What in the he_ _ is wrong with people!!!


I'm SO mad right now I can hardly stand it. I just read in the paper that someone shot a little Jack Russell Terrier and left it to die. It happened here in my area. A gorup of young guys found it lying in a creek under a branch. It was alive but is paralyzed in it's hind end. They rushed it to the vet who said if it can go to the bathroom on it's on then maybe someone would want him even though he'll have to use a little cart to get around. They said his prognosis isn't good. I'm sure if he survives, PLENTY of people will want to adopt him. This just puts me in a rage and I can honestly say I feel HATRED toward the person(s) who did this. HOW on earth can someone hurt an animal like that!!!!! It was all I could do not to cry while reading the article. I know there are TONS of other things happening with people here and in the world, but if you would, just take a minute and say a prayer for this little guy. Here come the tears again :(
That's truly disgusting and leaves a pit in my stomach. Why would anyone do that??? You should feel hatred towards this monster, I certainly do.
Kim...I completely understand your anger and sadness :(:mad: I don't think we could ever wrap our heads around what these heartless people are thinking! I'll definitely be thinking of the little guy and hope he can recover and find a loving home.

It scary to think there are people like this out there and unfortunately sometimes it starts at a young age. Last weekend DH and I went to our local park to feed the ducks, geese and swans. Well as we were leaving I noticed three young boys up to no good. One of them had a bag of bread crumbs and was luring the birds in as the other two were throwing pieces of concrete at them! I was furious and walked up to them and asked them what they were doing. They all chuckled and of course said "Uh nothing"
DH and I sat in our car and watched them for while until they started to wander off but who knows what they continued to do after we left :(:mad:.

What is going through peoples heads? We had a similar incident in our area last year. Several youn men (by young men these guys were in their mid 20's old enought o know right from wrong!!!) were partying one night & their Aunts little cocker spaniel was there while she was away. They had been drinking & who knows what else & during the course of the night tortured the poor little dog who eventually died. I can't even tell you the details, it's sickening. & the way the poor woman found her dog.
Very sad!!!
That is horrible!!!

I adopted my black lab when she was about 7 months old. She had been found on the streets of Detroit.

When she was 10 1/2 years old, I had x-rays done on her (for an unrelated reason) and they found that she had been shot! They found a bunch of buckshot (or something, I'm not a gun person) in her!!! Some idiot must have shot her when she was just a little puppy.

Now we tease her for being afraid of fly swatters. How can a dog who was "shot in the 'hood" be afraid of a fly swatter?!?!
About a month ago in our area the local winos were caught feeding booze to a puppy. The puppy is now blind, but in a good home. They also mentioned that this was the second time they were actively looking for the culprit to charge, the first time a man had dragged his dog behind his truck with a rope! Unfrigginbelievable. I can't fathom how people can be so cruel.

That sickens me. I don't know how people can be so cruel to animals.

A few months ago in my local paper, a farmer who has barn cats found one of his kittens had been tortured and killed. Someone cut the face off of it and disemboweled it.

These people are living in our communities - it scares me to death.
I really wish we could to do them (these horrible people) what they did to the animals. There was something in our local news a few weeks back about someone who drug their dog behind their truck. It had to be euthanized. I just can't stand it. I even felt bad (kind of...I mean, it is a poisonous snake :confused:) for a rattlesnake that was being messed with by a bunch of guys that work at the prison here. It was obviously trying to get away and they wouldn't leave it alone. I'm sure they wanted to kill it so they could skin it. It was in the woods...nowhere near anyone's home. Why bother it?

I swear, if I had the money, I would open a HUGE shleter and take in everything I could find. We've just recently started feeding peanuts to the squirrels in our back yard so they can stock up for winter. :) We adjusted a bigger bird house and just put the peanuts in there. They're co sute.
This is why

I don't leave my dark cat out at night. She is a mouser and hunts all day but when darkness starts to fall I bring her in. We adopted her from a foster home.
Anybody who does anything even closely remote to torturing a poor animal has got to rot away in a hell worse than any of us can imagine, tortured for an eternity. Honestly, I am a very calm, non-angry person who could never hurt a flea. Put one of these people in front of me and I would nearly kill them with my bare hands - of course, they couldn't die b/c they would have to be alive to continue being tortured...UGH!!! Indeed, what is wrong with people?? It really is beyond comprehension.

