What in the he_ _ is wrong with people!!!

But there are some good people out there...

Last year our dog ran out the door when my husband was letting him out before bed. He saw 4 deer and went after them. It was 17 degrees outside and I was 6 months pregnant. We searched for hours for him. I cried and cried when we finally gave up. I was so worried he was going to freeze to death. I went back out a couple of hours later and looked for him but with no luck. I called in sick that morning and drove around for hours looking for him. at around 11 am our vet called. Someone had picked him up at 2 am and brought him home and took care of him. When he got up he brought him to our vet. We were so grateful and happy he was safe. When I asked the guy why he didn't call us right away he said he didn't want to wake us up. I wouldn't have cared and was so happy he picked him up.

It does boggle my mind that people could be cruel to animals. What is even more perplexing is people who hurt children.
It's a relief to hear some good news.

I've returned 2 lost dogs in the last two years ~ one I delivered right to her front door. I thought I was going to add a 3rd to my list, but his daddy came around the corner just as I was petting the little guy. :)
What is going through peoples heads? We had a similar incident in our area last year. Several youn men (by young men these guys were in their mid 20's old enought o know right from wrong!!!) were partying one night & their Aunts little cocker spaniel was there while she was away. They had been drinking & who knows what else & during the course of the night tortured the poor little dog who eventually died. I can't even tell you the details, it's sickening. & the way the poor woman found her dog.
Very sad!!!
All these stories are so awful but I want you to know I had to take a sedative last night because I couldn't stop thinking about this story. Were those men prosecuted? Did they explain their indefensible actions - against one of the sweetest dog breeds? What did the aunt do? This makes me so sick. We need mandatory prison time, in every state of the union, to stop this insanity. I just can't stop thinking about this.
I'm sorry to bring up such a horrible topic but I am just SO MAD about it!!! I wish there were something 'we" could do.

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