Those terminators


Hi Cathe-

Okay, I had to admit, I'm terrible at the terminators. I need some tips I think. One thing that I have corrected is I finally realized that I was holding my breath a lot of the time. Not good. However, the other problem I have is the "squat thrust part" I don't know if my hip flexors and back are just so tight that I can't get my feet to jump back up or out that easily. Is this making sense? Any suggestions on how to stretch or work on part of the move to build up some strength or endurance? I know its not the HR/cardio part, its the actual jumping out and back that is frustrating me. (could be that I'm just a total klutz, I know when I kick box I feel like flailing spaz sometimes....haha) All I can say is that it "feels" like I'm too tight and that is what is hindering better movement. Any tips would be appreciate. Thanks for all the wonderful work and that terribly awesome August rotation.

Hi Rhea,

Not Cathe here, but I have a suggestion for you that I actually used when first learning those terminator killers-my name for them.

I use 1 riser and the top of my mini step to put my hands on. This makes the exercise a little easier than having to put your hands on the floor.

It sounds like you have tight hamstrings and could probably benefit from additional stretching for this area.

That's my suggestion-Hope it helps.

Not Cathe either, but I've had the same problem. Be very aware of your hips when you thrust back - don't let them fall below the level of your shoulders - if fact, to start, keep your hips higher. You don't need to go into a full plank position. This should help with the tight hip flexors.
Hi! Thanks for all the suggestions, I'll try each when attempting those killer terminators again...

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