So, I was at work Monday, feeling kinda blah but not awful, the boss noticed and sent me home, and told me to stay home Tues if I was not feeling well also. I got up Tues, felt ok, worked out (one of the Hiits - 30/30 I think) and then felt kinda yick again. Not awful sick or anything, just yick. So I stayed home. I went to work Weds, feeling absolutely fine. Puked in the bathroom about 2pm, then felt ok again. Got sick again about 4, then felt ok again, I figured I would stick it out, since I was leaving at 4:30 anyway, and had already missed most of 2 days of work.
I live about 30 miles/45 mins from work. So I leave and about 5 mins into the drive I break out into a cold sweat, chills, eyes rolling back, shaking awful. I think there is no way in heck I am going to make it home. I had to stop 3 or 4 times just to make sure I wasn't going to pass out. I really should not have been driving, but I was ok when I left. I was about 10 mins from home and had to pull over bc I was going to be sick again. This time, I threw up blood. Yeah, not good. So now on top of feeling crappy, being scared to drive, I am now scared bc my insides are coming to my outsides and landing on the side of the road, where they should not be!
Even though it was after 5, I called my Dr office, trying to get the answering service to page the Dr. They do, and bless his little Dr heart, he calls me back as I am sitting on the side of the road crying. Tells me to stay there, call 911, get an ambulance and go to the ER. Well, shoot, I'm only 10 mins from the hospital anyway. My dumb self (again, I should not have be driving) drives to the ER. I called my husband on the way, who already knew I wasn't feeling well, bc I asked him not to make dinner. So he gets a call from a crying wife telling him she is on the way to the ER. Note - I am NOT a crier, so this is very odd.
I park the car at the hosp, and wobble into the ER as the world continues to tip and sway and swirl about me. They get me in quick, and load up an IV w/ some anti-nausea stuff

Better. So they go thru all the routines and checks. Everything physically looks good, but my liver is all out of whack. WTF!!???!?!?!?? No heavy drinking, no drugs, no smokes, no family history?????
Enzyme levels that are supposed to top out at 40 or 50 are coming in at 500 or 600. WTH???? So I was about to be sent home for just possibly a nasty stomach bug, but I end up being admitted. CRAP! So they proceed to draw blood at what feels like 15 minute intervals and try to figure out what is going on. I spent Wed night, all Thurs, and yest morn in the hospital. Pooh. The levels came down to 100-200 but are still higher than what they should be. All the blood work is coming back negative for dif strains of hepatitis and other liver baddies. They did an ultrasound, everything is where is should be and no leftover gallstones from when I had my gallbladder out 5 years ago. Did a GI scope yesterday morning, says my stomach lining looks pretty rough, but that could be bc of the throwing up, there are no ulcers or anything still bleeding.
My blood counts stayed normal, so my innards aren't bleeding, they think the bleeding could be caused by throwing up so hard. It happens, but I've never had that happen before. And normally if I have the belly monkeys, my whole body feels like crap for days. After they got the room to quit spinning, I felt pretty hunky-dory. I had to go back this morning for another blood draw so they can do another liver panel, and again in 10 days for another and a Dr f/u. They let me go home even though the numbers were high bc everything else looked ok, and no reason for me to sit there while they try to figure it out. Dr wants me to take prescription Zantac which is $150 that the insurance won't cover. So I will be calling him Monday, b/c Ms Nancy isn't shelling out for that either
I'm concerned about my liver #s though. Wondering where things went wrong. They have my med records from some pre-op blood draws in 2005,2007, and 2008 and everything is normal. Nothing more recent than that. I give blood often, but I'm not sure that is something they screen for. The Dr did say some people run high #s and it is normal for them, but mine are high for even "runs high normal" If I was about to die, which I am sure I'm not, they wouldn't let me go home, so I'm sure it is ok, but I'm still concerned. He said it may have just been a funky stomach bug that spiked my liver #s, but there is cause for concern if they don't go back down to where they should be.
On the upside, my lying in bed, chillin' out heart rate is about 48. I constantly had the Drs, nurses, and CNA's asking if I was ok and if that was normal. And my BP runs about 108/70
I assured them that I was fine in that dept, if I'm up walking around my HR is only about 60. My ticker is fine, thanks Cathe!
Sorry this is so long, just had to prattle on a bit, needed someone to listen. And I'm going to kill my husband if he doesn't stop patting, and tucking, and are-you-ok'ing me and should-you-be-doing-that, and babysitting me. Back off man!
