Shrinking Violets Check-in for February 18-24, 2007


Good morning, Violets! Welcome to a new week. Let’s make it a good one!

After bouncing on my rebounder yesterday morning, I spent most of the afternoon watching workout videos and preparing to find a good home for the ones I do not want to keep in my collection. I was waiting for a painter to arrive, so I did not want to pull out a bunch of papers or personal documents. This was a great place to start in my journey to free my home of clutter. The anniversary of my fire Tuesday night reminded me that everything I own could burn. I need to keep what I love and enjoy and give the rest to someone who will be blessed by it now instead of saving everything just in case I may want it again someday. My first impression of a workout is almost always right on target unless I am tired or trying it for the first time late at night.

I went to the grocery store last night and did Cardio Kicks followed by the Kickbox planks and abs on the Ab Hits DVD. Today is my planned rest day. I am hoping to do Clutter Max again after the worship service. I started pulling stuff out of drawers and closets, and I have piles everywhere now. Paper clutter, pictures, books, workout videos and DVDs, and fitness shoes are my biggest offenders. Clothes get consigned or donated to charity as I shrink out of them.

My eating was clean yesterday, but it was a challenge to keep it that way. I had an overwhelming desire to munch on food all day. My cycle is super heavy this month, and I am extremely hungry. I wanted to eat even when I was not hungry, but I resisted the temptation.

Hugs to Jean, Kali, Kim, Maeghan, Wendy, and any other Violets who decide to join us.

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).
Today is my rest day and I guess my body needed it. I got up and started some clothes in the laundry and laid back down watching TV and slept for another 2 hours. Now the day is 1/2 gone and I have a lot to do.

Heather, have fun with your Clutter Max. I told my dh that we needed to pretend we were moving. Moving has always been the time that we clear things out and we have lived in this house for 10 years so we could use a good cleanse.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

Hi gals!:)

Heather, Good job on the de-cluttering so far and may your eating stay clean even through the tough times!

Jean, Sorry you feel you kinda slept the day away but sometimes a nap is very much needed!

I did Chest, Shoulders and Triceps and ARX today. Great work outs but I could tell I hadn't eaten enough. I was not as strong during the upper body work out as I should have been.

Tomorrow will be another lower body circuit. I did the DM premix last week...I have to pick out a different one for tomorrow!!!}( Oh decisions, decisions!:7 :7 :7
Hi everyone.

Wendy, I understand the decision, decision, decisions comment. I sit there and look at my DVDs and go which one next?

Tomorrow I think will be step, because I want to do circuit on Wednesday. This morning was 30 mins on the treadmill and I did my first 10 min mile. Yeah! I have been slowly improving my time and finally did it. I had to slow down after the first mile. Now I just need to keep it going and adding a little distance each time and soon I will be able to run 10 min miles for my whole work out.

Hope everyone enjoyed President's Day. I had to work, but the commute was nice with less cars on the road.

Shrinking Violets Check-in

I have victoriously walked through the first 50 days of 2007 with only a few small stumbles! This was a good Monday. My Bible study lesson this morning was on obedience. Ouch! My rebellious spirit is having a fit over this one. I bounced on my rebounder this morning and kept my eating clean all day today.

I ate a snack after work, took a 10-minute nap, and decided that I wanted to do Interval Max for the first time in almost a year. I usually prefer dancy choreography, but I was mentally tired tonight. I wanted to work my body and rest my mind. I completed all 10 intervals and really enjoyed myself. I love the music. The tropical island song is my favorite. The softer instrumental music fits this workout. The simplicity of the choreography is good for a refreshing change. The blasts kicked my butt. I did several of the super high impact ones on my rebounder. I am so pleased that I got through this workout at night. I did have to take a quick break to change into my high impact sports bra. I have only done this workout twice before, but I will definitely add it to my rotation more often now that I know how much fun it can be. IMAX2 is still my favorite, and IMAX3 is still the most challenging.

I am ready to relax in a warm bubble bath and wrap up this day. I am discovering that my body needs around 7 hours of sleep a night when I am training hard, so I will ultimately need to start getting to bed by 9:00 p.m. If I can start getting to bed early enough to get back on track with morning workouts, I may do a Hardcore Series rotation in March to wrap up my first 12-week rotation of the year followed by a recovery week. I am actually looking forward to enjoying my favorite FIRM, Kari, and Christi workouts for a week. After 12 weeks of Cathe, my body should be ready for a break!

Wendy, did you have fun at the party in New York? I missed you while you were gone! The Low Impact Circuit lower body premix is fun, but I vote for the Body Max 2 scrambled eggs premix if you want a tough workout.

Jean, great run.

Maeghan, I missed you too.

Kali, where are you?

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey gals!

Heather: Yes, the party was fun. Thanks! :)

Hello to Meg, Jean, Kali and anyone else!:)

I am getting ready to squeeze in about 20 mins of Yoga X now that my main work out is complete. I still owe myself some yoga since I didn't do any last week! :eek: I just got done doing the BC cardio and lower body premix. I skipped the stretch and moved right into the lower body only premix...DOUBLE LOWER BODY again! YEAH!}( }( }( My legs should just LOOOVE yoga today boy! LOL ;)

Alrighty...gotta get a move on if I hope to fit it all in before DS gets up!

