Sorry Ladies


Hi Ladies,

I just wanted to apologize for making that "not returning" comment. I was wrong and I really shouldn't have said that. It wasn't necessary and when I'm wrong I do like to admit it and apologize to all.

This isn't an excuse but in the past few days I had to have a CT scan (with barium drink...YUCK!!) and an iodine drip to see why I'm getting urinary tract infections every three months. And, I had to take DH for a Stress Test with thalium injection yesterday. He's been having chest pains. He's only 39 but his Dad died in his early fifties of a heart attack.

I think I reacted more emotionally than I would have otherwise and for that I'm really sorry. Honestly, I'm not a dramatic person normally. However, I did receive a wonderful outpouring of love and support and I am very grateful and want you all to know how much that meant to me.

I do care about all of you!! I really do. I don't want anyone to hurt...not anyone.

Thanks again!!!
Lisa,Awwww all is good. Sounds like youv'e been under some stress. I will pray that everything comes out good .Take Care Hugs to you :) :) :)
:) Glad you're sticking around.

Hope all the testing for you & your DH went well. Have a great weekend!

No apology neccesary! Glad to see you back. :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Lisa, you sound like such a sweet and caring person. You are under alot of stress. I hope all is well with you and yours, my prayers will be with you. Take Care, Lori BC
Lisa...not to worry! I know once I thought about leaving with a similar situation here too. But one bad apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch I found out!!! Very glad you are staying...I hope your DH feels better real soon...:+ :) ...Carole
You seem like such a caring and sensitive person. You are such an asset to this group and I am very happy that you are not going anywhere!

I hope that every thing is okay with you and DH and am sending giant hugs to you!!!!!!

As others have said: no need to apologize!

I'm sure many of us have had times here where we thought about leaving the forum, at least for a while. I certainly have! But usually if you stick it out, the rough patch is over pretty quickly.
OOOH Lisa,
I just love you. You seem to be such a warm and caring person. I don't think you went overboard with your not wanting to "return". You were just expressing how you felt at that given moment in time. You are human. Hugs to you and take care of yourself.
You had every right to be upset, let alone with everything that is happening in your life! I hope that everything works out for you and your family and that you stick around here to keep us posted ;)

Thanks Ladies! Yes, you're stuck with me...haha. I know everyone has their problems be it health, family, work, so I know it can always be worse. I appreciate your concern. DH and I are keeping our sense of humor with all of the testing we've both been through in the past week. It is nice to share and you Ladies always make me feel better. Hope I can do the same in return. Thanks!!!

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