Strength in Numbers

Cheryl Oh wow, you must have been exhausted. It sounds like you needed the sleep a lot more! Wo, Milo sure got adopted fast. That is great that he went to a nice home and will get to go to the park every weekend. It has gotten easier for me to let my fosters go. The first few were so hard, I cried every time. My favorite is when the adopters send me regular updates. I just love seeing how much they love them and how happy they are.

Julie Great job AOLIH+core. I can't remember what the core is like in that one, but Cathe doesn't have many easy ab workouts except for some of the really early tapes. I think your abs are just getting stronger because you have been doing them so regularly.

This morning was S&S PHA plus abs. There are some moves in that ab workout that just feel so awkward to me, but I think I'm finally getting the hang of them. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on AOLIH and core. So cute about Gunner wanting to say goodbye to your husband when he was leaving. I would say that your core is getting stronger

Pam I knew Milo would get adopted fast. The people who adopted Milo did send us an update and a couple of pictures. I hope we get a few more down the road. Good work on S&S pHA plus abs.

This morning I did Lite Cardio Party. Then I went to the SPCA for my shift and then I got groceries. Before dinner I went and walked our friends dog.

Have a great day.

This morning I did S&S Ramped Up Upper Body plus the bonus abs! I'm taking tomorrow off work. Hopefully I can get some things done around the house but we also have a landscaper coming out to look at doing some things to help keep our yard from getting so muddy (hopefully).

Pam Great job o n S&S PHA plus abs! I think the reverse crunch plus pilates pulse and the side plank heel taps feel awkward to me. Everything else is more doable. I think XTrain actually has two core workouts and I did core 1. I hope they are getting stronger; otherwise, all this suffering is for nothing! :p

Cheryl Great job on Lite Cardio Party! I hope the family sends you more pictures especially as he starts to grow up. I'm hoping my core is getting stronger. I think the real test will be when I can actually do the bike maneuver. That one always makes my low back ache.

Have a great day/weekend!
Cheryl Hopefully Milos adopters will stay in touch and you will get to see how he is doing. great job on CP and your shift at the SPCA and walking your friends dog. Do you think you will get another foster puppy?

Julie Great job on RUUB+abs! I hope that the landscaper can fix your mud problem. That's right, both of the core workouts in XTrain are pretty tough, doesn't the first one have all of those banana crunches followed but the side to side oblique things with your legs up? Those two back to back always kill me!

This morning was LI Hiit 1+2. Yesterday I spent the day car shopping. My nephews car broke down so we are getting him a decent car and we still need to replace our SUV. I am going again this morning to buy his car. I told my DH what I want and now he is going to shop around for one. Have a great day!

Julie Great job on S&S RUUB plus the bonus abs. I hope the landscaper can help you with your muddy yard. I hate the bike maneuver I really struggle with that one.

Pam I don't think we will foster another puppy. I was way too emotional even a few days before he went for adoption. I get too attached to animals. Good work on LI Hiit 1+2. That is so nice you are buying your nephew a car.

This morning I went to Twist but our trainer slept past his alarm because he had taken some cold medicine. So I came home and did Lean Legs and Abs. Then I got all the housework done.

Have a great day.

Cheryl Aw, that's too bad that it was so hard to let Milo go. What a bummer that you went to Twist so early and didn't get to do it. Great job on LLA.

This morning for me was LI Series Total body trisets upper body split. I hadn't done that one in a long time. I like it except for there being too many push ups. I didn't end up buying a car yesterday. I think my nephew may have lost his license and isn't telling us. I asked him to send me a copy of it so that I could get the car titled, and he said he couldn't find it. :confused: I told him I'm not going to buy anything until I know that he has a valid license. Hopefully it's just a matter of him needing to get a replacement license, but he has had so many issues that I'm not very confident. Have a great day.

Pam Great job on LI Total Body Trisets Upper Body Split. I hope your nephew didn't lose his license and he just lost it. I am with you in that he needs to send you a copy of his valid license before you buy him a car.

This morning I had an early morning hair appointment so I didn't get a chance to do a workout. After I got home all I did was some laundry.

Have a great weekend.

Cheryl If I don't get my workout in first thing I have a really hard time doing it. But you looked fabulous while doing the laundry :cool: .

Yesterday morning was Tabatacise+core 1. Your core is definitely getting stronger Julie if you thought that one wasn't too bad. I'm always so happy when I get done with those banana crunches and oblique twists. I got a new foster kitten yesterday, he's all black and really cute. Now we just have to figure out his name. We had some friends over for dinner last night and he was calling him Sabaton or something like that :rolleyes:. I don't think that will be his name since I'm not even sure how to spell it :p. Today is my rest day. It's only going to be in the 40s after mid 60s yesterday, so I don't think I'll be doing any yard work. Have a great day!

