To buy or NOT to buy....that is the ????



I am wavering on purchasing the new STS series....I really think it would get me out of my slump, but the frugal part of me is saying "are you crazy spending that much money!". It is on sale right now, but I still am trying to justify the $$.

Would the Gym style workouts do the same thing?

How much use am I going to get out of them?

Where do all my other Cathe videos fit in?

Will I get results?

HELP!! my head is spinning.

Enablers Anonymous!!

You're asking this group? LOL I was on the fence about buying STS also, but bought it in January and finished my first rotation. First it's the first rotation I've truly completed. Second, Cathe makes it so easy to follow. Third, I really gained strength completing the rotation.

If you're looking for someone to say buy it, my vote is YES :eek:

STS pulled me out of a serious slump when it was first released. When I use it, I truly look forward to lifting weights because of the wide variety of exercises. I do not have any dread factor at all. I also enjoy the music and the back ground exercisers. The men are truly fun to watch. You can view the different exercises on Workout Manager. Click on STS and then you can select any of the workouts. Click on view and print. This way you can see which ones Cathe uses. I have since used Meso 1 many times successfully for weight-loss. It is also simple enough to sprinkle them in on any given months rotation. I really like Shock Cardio as well. I love the wide variety of cardio and intensities. I use Shock Cardio workouts all the time. Gym Styles would also work well for a slump. They are solid, tough, advanced workouts. Gym Styles offers great variety as well. They do not however, offer the different Meso Cycles. I think the best way to decide is to watch the clips over and over so you get a feel for both. Either one would work well for a slump. I own both and would not part with either. Peggy
Thanks you guys for your input....I'm gonna go for it!! From everything I've been reading everyone seems to LOVE it and they get great results.

I let you know how it's going.... :)

Thanks again

I understand your hesitation, as I know I have made purchases and wonder why. But I promise you----you will NOT regreat the purchase of STS!!! I just finished the 3.5 rotation and I saw gains that I have never seen. I have been doing Cathe for years. Just this fall I did a slow and heavy rotation and also use Gym Styles alot. I saw good results---but nothing compares to the results that I saw with STS in my upper body. The music is fun...the workout challenges you to take your goals to the next level!!
My goal was not weight loss so I may not be the best person to ask. I lost 8lbs. last summer that I had gained from not exercising for a year. I was up to 152 lbs at the end of last school year and I was down to 144 when school started. When I started STS in February my goal was to tone my upper body more. My weight at the time was 142- 144.....and now it is 140-141. I didn't have an extra clean diet as I don't like to weigh under 140lbs. While doing STS, I did 3 days of cardio and sometimes that may have been 30 minutes or 40 minutes which is what I felt that I needed to maintain as long as I ate relatively clean.

My arms are looking good and I can see definition in my thighs. I am ready for the sleeveless shirts for summer:D My coworkers tell me that I look lean. STS will take your strength gains and definition to a new level.

When I started STS, I could barely get through the push ups on my knees. When I started MESO 3, I could do some push ups on my toes. I have never been able to do that in all the years of exercise!
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Excellent! Thank you for your input. I'm not looking to lose a ton of weight as much as I am looking to really lean out and gain some definition in both my upper body and lower body (especially quads/hams).

I think this will do it for to get the diet cleaned up...ugh! :)

I am doing the 5.5 month rotation. I am almost done with Meso 2 (about 1.5 weeks away...). I am getting fantastic results! I was already getting great results but a month ago joined WW online to try and lose these pesky 5-7 pounds that have been hanging on to me for dear life for the past year or so. Well, WW is working like a charm and making my STS results even MORE obvious! I LOVE IT! It's an awesome program! I highly recommend it! I am leaner, lighter, more defined and stronger! WOOH HOO! My muscles are popping all over the place. Love it! :D
I too am on Weight Watchers....I am a lifetime member. Originally I lost 30 pounds after my two children are born (my youngest is 18), and did well staying within my goal range. However, now that I am back to work full time, it is hard to stay on track, especially when the birthday cakes, left overs from the holidays etc start pouring in.

I am trying and recently started attending the meetings again. I am hoping that between WW and STS I can get these darn, stubborn 10 pounds off!!