I don't want to know anyone who is cable of torturing any living soul. It is pure evil in my mind.

Sometimes I am filled with so much anger after reading or hearing stories like this.
The Michael Vick story had me filled with so much rage.

All I can do to get rid of the anger, is first cry, then focus on all the incredible people who help these poor, innocent souls.

We can all make a difference, even if it's just donating $1 to a shelter.

I'm sorry if this is a repeat for some, but this is worth viewing. It is the most inspiring story of rescue I have ever seen.
Before you click on this story, I must give a Tissue alert!!!
People are horrible. My husband's newest employee was called by the police at work yesterday b/c her house had a break-in ~ they shot and killed her dog as well! :mad:
A few months ago, another employee was robbed, a week later they came back and stole his dog. That story does have a happy ending ~ a detective found and returned the dog a few days later.
Some People really suck!
I'd help you, Shana.

I often wonder if it's a symptom of our current culture. Not that people like this didn't exist before ~ I know they did. But it's either I'm noticing it more, or it's becoming more prevalent.

I'm always horrified when I see young kids displaying this kind of disregard for life. I have to remind myself that there are plenty of good people out there, like the guys who found the wounded terrier, to balance things.

Much love and comfort to that little guy. <3
I've heard that people who murder other people start with sadistic intentional harm of helpless animals. There is no question in my mind that anyone who can intentionally harm a helpless pet is a psychopath who is perfectly capable of harming people, and who would do so if the laws weren't so strict. I think intentionally killing a dog or cat should be a crime. (I can't go as far as saying that killing an "animal" should be a crime, though, because I want the rat population of New York to be wiped out. Yes, I admit I am in favor of complete genocide when it comes to vermin).
I've heard that people who murder other people start with sadistic intentional harm of helpless animals.
RIght after the Jeffrey Dahmer (sp?) case, there were a lot of PSAs on TV warning parents to look for signs of violence in children, including abuse of animals.

It's just a few steps from torturing animals to seeing humans as 'others' that can also be tortured.

(As for the dog shot: I'm wondering if someone was practicing 'hunting' and just shot anything that moved? Or mistook it for something else? I remember when I was a kid, I was at my cousins' house, and my two male cousins came home with an owl they had accidentally shot with a bow and arrow--while practicing hunting :mad:. They put it in a big jar and let it smother to death. It makes me sick just thinking about it. )

I am horrified...completely horrified.

The only way I can come to grips with this is to know, in my heart that these miserable excuses for human beings will be punished either in this life or the next.

Animal abuse, IMO, is one of the purest forms of evil that exists.

Strange that you should post about this today, when I was planning on posting the following link:


Warning to all animal lovers, read the above article at your own risk.
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I was outraged by an animal cruelty story today too. In California 11 pelicans were found with their wings intentionally broken. Only one survived. I got so angry that I couldn't even read the whole article.
I'm SO mad right now I can hardly stand it. I just read in the paper that someone shot a little Jack Russell Terrier and left it to die. It happened here in my area. A gorup of young guys found it lying in a creek under a branch. It was alive but is paralyzed in it's hind end. They rushed it to the vet who said if it can go to the bathroom on it's on then maybe someone would want him even though he'll have to use a little cart to get around. They said his prognosis isn't good. I'm sure if he survives, PLENTY of people will want to adopt him. This just puts me in a rage and I can honestly say I feel HATRED toward the person(s) who did this. HOW on earth can someone hurt an animal like that!!!!! It was all I could do not to cry while reading the article. I know there are TONS of other things happening with people here and in the world, but if you would, just take a minute and say a prayer for this little guy. Here come the tears again :(

Justifiable hatred. I'm with you.
I am horrified...completely horrified.

The only way I can come to grips with this is to know, in my heart that these miserable excuses for human beings will be punished either in this life or the next.

Animal abuse, IMO, is one of the purest forms of evil that exists.

Strange that you should post about this today, when I was planning on posting the following link:


Warning to all animal lovers, read the above article at your own risk.

I can't read this stuff. Like you, I know God is watching but I just don't understand how anyone can harm creatures, who only want to give you love. Like the kitties in West Virginia, we need mandatory prison time for all people who harm animals. It makes me want to go hug my kitties, who'll look at me like I've gone simple and run under the bed...

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