Spill it!

In 2004, I hope to:

1. Stop saying "YES" when I really mean "NO"
2. Stop feeling guilty when I stand up for myself
3. Tell my parents I love them more often
4. Survive my sister's life in MYYYYYY house :D
5. Stop being so selfish
6. Be a little more organized
7. Stop shopping so much (except for workout stuff)
8. Stop being friends with people who don't care about me
9. Let go of the past...
10. Continue working towards being comfortable in my own skin, as
well. It can be tough sometimes, but it is doable!!
11. Follow my dreams, no matter how much people tell me I'm making a
mistake (and not feel guilty!!)
12. Learn how to cook x( At least a little
13. Seriously pick up running again and fight to run in a

Merry Christmas!!

I thought of another one:

To try and not let text messages (or more importantly, lack of) get me down. I'm always checking my phone to see if i've got a text message or not...and sadly, its always from everyone but the one i want. Thats what i'd like to change. I want to not care so much and learn to let go, without going insane. My problem is even when i know something is not right for me, even when its all going wrong and every sign is telling me "walk away, this isn't right, it hurts" i can't. I'm like a dog with a bone, and i ain't letting go for nobody. Funny how life shapes us isn't it...rejection, a word that hurts so very very much.

God, what a sad rant :-(
If it's one you want, it's a matter of attatchment and detatchment is a difficult thing to learn. But not impossible! But if it hurts you, it definitely bears looking into. Most change is best brought about one small step at a time. Can you think of one you might want to try? Perhaps abandoning your phone at certain times or rewarding yourself for not checking. There are ways! You will find them!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi
Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, a little down, are we? Here's the thing. It's a secret I'll tell just you. Obstacles and temptation are put in front of us everyday. If you choose to do the "right" thing, then the obstacle goes away, eventually. If you choose a way that isn't helpful to your growth, it will come back at ya again and again. It's like little angels are watching over you saying "Oh, Wayne didn't quite get that message. Let's use a Mac truck next time." So be sad, and get over it asap. Another secret is to carry chocolate at all times.:p That is my holiday advice. Alexis
Is it the one you want, but this one doesn't want you? Is the reason behind this fixable? Are you hanging on because of a memory, or because of something very real you still share? Only you know if this is "right" or not in your heart. Listen to your heart, Wayne. You'll know what the right thing is to do. Yes, sometimes it still hurts anyway. There's a lesson to be learned, and once you learn it, you WILL be able to walk away with only fond memories. Trust me on this one. My thoughts are with you. And, if you need to talk, email me. I'm serious here.


You HAVE NO IDEA how much I am in the same boat as you are. It is sad, and it is the most difficult thing. I haven't figured out how to deal with it myself, after YEARS of trying :( Many, many hugs go out to you, as I understand completely. It is a shame that anybody needs to go through periods such as this, especially wonderful people. Please try to stay optimistic and hopeful.

Much love,


Wayne, it took me practically forever to learn that the only one worth wanting is the one that wants me. It took me 40 years to learn it, but at least I learned it! You can too. I promise.
I will live for the moment and not stress about the future or worry about the past.

I will absolutely quit eating chocolate EVERY day (go to every other day)!

I will be nicer to everyone!
As I logged on this morning and saw all your messages I realised that people care. And it makes me smile. My situation is funny (not ha ha). Its not that I can’t handle rejection, but I just need to know where I stand. I’m the kind of guy that needs reassurance (not constantly, but daily, for sure). E-mails. Texts. Texts, and more texts go unanswered. And it bothers me. It makes me think, “Am I the only one that cares here?” And clearly that may just be the answer. I think I’m very in touch with my emotional side, God, I’d make a good Husband! lol… I really want to thank you all for caring and I really do appreciate your words. I really do.

Ps ... sblordita it ain't easy is it. But try and try we do...why is that???
The way I see it, Wayne, we are blessed to have this place. I am very close to my sister and I have a best friend but over the years as our families have grown it has become harder and harder to get together and even to spend much time chatting on the phone. We are busy!

But you guys are always "here" and seemingly willing to listen to my incessant chatter without subjecting me to that glazed look that comes over someones face when you talk about what's interesting to yourself! We are developing real friendships and such support is beautiful! This is much deepr than fitness talk. We are learning to work with our whole selves and building our spirits as well as our bodies. We are helping eath other to grow stronger and to heal our imperfections as well as our perfectionism. In our loved ones, we trigger too many emotions to have this kind of "intimacy". I can share fears with people I have never met and you aren't going to take it personally and wonder if you are the cause of it in the way someone who falls asleep beside me each night might.