How long have you been on WW?

I too am on Weight Watchers....I am a lifetime member. Originally I lost 30 pounds after my two children are born (my youngest is 18), and did well staying within my goal range. However, now that I am back to work full time, it is hard to stay on track, especially when the birthday cakes, left overs from the holidays etc start pouring in.

I am trying and recently started attending the meetings again. I am hoping that between WW and STS I can get these darn, stubborn 10 pounds off!!

How long have you been on WW?


I completed one month on WW on this past Friday. I lost 4.2# in 4 weeks and have 2 more to go. I would like to be at goal by the Friday of Memorial Day weekend if possible but the weight loss has definitely slowed down
so IDK if I will make it.

I was originally going to wait to join WW until I was done with my STS rotation thinking that WW would not allow for enough food to fuel my STS work outs but I am so glad I ended up joining anyway! WW is only adding to my STS success! It's a fabulous combo for me! I just love it! :D

No one can stay on track ALL the time so don't beat yourself up too badly over it. Just make the committment to get back on track now and you will be back where you want to be in no time! :)

I have been dealing with parties and dinners out, etc almost every weekend since joining WW and still have managed to lose the weight. I do my best to track everything and then work at earning back the weekly points I use after the weekend's festivities are over with. I also try not to go overboard TOO badly but sometimes that's hard to do!:eek:
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I truly like all my Cathe workouts but STS was my best purchase ever! You won't regret it! Did it arrive yet?
Oh my goodness....I am like a kid waiting for Christmas. I just got email notification that it is arriving today! Needless to say, l I just got home from work, cooking dinner and having a cup of coffee waiting for the UPS man to show up!! I even posted a note on my door telling him that the doorbell doesn't always work so make sure to knock because I AM HOME :)

ANTICIPATION....(insert Carly Simon voice here!!)

I completed one month on WW on this past Friday. I lost 4.2# in 4 weeks and have 2 more to go. I would like to be at goal by the Friday of Memorial Day weekend if possible but the weight loss has definitely slowed down
so IDK if I will make it.

I was originally going to wait to join WW until I was done with my STS rotation thinking that WW would not allow for enough food to fuel my STS work outs but I am so glad I ended up joining anyway! WW is only adding to my STS success! It's a fabulous combo for me! I just love it! :D

No one can stay on track ALL the time so don't beat yourself up too badly over it. Just make the committment to get back on track now and you will be back where you want to be in no time! :)

I have been dealing with parties and dinners out, etc almost every weekend since joining WW and still have managed to lose the weight. I do my best to track everything and then work at earning back the weekly points I use after the weekend's festivities are over with. I also try not to go overboard TOO badly but sometimes that's hard to do!:eek:

So you feel that WW does give you enough macronutrients (especially protein) to fuel you through the workouts?! That was a concern of mine...Do you use all your weekly points as well as your daily points...or just daily?

I am at 29 points a day...but I usually am below that because sometimes I am so busy at work treating patients that I just don't have time to stop and eat. I know that's bad, and I am becoming more aware of it. I even have the WW app on my I-phone that reminds me to track my meals and that reminds me to eat!

How much cardio are you doing with STS?

LOL! Loved your note to the UPS guy! :D Well, did they come and did you give him a hug? :p

Oh my goodness....I am like a kid waiting for Christmas. I just got email notification that it is arriving today! Needless to say, l I just got home from work, cooking dinner and having a cup of coffee waiting for the UPS man to show up!! I even posted a note on my door telling him that the doorbell doesn't always work so make sure to knock because I AM HOME :)

ANTICIPATION....(insert Carly Simon voice here!!)

LOL! Loved your note to the UPS guy! :D Well, did they come and did you give him a hug? :p

They've ARRIVED!!!!! Oh boy, the UPS driver rang the bell and I ran to open the door in my "smiley face" pajamas and fluzzy slippers....what a! I giggled like a school girl, thanked him...he chuckled and left.

I have a question....I've noticed some people mention a 3 1/2 month rotation, and a 5 1/2 month rotation, but noticed nothing in the book that was sent with the DVD's. Where do I find out more about this?


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