Recent content by candy602

  1. C

    "Good Calories, Bad Calories" and other diet/fitness books (long)

    Eating/fat loss confusion For years I read every book that discussed nutrition or fat loss that I could get my hands on. I like you became very confused. All I can say is that I am no longer confused and I no longer count calories, measure food, or calculate how many calories I am burning. I...
  2. C

    Confused! Do you eat back the calories burned by exercise??

    Calorie burn If you are trying to lose weight then you want to create a caloric deficit. That deficit can come from eating less or exercising more or a combination of both. Let us say that you need 2000 calories a day to maintain your weight you could eat 2000 calories and then do exercises...
  3. C


    Has anyone seen the infomercial put out by Robert Kennedy and Tosca Reno (oxygen magazine publishers) selling a piece of home exercise equipment that looks like a step with bands sticking out of it? If you have could you tell me what it is called? Thank you Candy
  4. C

    Cathe...please respond to the NYT article RE: Strength ...

    Not Cathe. However, I can tell you that there are a million benefits to lifting weights including weight loss. Just look at "body for lifers" and the incredible changes in their bodies. They are only doing cardio three times a week for 20 minutes. Obviously they aren't losing hundreds of...
  5. C

    Rebook Intense moves workout

    I have had this one for several years and, I must say this is the hardest workout I have ever done. No fancy footwork just hard core cardiovascular and muscle work. The hard, harder, hardest choices make this a workout that will never get old. I still can't do some of the "hardest" options. If...
  6. C

    Cathe in real life...

    There was recently an article in Oxygen magazine that not only explained but showed pictures proving that fitness competitors don't look anything like they do at a competition or for a photo shoot the rest of the year. They simply look like normal healthy people. When they prepare for a...
  7. C

    What do we all do for a living...

    Until a year ago I was the supervisor of financial services for AT&T. Then, I decided that I was wasting my life sitting in an office all day. I felt like I really wanted to do something to help others and, I wanted to make sure that when my time on Earth was over I had given something back and...
  8. C

    Where has Cathe been?

    I think that it is crazy when people get on here and start slamming Cathe. If you are unhappy with Cathe or her website than simply find another forum to post in. Cathe is a very busy woman with two children, a health club, and a huge video empire. I know that with my own schedule I could never...
  9. C

    Educated crowd - what am i doing wrong?

    To answer one posters question I am 32. I can't thank you ladies enough for all of the advice. It is just what I need. Sometimes I think I consume way to much health, fitness, and nutrition information and end up more confused than anything. Thank you gals for being straight with me. Starting...
  10. C

    Educated crowd - what am i doing wrong?

    Thank you all for your advice. What I am hearing is less cardio, more weights, and increase calories. It is just so hard to fathom that exercising less and eating more will make me lose weight. I will give it a try and keep you posted on progress. Thank you again. Candy
  11. C

    Educated crowd - what am i doing wrong?

    Stats: Height: 5 2' Weight: 115 small bone structure I have been eating clean and exercising daily for many years now. I eat 6 or 7 small meals a day combining complex carbs, lean proteins, and healthy fats. I do 1 1/2 hours of cardio per day and 20 minutes of weight lifting concentrating...
  12. C

    Do I need the Dynaband

    Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cathe has inserted all of these great exercises that really get deep into your muscles using the band as your resistance in many of the new dvd's. I would highly recomend that you try it. Candy
  13. C

    pre-hardcore pictures

    Thank you all for your nice comments. You all look great too. Hopefully after a few months of Hardcore we will all be hot mama's Candy
  14. C

    pre-hardcore pictures

    I really hope I did this right. I hope that we can all figure out how to get our pictires on here, it is great to see who we are talking to. Candy <a href=""> </a>
  15. C

    How Far Will You Go to Eat Clean?

    How far would I go? Let's see; I plan my meals out 12 weeks at a time, I cook huge batches of food every weekend, I haven't eaten a fast food meal or red meat in over 3 years, I have ordered egg whites at McDonalds, and I carry a cooler full of food everywhere I go. I also haven't sat down to...