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  1. B

    Survey: what move do you dread?

    i hate the over the top in rythmic step ... there are soo many i get bored doing them.
  2. B

    Cross Training Xpress

    I just got the CTX and i did the Interval tape yesterday and also the legs video. Today i am soo sore!!! I loved both the tapes especially the legs tape, it was definatly challenging. Thank you Cathe!!
  3. B

    Want to lose weight but not muscle

    Hi Cathe, I want to know what i should do to lose weight but stil maintain the muscle that i have. I am more interested in diet wise ..what foods should i try to eat more of? ..protein? also i just wanted to say thank you for the great videos melissa
  4. B

    Want to lose weight but not muscle

    Hi Cathe, I want to know what i should do to lose weight but stil maintain the muscle that i have. I am more interested in diet wise ..what foods should i try to eat more of? ..protein? also i just wanted to say thank you for the great videos melissa