STS: 2.0 update

I googled "intensity building techniques" when Cathe first posted this ... they include some advanced techniques like what Elise is requesting (back-off sets, supersets, varying tempos, drop-sets, etc.). And "heavier weights" is a relative term, and will be individualized to each person ....
Yes, I’m aware of those types of intensifiers and understand how they work. I do also understand that heavy weights are relative. I’m more interested in how Cathe plans to use any/all/none of these intensifiers.

That portion of the announcement just reminded me of something from 10 years ago and felt pretty vague. I want a clearer picture, which I need to wait for. I’m sure it’s all about my perception. I’ll be watching for more info that gives a clearer picture of what to expect.
This sentence took me from excited expectation to more of a patient watching and waiting mode.

I know Cathe fans are known for loving the toughest of workouts. Puke in a bucket isn’t really my workout style.

This statement sounds like something that would have excited me back in my hard core days. At this stage in my life I need a smarter system not necessarily heavier or intensified workouts.

I’ve not, by any means ruled this set out. I just won’t necessarily be ordering on day 1.
Did you really think any of Cathe's were puke in a bucket? Hard, yes, high intensity, sure, but not like Shaun T. Hers always seemed a bit better balanced than that.
Did you really think any of Cathe's were puke in a bucket? Hard, yes, high intensity, sure, but not like Shaun T. Hers always seemed a bit better balanced than that.
No not like Shaun T. :eek:

I own almost all of Cathe’s DVDs except about four. I started with her VHS Tapes back when she was a new instructor. I replaced those VHS tapes with DVDs. I’ve been supporting her releases for literally decades.

Back in the day she had the reputation of being the toughest instructor.

I’m sorry I ruffled feelings. I’ll keep my treasonous mouth quiet now but will keep watching for updates. I really want this set to be a set I can’t wait to pre-order.
Just some thoughts about the comments of "puke in a bucket" workouts. If anyone is finding any workout of any kind (not just from Cathe) makes them throw up, isn't that a sign of overtraining and overexertion and perhaps there is something wrong? I believe in a good hard workout but I wouldn't do that to myself and actually think it is a sign one should stop what they are doing because they are hurting themselves and not benefitting from what they are doing.
At any rate, whatever level Cathe advertises for a workout I know I will love it no matter what. It is all in the hands of the person doing the workout. For example, if I do one of the dvds from the Lite series, I choose my level of intensity depending on the day. I can make it easy for me or really, really challenging. That is the beauty of what she provides--a platform to stay fit or increase my fitness as I see fit (pun intended) and I can do it without ever feeling like I'll throw up.
Just some thoughts about the comments of "puke in a bucket" workouts. If anyone is finding any workout of any kind (not just from Cathe) makes them throw up, isn't that a sign of overtraining and overexertion and perhaps there is something wrong? I believe in a good hard workout but I wouldn't do that to myself and actually think it is a sign one should stop what they are doing because they are hurting themselves and not benefitting from what they are doing.
At any rate, whatever level Cathe advertises for a workout I know I will love it no matter what. It is all in the hands of the person doing the workout. For example, if I do one of the dvds from the Lite series, I choose my level of intensity depending on the day. I can make it easy for me or really, really challenging. That is the beauty of what she provides--a platform to stay fit or increase my fitness as I see fit (pun intended) and I can do it without ever feeling like I'll throw up.
When I used the term “puke in a bucket” I used it figuratively rather than literally. I’ve been consistently physically active for coming up on 55 years. I should have realized that not everyone would “get” the figurative reference since it’s not commonly used these days.

Figuratively a “Puke in a Bucket” workout is simply an extremely difficult, possibly the most difficult workout. There’s actually no requirement to expel one’s breakfast on the mat. HIIT could “figuratively” be considered a “PIAB” workout.

After thinking about my reaction to Cathe’s last update I realized why I reacted as I did.

When Cathe initially announced this upcoming release and it appeared it would be STS 2.0 what I imagined was an updated version not a version that would be ramped up to be a lot more difficult than the original.

Obviously I’m not looking for a ramped up to the max system that’s even harder than the original STS. Yes I can modify down if need be but honestly? I’m not interested in modifying down 12 workouts. (That’s only my personal opinion so please don’t shoot me for for feeling that way.)

Remember that I’m only one person. All you intensity junkies (written fondly as I was once one) will no doubt be in the majority and get what you’re looking for.

