Search results

  1. H

    D&C -- feelings/length of recovery, etc.

    Hi, I am so sorry for your loss as well. I had a D&C back in the spring after we discovered that the baby had died but my body just didn't realize it. Anyways, a few days afterwards, I started running a fever and having very bad cramps and ended up in the hospital on IV antibiotics. The...
  2. H

    cathe- premixes

    I love the flexibility of your DVDs--in addition to the wonderful content. I especially like the great chaptering. I also appreciate the premixes, especially the ones in BB that showed how much time they take. I hope that you will continue to include such great feature. Thanks for all the...
  3. H

    Life advice for a new mom?

    RE: Thanks, everyone! Briee, I think your point about giving up on being supermom is so important. I was thinking about this last night. We grow up in this society that tells us that we have to be supermoms, regardless of our circumstances (working mom, stay at home mom, etc.) in order to...
  4. H

    Life advice for a new mom?

    RE: Thanks, everyone! Hi, My heart goes out to your friend. I, too, found the transition to being a mom, and a working mom, at that, very difficult even though I had very much wanted to be a mom. It took me a while to realize that having a child means that you have to make adjustments in...
  5. H

    Need advice

    We have the same problem with our 12 year-old-son. We recently got a six-week interim report and he was going to fail some of his classes because he forgot to turn in assignments--most of them he had already done! He is a very smart boy and has been able to skate by with minimal effort until...
  6. H

    Loose skin from stretched belly

    Hi, I don't mean to be discouraging, but how much your belly skin tightens is in part related to your genetics and how elastic your skin is. Unfortunately, some people's skin is not very elastic and the skin experiences what looks like tears (very bad stretch marks). I am one of those people...
  7. H

    How do you store your hand weights?

    We work out in our bedroom and store the weights under our bed along with our steps and barbell bars. :-) Leigh Ann
  8. H

    My story: thanks to Cathe & the Cathe-ites on the forum....

    RE: My story: thanks to Cathe & the Cathe-ites on the f... Donna, You are amazing! Thank you SO much for sharing your story. You are very inspiring. And thank you for all of your supportive posts on this website. :-)
  9. H

    Bargin Tapes???????

    I initially thought they were a bit pricey, but now I think they're almost priceless! They've made such a change in my fitness level, both strength and cardio. Actually, if you order off her website and order 4 VHS videos, you get the fifth video for free, and $15 dollars off the total, and...
  10. H

    Does EVERYBODY do this?!

    I work out 6 days a week for about an hour too--some days longer, some days shorter. I am addicted to those endorphins! Some days I am tempted to work out more after the endorphins wear off. Sometimes I feel guilty about event taking that much time (I have 5 kids and am working on my...
  11. H

    Any Bichon owners out there???

    My parents have had two Bichons for 16 years, although one just recently passed away, which broke my parents' hearts. They have recently acquired another one that was a show dog and was crate/paper trained. All of their dogs have been female and have been such lovable sweethearts. However...
  12. H

    The pill

    Ginger, I haven't noticed any weight changes either way, but then I don't tend to put on much water weight. Please forgive my ignorance, but when I first started on the pill 17 years ago, I thought they recommended being on it for 5 years or less at a time. What is the recommendation...
  13. H

    The pill

    I am now on my second month of being off the pill. I am normally a happy person, but I also experienced severe mood swings, not to mention almost 3 weeks of break-through bleeding at times, even after having been on the pill for quite a while. (My husband joked that this was why it was birth...