We are buds! My family chides me for being obseessive about this but they have no clue. My husband has an orange remote control plane, the Beautiful Bobbi, (aww! He's so sweet!) that he's very devoted to and my middle daughter loves anime... I treasure my Cathe DVD's and my awesome equipment but the forums are special to me. We laugh and cry and sometimes argue but it's all good and I have learned alot about being the best me I can be. I could join a sewing circle (I don't sew) or a reading club (who has the time to read these days?) but that would take me out of here and when I go, they can't handle it. So here, I have the best of both worlds. Something I love and people I love sharing it with from the comfort of my computer room so I am right here when they need me but I feel like I have a life! My husband tells me to get a life! I laugh at that because his "real" life is his job which often stresses him, keeping up with current events (which depresses me) relieving stress with that orange plane and this family. Mine is working out, volunteering at school, chaueffering teens, cooking and cleaning and the myriad things that make their lives run smoothly and this is where I come for me. This is real and enriches my life! It makes me a better wife and mom too!

You have friends here and if you are sad or stressed, never hesitate to call on us! We love you, man! I tried to email you in what became my first post to you but it came back as undeliverable Welsh Wayne and I think that's great because you needed to know that there are a bunch of women out here who think you are terrific and love to mother you and try to help you find a way to do what will lead you to happiness and contentment!

The world has changed drastically since I was born n 1962 and this computer and my DSL hook up, allows me access to people all over the states and the world and I am delighted! Someday we can hopefully do a really wacky thing and converge so we can meet face to face all the people we have grown to care for! My family will shake their heads but what's wrong with this? We live in a high tech world and we are using it to develop something truly remarkable!

Call on me!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/user.gif Bobbi
Hey Wayne!

I just wanted to say THANK YOU for being who you are! I am not sure if everyone here is aware, but Lynne (screen name Lynjap, I think) had all her DVD's confiscated by customs and had to RE-ORDER again! It ended up costing her between $300-$400.00! Wayne was kind enough to send her his videos at NO CHARGE! Now, how KIND is that???
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Amen, Bobbi. You said it wonderfully and "exactly". I come here when I'm bored, when I'm stressed, depressed, anxious, antsy.... everything. It makes me feel better.... Even if it's just to read and not participate. I generally don't have anything intelligent to say :).

Wayne, we're all thinking of you! You are fantastic. I know how easy it is to let one person who is so special bring your whole self worth to zilch, but it's not worth it!!! Harder to do than say, but it's gotta be true :D


What you just said to Wayne was VERY intelligent! See, we ALL have something to offer!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hey Wayne!

Yep, he did and he did that for me. Wayne, your're not a doormat, your're much, much much more than that and deserve to have a life full of happiness and love. The right someone is out there, it just takes a little extra time for some people. 0e and my other half have been together since we were 16! Been married 13 years, but together for 20 years, we did our growing up,had our good times a bad ( lost a child), but we knew we were right for each other and that will come for you too. You've gotta love yourself, think about all the little things you do that bring a smile on faces.....like visiting these forums and sharing with us!

You're the best and raise my glass ( if I had one!) to you.

I want to stop being so sweet and nice to strangers (clients, co-workers, etc.) during the day, only to be a b*tch to my husband once I get home.

I want to be more positive, about almost everything.

I want to let my anxities, worries, and reservations about so many things GO!

I want to read at least 2 books a month.

I want to sleep better.

I want to not be a people pleaser, yet not be selfish. I want to be kind, sane, and sincere.
For 2004, I would like:

1. To be less critical and more supportive (even though it's my job to be critical)
2. To run a marathon in October
3. To follow my heart's desire instead of worrying so much about what I "ought" to be doing
4. To volunteer at an animal shelter
5. To have an attitude of gratitude
6. To meditate at least 20 minutes each day
7. To forgive my own and everyone else's lack of perfection
8. To make every day the best day it can possibly be

This is a very inspiring thread! Thanks to all of you for sharing your innermost selves. You are all amazing people.

Jilly-you already accomplished #6 and I don't think you had to work hard on that one. It seems to come naturally for you.


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