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  1. F

    What if I don't want muscle on thighs

    yes, I had said that I do think their legs look good, but that's just not how I want mine to look. I already have a lot of muscle there, I just don't know how to decrease without losing tone do they look flabby or something. I'm afraid to not work them and I'm afraid to work them more cause I...
  2. F

    What if I don't want muscle on thighs

    Cathe, we're always told squats, lunges etc. for legs and butt. I can appreciate those with muscular legs and I want this for my upper body but not my legs, I want "straight", thin legs. Should I just stick to cardio/step or will I hinder my progress by not doing leg workouts with weight? thanks
  3. F

    Swelling after workouts Cathe

    Cathe, wondering your opinion, I have tried increasing the water I drink but still find swelling after workouts, not a ton but i do notice it and pants feel tighter than before I take them off! Just want to know just how much water is "enough". I am trying to aim for 16 8oz cups a day, is this...
  4. F

    Swelling after workouts Cathe

    I think so? I drink about 4 cups around when i work out(before/during/after) and probably 10-11 total cups a day. Maybe I need more for my body? I'll try that.
  5. F

    Swelling after workouts Cathe

    Hi, I've been reading your site for about a week and I have a question regarding after step, cardio workouts, I find my body swells, my pants are tighter etc. Then if I take a week off, clothes feels looser and I feel thinner! Is this common? It makes me want to not do cardio!