Hey Cardio Coach Fans!!!

Oh Nancy, thank you. I really do love the workouts so much that it's hard for me to contain my enthusiasm. I'm happy to know you're benefitting from them, too. ;) :D

After doing the workouts on an elliptical for nearly 3 years, I finally decided it's time to branch out. I just started a walk/run program outside and right now I'm thinking the elliptical is easier. OMG -- walking/running is really hard, especially the fast walking!! :eek: So, I guess it's all in what you're used to, and I finally figured out that it's best to do a variety of cardio activities... but I still don't see myself excelling at step aerobics. I'm such a clod! :eek: :p

You're going to feel such a sense of accomplishment when you finish the 5K program -- you'll be doing the happy dance that I do on the treadmill at the end of Press Play!
thanks for the heads up michelle. i voted just now. i'm using cc to help me not only with incentive to get my rehab walks in but to stay mentally focused and positive that i can get through this time of no cathe and no running. i found myself needing to hear seans voice of encouragement when i truly realized how long my recovery from rotator cuff surgery will take. i'm glad i have all 8!
I voted this morning!

Nancy, I did CCV 6 this morning too (outside) I was wiped! I just finshed 4DS bicpes & triceps plus abs from STS:p
Catherine, I bow to anyone who can do CC on a bike. I guess to some degree it's a matter of what you're used to. I've always done them on an elliptical, and the closest I ever came to puking in a workout was after I tried Volume 1 on the bike. :eek: :eek:

Me too Michele!! It took almost 10 minutes for me to get over feeling pukey:eek:

As far as the bike goes, it's all I can do right now. I still hate it BTW, but CC makes it doable!
Hello girlies...I only do CC on my recumbent bike. I haven't got pukey, but I am definitely a sweaty mess when I'm done. DH has been doing it on the treadmill. He says it is VERY hard but he loves it. :) BTW I added my vote. :)
ooooh, Michele, V7 is a beastie to run. The 10 intervals in the middle - OMG!!! It took me sometime to be able to run those. I was so happy and then I thought I was gonna hurl.:eek::D

Getting back to topic, I did vote for the picture this morning. When I 1st saw this thread, I was hoping it was an announcement for V9. A girl can have hopes and dreams, right?


I thought it was an announcement for V9 too.

I voted last night. I did v5 yesterday on my elliptical. I finished STS week before last, so now I'm doing a quick two week rotation of just Kettlebells and Cardio Coach on the elliptical -- easy (from the prep & set up standpoint), fun, different, and minimal equipment involved. BTW, I LOVE v7 -- I think it may be my favorite. I was bummed on Sunday when I had to change my plans and do v2 rather than v7 because of time constraints -- still got a great workout with v2, though!
You're going to feel such a sense of accomplishment when you finish the 5K program -- you'll be doing the happy dance that I do on the treadmill at the end of Press Play!
Thanks Nancy! I feel accomplished already and I only ran for a total of 7 minutes :p :D. Now I just have to find the perfect insole. I have Morton's Foot and my anterior tibialis is so tight and weak that it aches and burns and my feet kind of flop down on the ground when I try to walk fast. It's not too much of an issue when I run but the fast walking just about kills me. I have custom orthotics but they're old and were made for another purpose, and I'm finding out the hard way that they really aren't meant for running/walking.

thanks for the heads up michelle. i voted just now. i'm using cc to help me not only with incentive to get my rehab walks in but to stay mentally focused and positive that i can get through this time of no cathe and no running. i found myself needing to hear seans voice of encouragement when i truly realized how long my recovery from rotator cuff surgery will take. i'm glad i have all 8!
Hi Colleen! Boy, where have I been? I guess I didn't realize you had your surgery. Well, if anyone can help you maintain a positive focus it's Sean O'Malley! He has a knack for boosting my spirits and providing just the encouragement I need to get the job done. You have my prayers and best wishes for a full and speedy recovery. Hang in there, girl -- you're on the down side of this slope.

Hey you guys, his photo is ahead by 48 votes!!! :D :D :D
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My vote is in. I'd like to thank you for your encouragement to get the CC workouts. I love them. Cardio has never been one of my favorites... I prefer weight training. But, Sean makes it so enjoyable & such a challenge!!

Thank you for your suggestions to get them when on sale.

Thanks Nancy! I feel accomplished already and I only ran for a total of 7 minutes :p :D. Now I just have to find the perfect insole. I have Morton's Foot and my anterior tibialis is so tight and weak that it aches and burns and my feet kind of flop down on the ground when I try to walk fast. It's not too much of an issue when I run but the fast walking just about kills me. I have custom orthotics but they're old and were made for another purpose, and I'm finding out the hard way that they really aren't meant for running/walking...

I had no idea what Morton's Foot is, but looked it up. What did we ever do before the Internet? I hope you find the solution to your shoes/orthotics or I can see where every step of trying to run is a misery and may just not be worth it.
Hey, just wanted to say that if you have more than one email addy you can vote from each one and it counts:D

Edited to add....I think you can vote once a day too.
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Cynthia, I checked the rules http://sosd.nielsencontests.com/help.shtml and it states that only ONE vote is permitted per email address. DARN! And I was ready to go back and vote again! :p

It counted my 2nd vote from another email address, but not the third email addy today. I wonder if it recognizes my computer? I'm going to vote from my 2 son's computers.

I just wish I knew my hairdresser's email....I gave her cardio coach cd's as a gift and she is totally hooked. She has her friends doing it too. They all love him like we do:D
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It counted my 2nd vote from another email address, but not the third email addy today. I wonder if it recognizes my computer? I'm going to vote from my 2 son's computers.

I just wish I knew my hairdresser's email....I gave her cardio coach cd's as a gift and she is totally hooked. She has her friends doing it too. They all love him like we do:D
I gave CC to my hairdresser, too, and to a some of the wait staff at my favorite restaurants! When the prices were dropped to $5 I included workouts as part of a tip!

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