TOODLES sweeties!:+
Shrinking Violets Check-in

This will be a short update because I am tired beyond description tonight. I am fixin’ to resign from my career as an evening exerciser. I am a morning glory girl all the way. I bounced on my rebounder this morning. I need that little burst of energy to jumpstart my day.

This was a relatively peaceful day. My eating was clean again even though I was tired and tempted to reach for something sweet to energize me. I resisted and enjoyed a cup of herb tea instead.

I did Push Pull tonight for the first time since last year. This was the perfect match for my energy level. Supersets is more fun and more like my personality most of the time. Push Pull is more melancholy. It has an almost meditative quality to it. I am able to lift heavier, so it is actually more challenging in a way. Because I was so tired, I had to follow Cedie’s modification instead of doing the inverted shoulder presses. I was afraid I would fall on my head and break my neck! I attempted one and felt too unstable to continue.

The unusually cold winter in Texas has totally wrecked havoc on my feet. My heels are dry and cracked. Ouch! I have been pampering my feet for a week, and they are starting to improve. I think I will schedule a professional pedicure to get ready for sandals. It was a beautiful day today. I walked to the courthouse this afternoon and delighted in the gorgeous weather. This is my kind of winter day with temperatures in the 70s!

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Good Morning Violets.:)

So what work outs is everyone doing today?

I have back and bicps/arx on tap.

Meg, I hope life slows down for you so you are not so pressed for time to get your w/o's in!

Heather, So you'll be getting up with the chickens to do your work outs soon? I have tried but I can't do it. When I worked f/t I was an after dinner gal and now that I am home with my son I'm a nap time gal. :)

Hello to Jean and Kali...Where'd Kim go???
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Well, I can't make a decision and stick with when it comes to work outs. Yesterday I had planned on step, but the weather was nice so I took the dog out for a jog/walk. This morning I wanted to do one of Cathe's circuit dvds, but wasn't feeling strong, so I pulled out one of my Firm DVD's. It was OK, but definitely not Cathe. Back on the shelf it will go. Going to try to catch spin class tonight.

My back is aching today as if I lifted weights yesterday. I wonder if it is from the sprints that I ran at the end of my outing yesterday. I pumped my arms really hard so maybe I used muscles in my back that I didn't realize. Oh well at least it is a doms type ache and not something pulled. (I like an occassional doms)

Hope everyone has a great day.

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hey Jean and all who follow.

Jean, It's okay to listen to your body and change up your work outs when you feel you need to. Don't be too hard on yourself for that. You are playing it smart!:)

Well B&B/ARX is DONE!}( My hand was shaking while trying to record my info for B&B! LOVE IT! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA~;)

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Shrinking Violets Check-in

After another convicting Bible study lesson this morning on obedience, I bounced on my rebounder then went to work. It was a stressful day. I desperately need a warm bubble bath tonight. On top of all the craziness at work, I had to deal with a flat tire during my lunch hour. I hate car trouble!

My evening was much better. I got fired up after reading the thread Cathe posted asking for input about the 2007 Cathe Road Trip. Actually, I am experiencing mixed emotions about this. I have been waiting for an announcement about this, so I am excited. I would love to meet Cathe and as many of my online fitness friends as possible, but I am also feeling a little insecure about this. I am not sure if I can get my butt in shape by then. It looks like I have a target date for conquering my deepest insecurities about my body. I would love to weigh 160 pounds or less by then, which would be 100 pounds below my top weight. I would still most likely be the heaviest person there at 160 pounds, but I would be flying high to finally have that major milestone to celebrate. If I continue to shed 2 pounds a week, this is a very realistic and healthy goal that would give me until New Year’s Eve to shed the last 30 pounds and reach my goal for the year.

I did 10*10*10 tonight followed by the Rhythmic Step Challenge. The CTX Series is a gem. I love 10*10*10. It is perfect for nights like this when I want a taste of everything and not too much of any one style of cardio. The hi-lo segment was the most fun, but I also enjoyed the staggered mambos on the step. What a great substitution for double ricochets!

I am all fired up now and need to take a warm bubble bath and start winding down for the night. Hopefully, morning workouts will be my reality in a few days.

By the way, y’all are welcome to take a road trip to Texas if you want to enjoy this beautiful weather. You can help me clear the clutter of my home!

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Man, spin kicks my rear EVERY time!!!}( DS is down for his nap so I am heading in for a nap myself momentarily. Not sure if I will do my yoga when I wake up or later tonight.

Anyone here thinking of going on the roadtrip this year?? }(

Hope everyone is having a great day.:)
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hi everyone.

