The <------ Thread


Okay, here's how this one works. See if you can figure it out and join in. This comes from another board I used to post on, and it ended up being one of the most popular threads.

<--- just finished doing ME
<--- is convinced she will never be able to match Cathe's weight on biceps
<--- needs a shower
<--- went shopping for house stuff today
<--- is craving evil chocolate chip cookies
<--- misses the 512 girls

Get it?
Shelley, I am really dense. Do we guess all of them, some of them, or one of them? I hope I didn't ruin the thread.

LOL - you don't guess them. They're just thoughts I'M having. The <---- indicates me.

So it would be

SHELLEY just finished doing ME
SHELLEY is craving chocolate chip cookies

If you were to post, and say you just ate dinner, you would put

<--- just ate dinner

Sorry. I'm finding it hard to explain the concept!
I'm game! :)

<---just finished baking evil cookies (you want some, Shelley?)
<---is getting irritated by the machine gun and tank sounds coming from DH's video game
<---has sore hamstrings and needs to stretch
<---is hoping the living room will magically clean itself
<---misses the 512 girls too! :(
<----Just ate 3 pieces of pizza
<----Wish I could go to sleep right now
<----Needs to go outside and run, to burn off pizza
<----Needs to clean her closet--it's a friggin' mess
<----Bought home decor fabric today
<---needs to clean her house
<---spent a relaxing day with hubby
<---had hubby willing to spend money on her and decided not to purchase dumb was that?
<---gave up her last two weeks of summer vacation to unpack and move into her new school/classroom
<---lost an inch in her waist and an inch in her hips since starting the Aug. rotation!!!
<---cleaned out her purse, bought new pink sunglasses, a pink sunglass case, and a new pink wallet

K...why do we use the little symbol instead of our names? I think I'm just dumb...sorry!
The arrow is intended to point at someone's name, I think that's why you're confused. It makes more sense when you're Instant Messaging someone, because the arrow is pointing directly across at your name.

<---did PUB yesterday and has sore biceps today.
<---was able to do a pose in a Yoga Zone workout that she couldn't do before. :)
<---helped bf to clean out a closet that realllly needed it.
<---is happy that it's the weekend.
<---wants to finish the script she's working on.
<---did PS and MIS back before dinner.
<---ate half a hotdog for dinner and made son a milkshake.
<---will watch Amittyville Horror 2005 tonight.
<---was bad today and ate way too much chocolate!
<---hopes that tomorrow is a better nutritional day!

<------ just go back from Longhorn where there is a great new salmon
<------ did ME this afternoon and am already feeling it in the
hams and glutes
<------ got new doors today and am still deciding between a patio
door or French doors, I think French doors are going to win.
<------ is just about back to normal after having a mid-cycle feeding
frenzy last Monday and Tuesday. Smoke was coming out of
fitday as I entered my _,___ calories, sorry won't tell you
what the first digit is.
><--- is convinced she will never be able to match Cathe's
>weight on biceps

Shelley, I saw you flex. You have AWESOME arms. And besides, we've all heard rumors that Cathe is a robot.:p :+

My turn:
<--- spent most of the day cleaning and doing mountains of laundry (I guess that counts as my workout)
<--- spent the afternoon sleeping
<--- has eaten about 120 grams of protein today and thinks that still isn't enough
<--- is breaking out. again.x(
<--- is craving some cantaloupe
<--- suspects she has baby fever. sigh. (gotta call Shonie so she can talk me out of it:eek:)
<--- misses my Texas girls and thinks we and the 512 girls should get together sometime:)

Ok, I wanna join in on this one!

<---took a 3 hour nap I'm going to be up late tonight!
<---went shopping today (hmmm...this is sounding like a good day!)
<---did some landscaping outside
<---so my back hurts now
<---I'm craving cookies!
<--- thinks luv2run should go for French doors
<--- is having a nesting frenzy
<--- loves the turquoise that Sophie picked for her room
<--- is about to do Coremax
<--- is happy it's raining
<--- fell asleep on the couch last night and has no idea how she got to bed:eek:
<--- is HUNGRY}(
<--- thinks a Texas/512 girl get-together is an absolute MUST
<--- thinks Pinky needs to take something for that fever;)
<----is still sad about the dead mouse.:-(
<----didn't get her work out in yesterday.x(
<----is completely enjoying her cup of hazelnut coffee right now.:)
<---misses the 512 girls too! :7
<---is sitting here waiting for FIL to call to be picked up from hospital
<---is enjoying her hot, steaming coffee in her Cathe Mug!
<---is loving the August rotation
<---is thinking about doing StretchMax on her rest day
<---is so happy to finally have met LimeCat!
<---thanks Shelley for starting this fun thread
<---LOVES and you all

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
<--- has a face that looks like a tomato that sat in the sun too long
<--- has not been able to be on the forum nearly enough lately
<--- is very disappointed in her workouts for the past 2 months
<--- misses the Texas girls & agrees that the 512/texas get together is very needed!!!

<--- has a dirty house to clean and laudry to do and a truck to wash, so i better go!

<--- has an injury so didn't run 16 mile long run
<--- bummed about injury so ate crappy all day
<--- will do GS Chest and Triceps, GS Legs and CM today
<--- will go shopping for ds school clothes
<--- is warding off temptation to eat another
piece of carrot cake in refidgerator
<-- sweated about 10 gallons of water off during morning workout
<-- doin laundry
<-- thinking about vacumming living rooom
<-- about to have a friendlys pb cup flurry:9

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