STS No Pull-Ups?

I have a Rogue pull up system but long story short, even with pull-up assistance bands, pull-ups and I don't get along.

Has anyone done STS without pull-ups and chin-ups? What exercises did you sub in? Meso 1 just has so many of! TIA!
I am with you on the pull ups! I do the tubing option that they show in the workouts. I use a double tubing band and use a door attachment from the top
And do the overhand pull-ups or pull downs I guess you would say, then underhand grip for chin-ups and for medium grip, I do the pull downs with palms
Facing. I believe Cede (?) and Deazie (not sure on the spellings) show these options in the STS workouts. I do occasionally do the slow sitting pull-ups with
The tower, but I prefer the tubing option and glad she included that option. The
Double tubing with handles works great for this, because you have double the
Thank you for the responses, ladies. Very helpful! I have tried before using the band just like Cedie did but it never felt like "enough" if you know what I mean. So @aqua girl and @Debinmi do you double up with two bands of the same resistance, or do you fold over a single band to double its resistance? I'm confused by what double tubing is? That sounds very promising, though!

@Jane Power-Grimm I hadn't thought of using the dumbbells that way. You always have great suggestions. I think between all of these ideas I can crush STS without a single pull-up, lol!
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Hi, I am actually talking about tubing with the 2 handles, but this one has two tubes
Attached to each handle....I am trying to figure out where I got it from, it's been
Awhile, but I think it was either Power Systems or Perform Better....but I think it
Was Power Systems...I am not sure whether they still carry that one or not....I will
Try to check and see if I can find it on there website.
Ok, I can't find what I have....I am sure it was Power Systems, but I can't find it
On their website, I am thinking it was on sale so maybe they sold out...but if you
Go to Amazon and put in the search bar, "resistance tubing set, I saw a 11pc set
Which was like $15.00 and it was 2 handles with clips and then a bunch of
Different tubes with clips and you can attach as many tubes as you want, the
Picture shows like 3 or 4 attached and it looked like the door attachment was might check it out, it might be something you might like or could
Try. Good luck !
Ok, I can't find what I have....I am sure it was Power Systems, but I can't find it
On their website, I am thinking it was on sale so maybe they sold out...but if you
Go to Amazon and put in the search bar, "resistance tubing set, I saw a 11pc set
Which was like $15.00 and it was 2 handles with clips and then a bunch of
Different tubes with clips and you can attach as many tubes as you want, the
Picture shows like 3 or 4 attached and it looked like the door attachment was might check it out, it might be something you might like or could
Try. Good luck !
Now I get it! Found the bands you're talking about and they look great. Thanks so much for going the extra mile, @aqua girl. I appreciate it. Off to go shopping for bands... :)
@aqua girl Yes! I showed my engineer DH the bands you recommended and he figured a way to wrap our new Cathe bands with handles on our Rogue to make it work just like the Power Systems. It is awesome and I very much appreciate your input! Have a great holiday season. :)
Hi all! I have been thinking about purchasing STS but I’m a little hesitant because of chin ups/pull ups and I don’t have a bar either. I’ve read the suggestions above for alternative moves…but I’m curious exactly how often this move comes up in the program? I see one of the original commenter said there is tons in meso1…

More info would be greatly appreciated :)
Bumping this.

You can use parallette bars (a dip station, basically), TRX bands, gym rings, or doubled-up bands for pull-ups. There are definitely work-arounds. My favorite is using my gym rings (the rings that hang from the ceiling that are used in gymnastics). If I sit in the floor, I can pull myself up that way for the exercises. But even if I didn’t have this option, I’d still do STS. The pull-ups aren’t a huge part of the program and you can sub other “pull exercises” for them and be just fine.

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