Well I made it to spin class last night. They have a different instructor on Wed. nights so it was nice to change it up a little. This instructor does this stance that is a killer. She calls it "legs only". You stand up, try not to touch the handle bars, continue to pedal and keep your body from bouncing. So basically only your legs are moving. I thought my thighs were going to jump off my body and run away. This morning I needed something uncomplicated so I got up and did FitTV version of Low Max and finished out the hour with Rhythmic Step Challenge and that was before I saw that Heather had added it in too. Cathe minds think alike. LOL.

Well, I'm stuck inside today and want to be outside. It is suppose to be 80 degrees. Got to love Texas weather. 18 degrees one week, 80 degrees the next week.

As for the road trip, I definitely want to go. I had so much fun last time and back then I didn't know anyone. I hooked up with Gayle who I chatted with on the WW site and got to meet her for the first time there. I met several others, but I wasn't on the boards back then, so I didn't get to make the connection between computer names and faces. - Now that I have "met" all of you (cyperly speaking) I would love to meet you in person. Meeting Cathe and her crew was the best.

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in


Wow! I've never seen that move in a spin class!! Sounds like a tough one! YIKES! :eek: }( }(

Sorry you are stuck inside today. It warmed up here too but it's raining. No kind of outside weather here. Would have been nice to take DS out to play in the yard but the rain is here to stay...:-( Ofcourse, it's not 80 degrees here but hey, that's the life of Jersey girl and we are lucky that we have had it so mild over all this winter!!!:)

My legs are going to be ON FIRE! They are already sore from spin and were STILL sore from my leg work out on Tuesday when I woke up this morning! I have legs and back on tap tomorrow...I hope I can do it!:eek: Yoga could kill me tonight but in the process I am hoping it'll do these sore limbs some good!:)
Shrinking Violets Check-in

This was another stressful day at work, and I am extremely tired again tonight. I started my day with Bible study and bouncing on my rebounder.

I did High Step Training tonight for the first time in almost a year. This is not one of my favorite Cathe workouts. High Step Challenge is way more fun with better music too. This workout is more challenging, but I really need better music to energize me for such a tough workout. Thankfully, Cathe is enthusiastic and encouraging in this one. I love the cardio segments. The upper body work slays me. I modified some of the moves, and I confess that I skipped some of the endless leg presses. This one is a keeper for the cardio premix and a future challenge. I will know without a doubt that I have really accomplished something great when I can get through this one without modifying anything. It is not destined to become a favorite. It simply does not have the fun factor of Boot Camp or Drill Max.

I feel like I have hit a wall with my weight progress. My official weigh-in is still a week away, so I am going by the way my clothes feel. I believe morning workouts are more effective for a variety of reasons. For some reason, intense cardio early in the day bridles my desire to eat more than my body needs for fuel. Morning exercise also makes me feel good all day and relieves the desire to seek those good feelings in food. I also believe that the changes I have made to my way of eating this month are not beneficial for me. I have not included any meat (including chicken) in my menus since New Year’s Eve and have not missed meat at all, but taking the next step and trying to avoid all animal protein is backfiring on me. I am not consuming enough protein or fat, and I am hungry all the time. I just want to eat, eat, eat all the time. This is causing me to think about food too much, which is definitely not desirable! I am still planning to fast cheese and chocolate for the rest of this 40 days, but I need to add organic yogurt smoothies or organic boiled eggs or something to my menus. I am simply not satisfied with a 100 percent plant-based way of eating. I need tiny portions of dairy and eggs to keep me sane and satisfied! I admire the people who have the discipline to eat perfectly clean all the time, but my goal for life is a place of balance and moderation. I do need to eliminate the soy again. I have been eating Ezekiel bread and non-chocolate Clif Bars and Luna Bars for protein, and I feel bloated and sluggish. I have determined that dairy and eggs are fine for me. Soy is definitely the problem. It causes digestive issues too. I prefer the taste of almond milk, so my dairy intake will still be limited. I need more variety in my menus too. I am looking forward to summer produce!

Y’all have sold me on the Cathe Road Trip!!! It was in the 80s in Texas today. I can handle the Jersey heat, but my hair does much better in a drier climate. I imagine that New Jersey is humid being so close to the coast. I can get good prices on plane tickets to Philadelphia, so I am excited about that. I will need someone to pick me up at the airport. I am hoping that I can get a spot. If Cathe starts the registration during the day while I am at work, it may fill up before I get to register.

Wendy, I am planning to attend!

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in


HSTA is actually one my personal faves. It's uber tough-what a work out!}(

I'm so glad you've decided to go on the roadtrip. It'll so nice to meet you girl! I plan to attend as well! I wanted to go in 2005 but my son was only a few months old and our funds were tight at the time. I was super bummed. DH told me that I was going to the next one NO MATTER WHAT!}( :+ }(

I saw that Kali responded to Cathe's poll about when to have it so I guess she is planning to attend as well! WOOH!:)
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

So today is Legs and Back/ARX. I will do fine as my legs are not the DOMS'ing mess that they were y'day. After doing yoga x last night I could immediately tell that I would be in fine shape this morning...and I am!:+

Man, my lil' guy is upstairs in his crib yapping up a storm...being VERY loud! LOL I guess he's awake-LOL! I will go up and get him soon...:)

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