Recent content by cindylouhoo

  1. C

    Again....Dyson vaccum anyone!

    I don't have the Dyson Animal, but I do have the Dyson DC-14 Low Reach vacuum, which I love. I've heard that the Dyson Animal is great for picking up pet hair.
  2. C

    When should my muscles be fatiguing during PUB/PLB?

    I know you should lift heavy enough to fatigue your muscles by the last set of reps, but for a pyramid workout, does this mean you should feel fatigue by the last few reps in each set or until you reach the top or bottom of the pyramid? Today I noticed that the weights I used felt "doable" on...
  3. C

    My dad may have cancer! :(

    Janice, I'm sending prayers your way. Cynthia
  4. C


    Mariangeles, thank you so much for the reminder! Lately it seems that I've been using the excuse of exercising to over-splurge on desserts and other not-so-healthy foods. While I've been able to maintain my weight so far, I'm afraid that one day it will catch up with me! I'm also working on...
  5. C

    I wish I didn't have to ask for this prayer...

    Elaine, I'll be praying for your brother. ((((HUGS)))) to you. Cynthia
  6. C


    Thanks for all the replies! You enablers convinced me to take the plunge! :P
  7. C


    I consider myself a high intermediate exerciser and was wondering if Bootcamp would be too difficult for me? I saw that it has a ranking of about a 9 in the Ultimate Guide to Cathe's Workouts, so would this be completely out of my league? Can it be modified? TIA!
  8. C

    I ordered a pair of shoes from Zappos whose color I didn't like when I received them, and I was able to return them without any problem, with a quick refund.
  9. C

    I'm 40 today!!!

    Happy 40th to you! :)
  10. C

    SNM, I have a pre-sale question for you

    Great! I didn't think it would be a problem, but just wanted to be sure. Thanks, Sabrina and SNM!
  11. C

    Which ones did you get? (to those who have pre-ordered)

    RE: Which ones did you get? (to those who have pre-orde... I ordered all 4; what an awesome price! I have become such a Cathe fanatic this year and I was so excited to be able to take part in my first Cathe pre-sale! :+
  12. C

    SNM, I have a pre-sale question for you

    I would like to pre-order Cathe's new DVDs, but I will be moving by the time they are shipped. Can I go ahead and pre-order them now and then send you my new address when I find out what it is?
  13. C

    Yahoo email account

    No problems here.
  14. C

    Sweet potatoes, any good healthy receipes?

    This recipe is soooo delicious! You can make it healthier by using low-fat or non-fat cheese or leaving it out altogether.
  15. C

    Slow and Heavy

    Thanks for your responses, Kelley, sparks, and Pinky! :D