Recent content by jlsahli

  1. J

    Safe (non-toxic) air freshner

    My office at work smells terrible, old and musty - the building itself is very old with very few windows. I want to freshen it up a bit but I don't like scented candles (plus those are not safe for our work environment) I don't like the plug-ins either, too many chemicals. Is there a safe...
  2. J

    Go Wear Fit!

    Love your blog! I wanted one then talked myself out of it now I want one again :) Today was the weigh-in day right? Were your results as predicted? I'm dying to know, did you lose?
  3. J

    Suspension Training DVDs

    Thanks! I'll check it out. Which one do you like better, TRX or BL? Also, just curious, why do you have both? I looked at both and for some reason like the BL just a little better, the ropes appeared to be easier to work with. Do I need TRX too, my hubby will kill me :p
  4. J

    Suspension Training DVDs

    I just bought the Bandit's Loop and it came with a 14 min. tutorial but I was wondering if there were any other good suspension DVDs out there. I looked at some of the TRX DVDs and I might get some of those, just wondered what you guys thought of them. Any others? TIA.
  5. J

    vegetarians help!

    I read that article you posted the other day regarding soy, very good. So just to get this straight - I probably need to do more research but I'm being lazy. Tempeh and Miso are ok, but everything else is bad including Tofu and Edamame, correct? Also, I'm still not clear on why it is bad, is it...
  6. J

    Is the treadmill bad for you?

    Wow, interesting. Thanks for the info. Just curious, did he happen to say anything about elliptical machines?
  7. J

    Is the treadmill bad for you?

    Thank you all for your thoughts and responses. I am pretty miffed, I personally think that walking is the best form of exercise and I really enjoy my morning treadmill walks. She is also the one that recommended those foot detox pads. She asked me about them again and I told her that they were...
  8. J

    Is the treadmill bad for you?

    Yesterday during my kettlebell class my instructor asked what workouts I did for the week and I said my normal KB and then I spent a few workouts (just walking) on the treadmill. She had a fit!!! She said you should NEVER go on a treadmill, it is horrible for you. I unfortunately didn't have a...
  9. J

    Would you try to return used make-up?

    Love/Hate I have a love/hate relationship with those make-up counters. I LOVE to get my make up done but then I feel pressured to get the items (yes, I know I need a backbone). I haven't been to one in years and I avoid them like the plague because I always have some major buyer's remorse. I...
  10. J

    Another Plantar fasciitis thread

    I've never had PM, but I know folks who have and agree with melicn - they say going barefoot is best for PM. My Kettlebell instructor says barefoot is best for your feet in general and she has a pair of Vibram Five Fingers. I just bought a pair and in my research folks have said that has really...
  11. J

    Interesting Article

    Good point. I still feel those that try to stay healthy should be compensated somehow - just for some added incentive if nothing else. I don't work in the medical field and I don't know the stats, but I wonder what the percentage of medical care is for obesity related illnesses vs. excessive...
  12. J

    Interesting Article

    All of here make a monetary investment in our health every time we purchase a Cathe DVD, new piece of exercise equipment, healthy food, etc. We also make a time investment every morning we get up early to exercise, use our lunch for walks or squeeze in a workout after a long day at work and we...
  13. J

    The Vegan Bake Sale? Need Opinions.

    I'm probably in the minority but I do like option 3. The pamphlets will just be laying there (I'm assuming) so folks can choose to ignore them but there may be some folks that are genuinely interested in knowing where our food comes from. You have the chance to possibly open someone's eyes...
  14. J

    Egg hatchery investigation

    Interesting. I didn't know what forced molting was so I looked it up. FYI, in case anyone is unsure. Appalling. . . What is Forced Molting? The practice of starving hens for profit is known as forced-molting. Molting literally refers to the...
  15. J

    Egg hatchery investigation

    Kathryn, You are so right!! I am a vegetarian but after this I think I'm going to be vegan. You are vegan, correct? I know this has been discussed before but do you have any book recommendations or personal recipe collections that you'd be willing to share.