Recent content by Yinka

  1. Y

    Oh, my aching . . .

    Having completed three videos (Circuit Max, Cardio Kicks and Step & Intervals), my fingers are now the only part of my body that do not ache. While I've still got a tiny bit of energy left (which I'm sure the rest of the tapes will deplete by the middle of this week), I just wanted to take a...
  2. Y

    November Pregnancy update!

    Hi Judy Thank you. Nope, I'm not the Yinka of the Christi Taylor videos. I work out using Christi's videos too and I must admit to getting a huge kick out of hearing Christi introduce the other Yinka every time I do. Up until I saw Yinka in Christi's videos, I was worried that my parents had...
  3. Y

    November Pregnancy update!

    Final Trimester Fun Cathe, your update brought back many (painful) memories. In both of my pregnancies, I experienced severe hip pain. In my first pregnancy, it was so bad that once I literally had to roll out of the bed onto the floor and crawl to the bathroom for one of my regular pre-dawn...
  4. Y

    Going nowhere fast

    Thank you all Thank you all for the advice. I've been doing a lot of Cathe videos (they are almost the only videos that make me feel like I've actually worked), and I've been on my Nordic Track a lot. You are all correct -- I just need to hang in there and boost my workout. I'll be turning...
  5. Y

    Balance Bars

    Water I like the water idea. Thanks
  6. Y

    Going nowhere fast

    No results Oops, I guess that would help. It's been a month.
  7. Y

    Going nowhere fast

    After being an exercise fiend for the better part of the last year, I fell into a deep depression following my graduation from law school (and my inability to find a job after a year of searching). Needless to say, I comforted myself with food and rebelling against my regular exercise routine...
  8. Y

    Balance Bars

    I recently tried a Balance bar for the first time. I was pleasantly surprised with the taste, but about 15 minutes after I ate it, I began to feel nauseous. Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know what might have caused it? I was thinking that maybe all those vitamins were more...