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  1. L

    "Body Rx"

    See my post in the "Ask Cathe" forum to post any comments about this program. Thanks, Lisa
  2. L

    Body Rx

    I would like any comments on the Body Rx program by Dr. Scott Connelly - I just ordered the book and am awaiting its arrival. Lisa
  3. L

    Can't lose weight

    Francine - can you let me know where to find this new thread you are starting? Thanks, Lisa
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    Can't lose weight

    To tell you the truth, I am scared to try this. I have been dieting for so long (20 years) and I have never intentionally eaten so many calories. But I never understood why I am not losing weight when I am using the slimfast products and eat as little at 1200-1300 several days per week. Even...
  5. L

    Can't lose weight

    The reply from Francine was very interesting. I guess I am like alot of other people in my exercise/diet mentality. I workout Monday through Friday for one hour and try to eat as little as possible. The dieting is easier during the week while I am at work. During the weekend (I have 3...
  6. L

    Can't lose weight

    Wow, thanks for all the suggestions. To Francine: To calculate my BMR: I am 37 years old, 5'5", and currently weigh 148-150. I exercise 5 days per week for an hour, doing 2-3 days weights, and 2-3 days cardio. For cardio, I either do videos, exercise bike, or walk/run. For diet, I am...
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    Can't lose weight

    I was very interested in the messages from amyfit about gaining weight. My problem is different - I can't lose weight. I gained about 8-10 pounds last year and no matter what I do I can't seem to drop any pounds. I have been stuck for 2 months, I exercise (weight training and cardio) 5 days...
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    confused about figuring caloric intake

    Dear Cbelle, I have been trying to lose 10 pounds since January 2001. I honestly have not been that successful. However, through alot of reading, I have been following these guidelines for the last 6 weeks: 1. Your daily calories should be broken into 60% carbs, 20% protein, and 20% fat...
  9. L

    PH vs. S&H, #2

    Dear Cathe, You responded to my initial post as follows: "There is no way to know what exact formula will take you to your goals but I always say to start with a series one time per week and then after a few weeks see if you will need to be doing it two times per week. The slow and heavy...
  10. L

    PH vs. S&H

    Dear Cathe, Thanks for your quick response. However, I am not sure what an "endurance workout" is. Can you be a little more specific as to what that means? Also, I can only purchase either Power Hour or the Slow & Heavey series. There is no way I could do both in one week. I had always...
  11. L

    PH vs. S&H

    Dear Cathe, I currently do your MIS tape twice per week and have seen great results. I am now looking for some variety in my workout. If my goals are gain muscle definition and to get leaner ( I am also really working on my diet to lose 10 lbs) should I be using the Power Hour or Slow and...