Weight loss check in


I went away for a few days after posting last week and didn't get to add to our reports when I got back. We went to Manitoulin Island....what a beautiful and relaxing place. It is apparently a great place for hiking...unfortunately that wasn't what I was there for.

My back has been bothering me and keeping me awake at night the last few nights....so I am a little lacking in energy. I think it is the pinched nerve again.

I had a few ice cream cones while I was away :9 and only did a little walking so I'm not going to weigh myself just yet. I walked 3k yesterday and am going to walk again today...this time with a friend.

Good for you Crystal on the 5lb :). It doesn't matter if it is the same 5 you have lost and gained back before. Every day is a new day to start over in.

How is that eye infection Kelly? I remember my kids having pink eye when they were little and me having it right along with them....the eyes glued shut in the morning and all! Just awful....hope you get it cleared up really soon!

Thanks for mentioning Weight Watchers being on internet, HB. You are always ready with helpful information. I know you have had weight issues yourself and your wanting to pass on stuff to others is appreciated.

This check in has now become a book ;-)

Talk to you later
Hi Susan & everyone,

I had signed on to start this check-in, how nice to have your post to read instead! It sounds like you had a lovely time, & I wouldn't be weighing myself either! By the way, ice cream doesn't count when you're on vacation. ;-)

Well, I lost 1 lb. I guess that's better than gaining! I know you aren't supposed to lose much at a time, but that first pound just seems like water weight which will be right back! Maybe not. Anyway, I didn't gain! I haven't had the best of weeks food-wise, but I did do my workouts. My endurance has improved from last week, so that's something!

Hope all you ladies had a wonderful week & let's move on to this one! It's a constant challenge, but I guess that's the meaning of being alive. Okay, I will stop philosophizing (sp?) now.

Hey Susan and Ruth,

Susan, glad you had a good time. My eye infection seems to be getting better but I think I might call the doctor anyway and see if I might need some medication for it. My eyes were nearly swollen shut Sunday morning but they are much better today. It really is starting to get on my nerves.

Ruth, that 1 lb is a start. As you said just be glad that you didn't gain. Keep up the good work.

I have done well with my eating this week but I am not making any progress. My exercise has been less than energetic because of this eye thing going on but I still got in 5 pretty good workouts.

Hope everyone's week is great and full of exercise and healthy eating!!!!

I was just looking at a few sites that interested me. One was recommended here and is FitDay.....looks really good. You have to sign up but at no cost to you.....funny but signing up for things makes me nervous. It took me a while to get up the nerve to sign in here....I guess I'm just shy :-shy.

The other site is calorieking. You can find out the breakdown of the food you eat.

I thought I would get along with just watching what I ate....but it isn't working. I am going to try three small meals and three snacks a day using a weight watchers type food guide.....and using a journal. I have a chart all set up with the boxes to tick off. I want to get in more fruits and especially vegetables back into my regular diet too.

Also, I do a lot of 'just this once' or 'this is a special occasion' type stuff and get a lot more junk into me than I want. I am going to look on this new way of eating as an experiment for a couple of weeks and be quite strict with myself. I always find it hard to say no to some 'sinful' food when you know someone went to some trouble to prepare it for you.....but no more mister nice guy!

Good for you Ruth in the weight loss....and the consistent workouts. I'm sure that those workouts with the added step ups you have been doing are putting you in great shape.

I'm sure you will keep us posted on the eyes, Kelly. So sore!

Where are you Crystal? We are thinking about you....and here to encourage you.

Someone else said they wanted to join in and haven't yet. I hope you do! I'm sure you would be an encouragement to us and we would like to hear how you are doing.

Enough already!
Just wanted to let you know that I went to the doctor and got this eye thing checked out. He said it was my allergies, gave me drops, allergy pills, and told me to get some cortisone cream to apply to my face. It is like what was once in my eyes has dripped out onto my eyelids and face and I am raw and itching. It is not a pretty sight!!!! My eyes are much better but I will wait until this weekend to try my contacts again ( a new pair). Hopefully I can get my face cleared up so I can associate with people and not scare them with my awful looking face.

I hope I am on the road to recovery!!! :)

Oh, you poor girl! :-(

I'm glad you went to the doctor....I was thinking 'infection' not realizing allergies can get that bad.

I'm sure the people who love you still think you are beautiful :)!

Thanks for keeping in touch.
Hi Kelly,

That sounds so horrible for you - I've had a similar reaction in the past but for some reason I don't have any trouble with the eyes anymore, just pounding headaches from swollen sinuses. (But not infected - Dr. says is allergies.)

I'm so glad you went & got what you need to relieve the itchiness & pain. Hope things go well when you try your new contacts. Which kind do you wear?

