Recent content by samIam11

  1. S

    LowMax - Step Suggestion

    I get what your saying...And it could be a good selling tool to make cathe's product user freindly for those who are new. And because the actual workout isnt "dummied" will still challenge them as they advance. I guess most users when faced with the tricky steps tend to do this...
  2. S

    What's your #1 pet peeve?

    Whiners or back stabbing women!!!!
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    I am OBSESSED with food and exercise!

    I find being a single mom...I have to think about my food, otherwise i am left scrambling at the last minute when I am starving...I kindof make a challenge out of it and try to find new ways to eat clean...I get such a kick when I find something I end up really liking and it is healthy... I...
  4. S

    Body for Life - 20 minute Aerobic Theory

    That makes a lot of sense...A lot of cardio at the gym I see others doing is really moderate if not sweat, no heavy breathing. It makes sense the the BFL message is kick up the intensity do get the metabolism kicking. I alternate intervals and steady state cardio for endurance ...It...
  5. S

    Body for Life - 20 minute Aerobic Theory

    I think it is a theory.. I have read some articles from natural body builders and when they are trying to loose body fat ...they do cardio...and itis high intensity...but their time isnt always as short...I think everything I have read is not to really go over an hour...but that over 20...
  6. S

    High Step Challange... review from anyone please???

    gee susan ...I just read your review and after all you did yesterday...I am surprised your even moving today!!! Thanks for the information Samantha
  7. S

    How many of us are still waiting??

    Hey celina... I just my notification...ordered January 12th...funny I just posted ...asking If anyone heard where we were at...not pushing...just wondering and bam...I got the notification...pretty just giving you the heads up that it is CLOSE YEAH!!! Samantha
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    anybody know where the shipping is at?

    Just wondering... Havent been to the board much...wondering if anyone knows the latest on where SNM is at on the shipping of the preorders.. Thanks for any info Samantha
  9. S

    Curious..Hardcore Packaging

    Hey...if anyone who has recieved their hardcore and isnt doing them at the are they packaged...I assume individual cases...just curious... Have fun!!! Hopefully I will be joining in soon:-) Samantha
  10. S

    gall bladder surgery

    I wasnt working out with cathe then, but it was about two weeks...Funny the sonogram technician...thought there was a correlation between the prenatal vitiamins and gallstone issues. He sees a lot of pregnant, or post delivery women having the gallbladder removed. Interesting. at the time I...
  11. S

    gall bladder surgery

    I had gall bladder surgery/removal 2 mos after having my daughter....actually it was really pretty easy (compared to delivery lol) no but really, if your having the laproscopic, you basically feel like you did a million crunches...tender, but nothing like a gall bladder attack...( i thought I...
  12. S

    Presale DVDs are Now Shipping!

    sometimes your info has to upload to UPS. Until it does you cant track it, but once UPS updates, then you tomorrow you should be able to use the tracker. if not later
  13. S

    What do you think of Micheal Jackson?

    You might want to check out the sight... Very interesting information...
  14. S

    strength without adding muscle?

    Thanks everyone for replies...I was not sure what was happening, and I was curious for the information. Thanks again!!! Samantha
  15. S

    strength without adding muscle?

    Hello Cathe and educated crowd Ok...this may be a "blond" question-but here goes.. I have read that to gain muscle you must be exceeding your caloric requirement...where as, to lose weight you must eat less than your caloric requirement (or burn it off with excercise) to create the...