi everyone who has this tape, I'm thinking about buying this tape also. But my concern is "barbel" Do everyone actually own a barbel at home? Or what do you use instead if you substitute it with something else. And what is your recommendation as far as buying some dumbells? How many...
  5. N

    does this irritate ANYbody else, but me?

    RE: Nobuko! Debbie, Thank you very much!
  6. N

    does this irritate ANYbody else, but me?

    I just got the tape in the mail and I guess I was too busy to catch up with all these new moves to realize the lady singing... I'll definitely look for it the next time. But is it only me who wished that Cathe brok down each combo a little bit slower? and finally, how do I post a brand new...