I actually hope you do get what you want and Cathe sells tons of systems! I want her to continue to be successful and produce DVDs.
She’ll lose nothing if I decide to sit this preorder out and truth be told? I’ll most likely preorder to support her efforts even if I end up gifting the set to a friend.
Lannette, I knew exactly what you were talking about. I too used to be an intensity junkie. As a matter of fact my mind (or perhaps it's my pride :) still is. My body is going through "the change", and there are times that what used to be my favorite workouts are just too much for me - not necessarily physically. My body could do them, if only it would cooperate with me. Hot flashes in the middle of an intense workout just drain me, so that the energy level that I started with at the beginning of the workout suddenly disappears. I end up dragging through the rest of the workout. It's hard on me mentally, because I don't end my workout with that 'feel good' sense of accomplishment. I end it feeling like I survived - barely. I end up feeling like I spent my workout time beating myself up physically and then I have to try to resist that urge to beat myself up mentally (compare my current self's abilities to my younger self's abilities). My shelves are full of workouts that contain my younger years of wonderful memories, but now also have my more recent memories of "That one almost killed me." :) I modify, of course, but when more modification is needed than not (some days), it's a blow to my pride and makes me feel old, undoing some of the mental benefits of working out. I, too, am hoping the new series will be something that works well for my body at this time in my life. I'm sorry that people got defensive about you're comment. We are loyal to Cathe, because she's been so good to us. But... we need to remember that Cathe wants us to take care of our bodies and feel good about it. Nobody should judge you for wanting to do that. Nobody should take offense to the fact you are listening to your body and hoping Cathe creates a workout that's perfect for you. We all hope it will be perfect for us. It's just that we all have different bodies at different stages with different needs. So, it's going to be more perfect for some than for others. I admire you for knowing what you want and need out of a workout. I hope I get to that point. Right now, what my mind wants and what my body needs seem to be two different different things. I know that I need to be happy with what my body gives me today, but that's evidently easier said than done. I want to thank you for something that you said in a previous post, "At this stage in my life I need a smarter system not necessarily heavier or intensified workouts." That sentence made my mind go to a motto that I've followed my entire life - "Work smarter, not harder." I have no idea why I live by this for every part of my life but my fitness. I need to regroup. If I begin to think of being smarter during this stage of my life (rather than moping about because working harder is no longer enjoyable), I'll be better off mentally and physically. Basically, if I can get to the point that you're at, I think I'll be much happier with myself. Thank you. :)
@Lannette that's interesting. I need to go back and re-read Cathe's description of 2.0, because it was actually my impression that she was going to be making it more accessible and not quite as intense. That seems to have been her trend lately with her last few series. But I could be wrong.

I'm almost finished with the 90-day XTrain rotation, and I can tell you that, while I see and understand the benefits of HiiT and Tabata, I won't be sorry to see them fall by the wayside in my next customized rotation. ;) (Give me steady-state cardio, please!) I've been pushing myself through them, but really what's truly driving me THERE is knowing that Cathe was only 2 years older than me when she made/released XTrain. So, I keep telling myself "if SHE can do it at my age, then I should be able to!"
@Lannette that's interesting. I need to go back and re-read Cathe's description of 2.0, because it was actually my impression that she was going to be making it more accessible and not quite as intense. That seems to have been her trend lately with her last few series. But I could be wrong.

I'm almost finished with the 90-day XTrain rotation, and I can tell you that, while I see and understand the benefits of HiiT and Tabata, I won't be sorry to see them fall by the wayside in my next customized rotation. ;) (Give me steady-state cardio, please!) I've been pushing myself through them, but really what's truly driving me THERE is knowing that Cathe was only 2 years older than me when she made/released XTrain. So, I keep telling myself "if SHE can do it at my age, then I should be able to!"
It was this sentence in this latest update.
Expect lots of new weight training moves, heavier weights, intensity building techniques, new recovery workouts, plus more.

I totally admit that I’m probably reading way more into than I need to. One thing you can always count on when it comes to Cathe is that it will be well done.
Interestingly, I read her update and the descriptions to distinguish this set from endurance based strength training.

I'm excited for whenever this set hits the shop page. And I'm someone who is too intimidated by the original STS.
So I went back to Cathe's original post:

"First, let me tell you that I am beyond excited about this new series!!! Tentatively titled, STS 2.0: Muscle & Recovery, this series will share some favorite aspects of the original STS series, like a complete strength training focus, but will also be very different in that the workouts will be a bit shorter, we won’t remain within a specific mesocycle phase, and will also include recovery routines within the program itself."

I note she writes this a "complete strength training focus" - so I take that as endurance, hypertrophy, and strength - light, moderate and heavy weights. She writes "we won't remain within a specific mesocycle" - I take that to mean it will be undulating as opposed to a linear progressive method. (I prefer undulating myself.) She also mentioned on the road trip it will include Total Body workouts - which could mean traditional, or a metabolic or even a PHA. So many possibilities ... I'm looking forward to reading more about it & will probably order within the first week of the pre-sale!
I’ve always wondered if Cathe’s filming set is located at the gym where she teaches. I’ve never been able to go on a road trip so I have no clue if it’s at the same place. I can’t wait to see what the new set looks like!
I’ve always wondered if Cathe’s filming set is located at the gym where she teaches. I’ve never been able to go on a road trip so I have no clue if it’s at the same place. I can’t wait to see what the new set looks like!
Yes, it is at her gym.

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