Pam Yes I did look fabulous while doing laundry didn't I :p. Great job on tabatacise and core 1. I saw your FB post of your new foster kitten. He is sure cute.

Yesterday I did Stacked Sets Upper + core 1 and then in the afternoon I went out to visit my mom. This morning was Stacked Sets Lower + the Extended Stretch 1. After that I walked down to the Winter Market to pick up a few things. Then I came home and made some granola then in the afternoon we had some running around to do.

Have a great day.

Friday I did Cardio Leg Blast plus Core 1! It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be cardio wise. After that I did some cleaning, meal prepping and then had someone come out to the house to look at our yard for some possible landscaping. Saturday I signed up for Cathe Live and did a Low Impact HiiT workout from 2 years ago. It was pretty good and for some reason was all I could muster for the day even though it was only 30 minutes. After that it was dog grooming and some more chores around the house. Sunday I did my heavy weight training day and then was pretty lazy the rest of the day. This morning I forgot to set my alarm so no workout but luckily Sheba won’t let me sleep past normal feeding time so I was only running a little late.

Pam Great job on LI HiiT 1&2! That is so sweet of you to buy your nephew’s car for him. I’m glad you finally settled on what you want to since that is one less thing to worry about. Sad to say that even though I just did the XTrain core I can’t remember them. Great job on LIS TBT UB! Agree there are way too many pushups. Cathe sure does like her pushups! Great job on Tabtacise plus core 1! Well that gives me confidence you saying you think my core is getting stronger. I hope your nephew isn’t trying to pull one over on you.

Cheryl Great job on LLA! Hopefully the trainer gets better but I totally understand about taking cold medicine and then sleeping past an alarm. I don’t think we could ever foster either. I totally admire people who can but I get too attached to animals too. Great job on SS UB plus core 1 and SS LB plus ES 1! Yum! Homemade granola sounds delicious!

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on SSY+core and SSL + stretch. How is your mom doing in her new place? Is she getting settled in? I imagine it will take awhile for it to feel like home after being in one place for so long. Yummmm, I love homemade granola!

Julie Gret job on CLB+core 1. That is one of my favorite workouts. Do the landscapers think they will be able to help with you mud issues? I hope she! Great job on LIH Live. One of these days I need to try the live workouts, Great job on heavy weight training. That is lucky that you have a natural alarm clock :p. Buy nephew may be trying to pull one over on us, but since I'm not doing anything until I know everything is legit I'm not worried. I sure would like to see him get his act together though.

This morning I realized I had no rotation on my calendar because I just finished one on Saturday and forgot to pick a new one. I did Cardio Fusion and the abs from LLA. It was tough, I almost cut out the last 1-2 drills from Drill Max, but I decided to stick it out. Then I made myself a huge blueberry pancake for breakfast as a reward. :D Have a great day!

Yesterday I ended up doing some more yard work. It sure is a pain getting all of the leaves out of the beds. I thought I was almost done, but the smaller beds are taking me longer than the big one did. This morning was Muscle Max and my muscles have that nice little burn going. Have a great day!

I did Cathe Live Love Those Legs from 2 years ago. It was good. I felt it was a little heavy on the cardio and lighter on weights than I would have like but you know me and wanting to do weights all the time. I also added on Ab Circuits No Equipment since the live workout was around 40 minutes. I was surprised I could do all the NE abs but then again I think I remember it was one of the easier ones of those ab choices.

Pam Great job on getting Cardio Fusion and LLA abs done when you didn't have anything planned. That can be hard when there are so many choices. Good for you for sticking it out with those last two drills. I love blueberry pancakes. Definitely my favorite pancake! The landscapers have some things they are going to do that should help greatly. Now it is just finding time to get them out to do the work. I like Live but I forgot Cathe does not mirror cue so I have to remember to always start on my left instead of right. :oops: They do have a 7 day free trial or you could sign up for one month and see how it goes. You are so good with doing your yard work. I hate yard work and why I am paying to have someone else do it for me. Great job on MM!

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on Cardio Leg Blast plus Core 1. I hope the landscapers can help you out with your yard problem. Good work on Cathe Live Low Impact Hiit and your heavy weight training day. That is great that Sheba is a great alarm clock for you.

Pam My mom is enjoying her new place and is settling in. She is doing things like bingo, chair yoga and shuffleboard so she is keeping busy. Good work on Cardio Fusion and the abs from LLA. Yum blueberry pancakes, that would have been a great reward for sticking it out. Getting the leaves out of the beds is a pain. I have the same issue. Good work on Muscle Max.