Take care,
Hi Ruth,

The brand name is Sunsoft and they are soft contacts. I get a year's supply and replace them every three months. It always feels great to have a new pair in. They are extended wear so I have them in day and night...that is when I don't have this fungus amungus stuff going on!!!! I really am blind without them. My doctor had mentioned having that surgery, which the name escapes me at the moment, but I am scared about that. I think I will stick with the evil that I know. It was something relatively new a few years ago. Anyway, thanks everyone for the well wishes!!! :)


P.S. My face seems much better this morning!!!!
Hi Kelly,

I'm so glad you're feeling better. I too am blind without my contacts or glasses - I've always wanted to have that surgery. There's a place about 1 mile from my house which specializes in it. I know I'm going to try it someday, because I have been a slave to my glasses/contacts since I was about 10 years old and someday I want to know what it feels like to wake up in the morning and...see!!

I used to wear extended wear, have been wearing hard lenses (gas permeable) for several years, but am tired of them. I'm going to look into yours...thanks for the info!

Take care of those eyes! :)
Hey Ruth,

I don't know how you stand those hard contacts. I tried those when I first got contacts (age 16) and they just about killed my eyes. I have been wearing glasses since I was 8 so I know how you feel about being a slave to those things. BUT I am just thankful that I can see WITH the contacts!! It really is a wonderful thing. The extended wear contacts are great and have worked well for me! My prescription is so high that I can only wear certain kinds. Good luck!!!

Got in 5 GREAT workouts last week & lost, gained and lost that same stupid 5 pounds. Yeah, I took
the scale back out again...I'm a glutton for punishment!

Latest news from my exercise journal that I started 4/25... exercising consistently for 7 weeks now, 5
days per week for the last 2 (working up to 6). Lost about 1/4 inch from waist and hips. I'm happy but I
know I would have better results by buckling down on nutrition. This week I bought fruit & low-cal
fudgesicles for snacks, and WW frozen meals for when I don't feel like cooking. Enough is enough!
I like that calorieking site. I have one of his books, and it's one of my favorites. Thanks for the info!
Good for you Crystal! You sound really happy over your workouts and the news from your journal sounds good too :).

I have decided to not weigh myself for at least a month. I used to weigh in daily and I'm not quite sure what I was looking for....to loss 10lbs like magic overnight? Not likely.

I had started journaling too (finally) and didn't want to write down 'unwise' food so early in the game, so, today I didn't have the scone with butter and jam, like nearly everyone else was eating, felt really good about it too!

Nothing like getting photos back and seeing yourself from the rear view (and other unflattering angles) to make me want to stick with this 'eating clean' business.

Glad you like the calorieking site, HB. It looks great for when you are eating out, or anytime really.
Funny listening to you guys talk about contacts and glasses.

I have worn glasses since I was about 9 too, but since I am near sighted in one eye and far sighted in the other I could get by without the glasses if I just closed one eye (depending on the circumstances).

Now that I am older it doesn't work as well and I have to rely on my glasses more and more often. It was kind of handy while it lasted though. :)

I'm so glad you are doing well with your exercise. It is very rewarding to be consistent and see results. Good luck on the nutrition part. To me that is harder than the exercise. I LOVE to eat, anything and everything. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up the good work!

Well Susan, we are just a bunch of near sighted exercisers here. You think there is a link between bad eyesight and being overweight? Maybe there should be a study on that!

Just being silly!!!

Hi Kelly,

When I first started wearing contacts MANY years ago, that's the only choice there was. I wore them, but I suffered a lot! Then when the softies came out, I wore them for many years. Then my eyes started aging I guess, & I couldn't see out the softies any more so tried the gas-permeable. I could see out of them much better, but they were a pain to wear & still are. I need new contacts though, as I can no longer see well out of these. I understand the softies are greatly improved now, so will try them again!

Nice to have a fellow blindie here! Have you ever tried a Cathe workout with glasses on?? ( Sometimes I can't wear my lenses for various reasons.) I had to go out & get one of those strappie things you use to keep your glasses on while you're wet or whatever. VERY hard to find, had to go to Ocean City to find it! SUCH a pain, but somebody had to do it!! LOL

Hi Ruth!

Definitely give the soft contacts a try again. They are MUCH improved the last several years. You won't even know you have them in. I'm assuming your optometrist will work with you til something fits just right. Good Luck!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Hey Ruth, I did Step Jam Friday with these ole' glasses on. Was a fun workout but would have been better with the contacts in. The glasses are pain when you are sweaty. They keep slipping down my nose and my perception is not so great. I JUST about twisted my ankle. NOT GOOD! I am hoping I can put my contacts in tomorrow sometime. Yeah!

I came across 'little debbies' on calorieking and immediately thought of you Honeybunch. They are 312 calories with 18.7 grams of fat :-wow

I'm sure glad they don't sell them in my neck of the woods 'cause I'd be in big trouble! I probably wouldn't settle for just one. :9

I have really been watching my food intake, and you're right (not that I doubted you), you can sure eat a lot of food and stay below 1500 cal, you just have to look at those substitutes. I didn't even get to 1500, more like 1000(just today). I'm sure I'll have my higher count days too, and I don't want my body to think I'm starving......if only it could see itself. ;-)

I have been eating realy well and am just dying to weigh myself, but I told myself I'd wait till Monday!

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