ETA: when I was looking up detail on the tests, the great interwebz (bc we know everything on the net is true) said that obvious causes are drinking and drugs, but several reliable sources also cited herbal toxicity. I quit the Diet Coke about 2 1/2-3 weeks ago, and have been drinking herbal tea. Today I Googled "herbal tea liver toxicity" and several standard ingredients in herbal tea, including Valerian, which is in several of the blends sitting on my counter top. I wonder...... Will have to ask the Dr when I go back. In the meantime, I'm going to Google or Wiki the ingredients that come up in several of the teas and see what I find. Knew I shouldn't have given up the Coke. Damn!
I live about 30 miles/45 mins from work. So I leave and about 5 mins into the drive I break out into a cold sweat, chills, eyes rolling back, shaking awful. I think there is no way in heck I am going to make it home. I had to stop 3 or 4 times just to make sure I wasn't going to pass out. I really should not have been driving, but I was ok when I left. I was about 10 mins from home and had to pull over bc I was going to be sick again. This time, I threw up blood. Yeah, not good. So now on top of feeling crappy, being scared to drive, I am now scared bc my insides are coming to my outsides and landing on the side of the road, where they should not be!
Even though it was after 5, I called my Dr office, trying to get the answering service to page the Dr. They do, and bless his little Dr heart, he calls me back as I am sitting on the side of the road crying. Tells me to stay there, call 911, get an ambulance and go to the ER. Well, shoot, I'm only 10 mins from the hospital anyway. My dumb self (again, I should not have be driving) drives to the ER. I called my husband on the way, who already knew I wasn't feeling well, bc I asked him not to make dinner. So he gets a call from a crying wife telling him she is on the way to the ER. Note - I am NOT a crier, so this is very odd.
I park the car at the hosp, and wobble into the ER as the world continues to tip and sway and swirl about me. They get me in quick, and load up an IV w/ some anti-nausea stuff
Enzyme levels that are supposed to top out at 40 or 50 are coming in at 500 or 600. WTH???? So I was about to be sent home for just possibly a nasty stomach bug, but I end up being admitted. CRAP! So they proceed to draw blood at what feels like 15 minute intervals and try to figure out what is going on. I spent Wed night, all Thurs, and yest morn in the hospital. Pooh. The levels came down to 100-200 but are still higher than what they should be. All the blood work is coming back negative for dif strains of hepatitis and other liver baddies. They did an ultrasound, everything is where is should be and no leftover gallstones from when I had my gallbladder out 5 years ago. Did a GI scope yesterday morning, says my stomach lining looks pretty rough, but that could be bc of the throwing up, there are no ulcers or anything still bleeding.
My blood counts stayed normal, so my innards aren't bleeding, they think the bleeding could be caused by throwing up so hard. It happens, but I've never had that happen before. And normally if I have the belly monkeys, my whole body feels like crap for days. After they got the room to quit spinning, I felt pretty hunky-dory. I had to go back this morning for another blood draw so they can do another liver panel, and again in 10 days for another and a Dr f/u. They let me go home even though the numbers were high bc everything else looked ok, and no reason for me to sit there while they try to figure it out. Dr wants me to take prescription Zantac which is $150 that the insurance won't cover. So I will be calling him Monday, b/c Ms Nancy isn't shelling out for that either
I'm concerned about my liver #s though. Wondering where things went wrong. They have my med records from some pre-op blood draws in 2005,2007, and 2008 and everything is normal. Nothing more recent than that. I give blood often, but I'm not sure that is something they screen for. The Dr did say some people run high #s and it is normal for them, but mine are high for even "runs high normal" If I was about to die, which I am sure I'm not, they wouldn't let me go home, so I'm sure it is ok, but I'm still concerned. He said it may have just been a funky stomach bug that spiked my liver #s, but there is cause for concern if they don't go back down to where they should be.
On the upside, my lying in bed, chillin' out heart rate is about 48. I constantly had the Drs, nurses, and CNA's asking if I was ok and if that was normal. And my BP runs about 108/70
Sorry this is so long, just had to prattle on a bit, needed someone to listen. And I'm going to kill my husband if he doesn't stop patting, and tucking, and are-you-ok'ing me and should-you-be-doing-that, and babysitting me. Back off man!
ETA: when I was looking up detail on the tests, the great interwebz (bc we know everything on the net is true) said that obvious causes are drinking and drugs, but several reliable sources also cited herbal toxicity. I quit the Diet Coke about 2 1/2-3 weeks ago, and have been drinking herbal tea. Today I Googled "herbal tea liver toxicity" and several standard ingredients in herbal tea, including Valerian, which is in several of the blends sitting on my counter top. I wonder...... Will have to ask the Dr when I go back. In the meantime, I'm going to Google or Wiki the ingredients that come up in several of the teas and see what I find. Knew I shouldn't have given up the Coke. Damn!
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