Julie Great work on Cathe Live Love Those Legs and NE abs.

Yesterday I didn't get a chance to do a workout. DH has been dealing with a rash and hives for a while and he was really bad yesterday so I took him over to the hospital to get him looked at to make sure it wasn't something more serious. It was really busy there so it was a very long wait. It is an allergic reaction to something but what is still a mystery. He does have an appointment with his regular doctor Thursday afternoon so we will see what she says. Last night I had a dragon boat meeting so that is why I didn't get a chance to post. This morning I went to Twist for my workout and then went and got groceries.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Live Upper Body Challenge with Ball. It was pretty good. Not a lot of repetition and variety between using the ball, dumbbells, and band. There was some core work at the end too. Oh and Al was there so that was a bonus!

Cheryl Oh no that sounds awful for your DH. Hopefully you can figure out what it was allergy to so it doesn't happen again. So does that mean dragon boating will be starting soon?!? Great job on Twist! Yes I love Sheba as my alarm clock during the week but she doesn't seem to understand the concept of holidays or weekends!

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on Love those legs! We are opposites in that I prefer the heavy cardio and lighter weights. And NE abs too! Great job. I think it is the easiest of the Ab Circuits, but there is nothing easy about any of those workouts.Oh it would be hard getting used to starting everything on the left! I definitely need to try the live workouts one of these days. I just have to figure out how to work it with the TV in my workout room because it is ancient. I hate yard work too, but since I have the time I figure I should be doing it. I try to look at it as a bonus workout. :rolleyes:

Cheryl That's great that your mom is enjoying her new place and getting involved in some of the activities. Oh no, I hope that they are able to figure out what your DH is allergic to. Great job on Twist!

Julie Great job on Live upper body challenge. So fun that Al was there!

This morning was Great Glutes. That one goes by really fast for me. Last night we had Fat Tuesday dinner at our friends house. It was the first time that we have seen him since he had his bone marrow transplant. I can't believe how good he looks and how well he is doing. The Doctors said that he has been a textbook case so far, which is great news. Have a great day!

Julie Great work on Live Upper Body Challenge with the Ball. Nice that Al was in it too.

Pam Good job on Great Glutes. That is great that your friend is doing so well after his bone marrow transplant. I hope everything continues going well for him.

This morning I did yoga. It felt good to stretch out. Then I went to the SPCA. I spent time with one of the cats Binky. She curled up in my lap and was there for a while. In the afternoon I walked our friends dog Zoey. It was cold and snowing a bit out. I hope it doesn't last.

Have a great day.

This morning I did Imax 2 and actually did it without any breaks! Admittedly I may not have jumped as high as I have before and I may have only done 7 instead of 8 plies on some of the blasts in number 9 but still I am quite happy I made it through it! Since I had a little extra time, I added on the C&W abs in my attempt to get better at doing core work.

Pam Great job on GG! That sounds like great news about your friend! I hope you can figure out how to get Live. They are fun. I found the easiest way is the Roku stick. I got one for free when we signed up for something else but I think they are around $20-$30. Of course, if your tv doesn’t have an HDMI input, then that makes it even more difficult.

Cheryl Great job on yoga! I hope you doing it helps inspire me to do it next Monday instead of sleeping in. But with the time change coming, I am skeptical that will happen for me. How fun to have a lap kitty for little while. And to get to go for a walk with Zoey! Ugh more snow when we are so close to Spring. We are supposed to get some snow today too or possibly freezing rain.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on yoga. I have so. many days that I feel like get nothing done because there are one or more cats in my lap and I don't want to disturb them :rolleyes:

Julie nGreat job om Imax 2 with no breaks AND C&W abs! You are doing awesome with your core work! The TV I have in my workout room inspire HDMI,but I'm sure if I tell my DH I need it he will figure out how to make it work.

This morning was AOLIH and Bonus abs 2. Had a terrible sleep last night so I was happy that I didn't have anything more intense. This one usually feels pretty easy but I was struggling a few times. Then I spent the day with some girlfriends at an art gallery and then we out for lunch. Have a great day.

This morning I did Cathe Live Rock Body Boot Camp! It was fun. She added a twist to the kick outs from Supercuts where you do a pushup in between each kick out.

Pam Great job on AOLIH plus bonus abs 2! Oh I'm sorry about the terrible sleep. Hopefully you got better sleep last night. I actually saw that there is a Roku that you can buy that uses the old Red, Yellow, White cords or HDMI for $35. Not that I am pushing you to get it to do Live! ;)

Have a great weekend!

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