Trying to get back in the groove after Hurricane


First of all thanks to all of you who sent your thoughts and prayers my way after my message of a couple of weeks ago. It will be nice to try to get back into a routine. I am in my new office in Dallas for the first time today. Several of us that are displaced are all in a conference room in our district office here.

We have rented a home in Plano and my daughter has been back in school since Monday. She really seems to like her new school and everyone has been so nice!

Hopefully I will get to check into the forums more often now and try to even work out soon. That should really help my stress levels, I hope.

I was sure that Cathe would have made an announcement by now. I guess I will wait in anticipation with everyone else. I was hoping to get my new workouts (I will need intermediate workouts to get back in the groove) in the mail, but I am not sure where all of our mail has gone.

Guess I will need to be thinking of a new user name other than Bayou Gal now, HA! I am afraid that I am one of those that will not be going back to New Orleans more than likely.

Take care everyone and thanks again for your thoughts!

Sandra S.
My thoughts remain with you Sandra. I admire your strength at rebuilding and moving on. Good luck!

Just an idea, but you may want to keep your name to remind you where you came from and where you're going. I love the Louisiana Bayou's - there's nothing like them anywhere else.
sandra i hope things start falling back in place for you and things continue to go well for your daughter at school.

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Sandra, I'm so sorry for all that you have been thru. I haven't been able to catch up on all the threads here due to just returning from vacation. I am assuming you lost your home & all? How awful! My thoughts and prayers will be with you as you venture into an all new world. Sounds like you are doing great. I'm glad to hear your daughter is adjusting well too. Keep us posted and like Christine said, I'd keep your old screen name! Welcome Back!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Sandra,

I'm so happy to hear that things are beginning to settle down for you and your family a little bit. It can't be easy and I'm moved by your resilience and determination to pick up and move on. You're a great example to all of us and I hope if I ever have to face what you're going through that I can do it with half the grace.

Sandra -
I'm glad to hear things are getting back on track for you. Take care and keep us posted. My thoughts are with you.
You have been in my thoughts. I'm really glad to see you back on the Forums. I'm glad you and your family are ok.


"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more."
Michele couldn't have said it better. My thoughts are with you and your family. And I am awefully glad that you are safe!

i'm glad to hear from you! i have been wondering how you were. great to hear you have a new home and your daughter likes school. i wish you and your family all the best in your new start and i really admire your attitude about all of this "change" in your life! you ROCK! take care:7

Hi everyone!

Thanks for your inspiring words.

Christine, I read your post about volunteering and it is just amazing what a special person you are. I am sure that you made a difference in a lot of people's lives!

Yes, Debbie, As far as we know we have lost everything. We have seen pictures on the internet in our neighborhood where the water was up to the eaves of the houses. So, we can only assume that it is a total loss. My husband may be allowed into our area this weekend, because my father in law has a special pass because he owns a business in the parish. So, we will know more definitively soon, I hope. My husband is bringing his digital camera. I hope that I can bear to see the pictures. One step at a time.

On a good note, I did receive word from the folks at that my videos were sent back to them due to the Hurricane so I gave them my new address. I told my husband that if he finds any of my Cathe DVD's upstairs that are dry to bring them back with him!!

Thanks again everyone for your thoughts!

Sandra S.

P.s. Christine, I think I will take your advice and keep my user name! I should not forget my roots, after all, right?!
I can't even begin to imagine what you and your family have been heart goes out to all of you. I am glad things are going well in Dallas. Hopefully you will get your Cathe workouts soon. Thanks for posting and letting us know how you are...:)...sending prayers and hugs...:)...Carole
Sandra, glad to have you back!

My thoughts are with you and your family. Welcome back and I wish you all the best in getting everything back to normal.


I've thought so much about you the past several weeks! With school starting back, I haven't been looking at the forums so I didn't get to see your previous post. I'm so glad to see you and your family are coping as best as you can. The hurricane has sure reached all of us in the U.S. Even here in my tiny town of Appomattox, VA, we are getting 10 new students in the next couple of weeks. They are going to be staying at our county's 4-H center until something more permanent can be arranged.

I really enjoyed getting to know you at Cathe's weekend!
Hey Sarah! Thanks for your thoughts. Wow. That is amazing that you are getting that many students as far away as Virginia. I think everyone got spread out which is probably good so that cities like Houston and Dallas do not get overwhelmed.

I very much enjoyed getting to know you at the Cathe weekend also, and will keep you posted on how we adjust to our new lives in Dallas.

Sandra S.

My heart goes out to you. You have been through so much. I couldn't even imagine having to pick up and start over like that. You are so positive. You and your family will remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Hope you find all of you DVDs! (the important stuff right!)


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