Which Fitness Celebrities that is annoying to you???????

Sharon Mann. Actually, it's her back-up exercise, "Sparky", that annoys me the most. I refer to Sparky as "Spaz". Sorry, but Spazzy Sparky needs to tone it down a couple of notches and quit trying to "out-do" everybody.
>Thanks for the reply ladies. Everyone I know can't stand
>Denise, but why is she still

Some people like her. I have a colleague who likes her. I had to keep myself from gagging when she told me that!
Denise Austin!!! She has some workout show on "Lifetime" in the mornings and sometimes when I turn on the TV to do my Cathe workout it is on that station. Her voice and the way she talks is so annoying!!! It's like she's talking to a bunch of children or something.
Sharon Mann kind of scares me too.

I also like Gilad a lot, and I think his
>workouts are great for people just starting out, but I wonder
>what it would be like trying to get a "burn" with three-pound
>weights!! }(


I forgot about Sharon Mann!!! Put her on my list also.
Makes you wonder what she would be like without caffeine?!
Tony Horton. I dread ever doing any of my P90X workouts because I can't stand him.

Kristi Taylor bothers me too.

I'm the nerd here- but I like Denise Austin! I don't do her workouts anymore because they are for beginners, but I used to and I like her personality.
Denise is still around b/c of her marketing. Cathe doesn't put herself out there the way Denise does. I bet if everyone who currently uses Denise's workouts discovered Cathe, the dingbat would be put out of business.
>Igetaburningintheloinswhendoinghisworkouts,butithasnothingtodowiththeweights! Myspacebarjustquitonme!!


Did your loins burn out the electronics in your keyboard? Just a thought, LOL! ;) :D

P.S. In no way was I insinuating your keyboard was anywhere near your loins x(
RE: Which Fitness Celebrities that is annoying to you??...

Denise Austin definitely!

Sharon Mann is a little frightening.

Nancy Tucker...Calorie Killer was the first and only Firm I've tried (and sold immediately). I found her very robotic and I'm probably scared away from the Firm series for good!

Moira Stott is a robot. I'm sure. I have one tape of hers and I've never done it. It looks great but she is boring and I've never been motivated enough to do it.
"I forgot about Sharon Mann!!! Put her on my list also.
Makes you wonder what she would be like without caffeine?!"

...or WITH caffeine, as the case may be.
>Add me to the anti-Denise Austin group.
>Also, and I know some people really like her, but I can't warm
>up to Sharon Mann. OH, but WORSE than her (and even worse
>than Denise Austin) is that one girl to Sharon Mann's left
>(our right wehn viewing the TV) who jumps all around the place
>so much I think she's on drugs. She's not an instructor, just
>an extra, but BOY OH BOY does she have PEP or what?!? LOL

And to think I was the only one who couldn't STAND that marionette. Sparky is what they call her. More like junkie. But her name is Sharon also.


I wonder if anyone out there doesn't like Cathe?!:( I guess it's possible...don't know how but ANYTHING is possible! Anyone ever hear a foul word? I haven't.

Denise, I've seen but never tried. Doubt she could get me to "burn". Kathy Smith is o.k. but too easy.

Tip for getting through P90X...select "music and cues"!!! Makes a whole world of difference! You will hear 80% less of Tony! He doesn't annoy me with what he says...he just never shuts up! I tried to do P90X last February but quit after an illness and never got going because I couldn't stand his constant chatter. This time around is so differnt! I am highly motivated when I mute him!

Cathe...I hope she NEVER shuts up! Her talking is so, so, so helpful! True and useful form pointers that keep me on track! Keep talking, Cathe...keep talking! However, if you flex a bicep in the camera and say "If you want guns like these...you gotta work hard"...oh, who am I kidding...I'd still love every minute of you!
It makes me wonder how Denise Austin sells anything because she really gets on everyone's nerves - including mine!

I know I am in the minority when I say this, but for some reason Christi Taylor really irritates me!
Denise Austin works on my nerves also. When I was just starting to workout and was overweight I used to do her videos. However I used to play my own music overtop of them because she was so annoying! Kathy Smith works on my nerves for a different reason. She jumps on every fitness bandwagon out there. It a good idea to try new things to keep your workouts fresh but she makes a fool out of herselt by doing bellydance videos and other things she knows nothing about. While I am now a Cathe snob I would never be able to do any of her workouts without having something to start from like Kathy Smith or Denise Austin and a try to remember that and not trash them too much.
That is so funny about "Spazzy Sparky"! LOL!! I have said that to my husband before. She is out of control!! I don't mind Sharon Mann though.
>I wonder if anyone out there doesn't like Cathe?!:( I guess
>it's possible...

Yes, Ima, unfortunately there are people who don't. If you check other workout forums, you'll find some pretty mean things being said. Some of it is pretty understandable, like shipping mistakes, delays, and customer service complaints. But some of it... I won't say. It's just sad.:(

I don't want this thread to turn sour. Of course we don't mention Cathe since we're biased.:) But since you were wondering...

Shutting up now.


All I had to do was read the title to this thread and I knew Denise Austin would be the answer over and over again. :)
>Did your loins burn out the electronics in your keyboard?
>Just a thought, LOL! ;) :D
>P.S. In no way was I insinuating your keyboard was anywhere
>near your loins x(

I discovered that the keyboard problem was due to "someone" (ahem) spilling water near it, and now realizing that the water had seeped under the keyboard. Luckily, the keyboard was old anyway (an ergonomic keyboard from a previous computer) and tech support at my school is replacing it (though I'll have to put up with a non-ergo for a couple of days).

(And, no, the water was not used to quench the burning in my loins }( )

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