Please Help Me - In major (emotional) pain..


Active Member
I am 32 years old and have been dating my 30 year old boyfriend for almost three years. Please keep in mind as you read this that he and I have had a really strong, fun, amazing relationship during this time. I can't explain all that it is, but please at least try to imagine two people who get along amazingly well, spend a lot of time together, "get" each other, support one another, etc etc etc.. we're not talking about people with all kinds of issues and argue a lot or anything like that. Imagine a couple really having fun together, loving one another. Ok, read on..

At about the one year mark, I raised the "Where is this going?" topic and we didn't get very far. I brought it up again at the year and a half mark and he wanted to take a "BREAK"; which we did, for about a week and then I called him and we got back together; still no promise of commitment. At the two year mark and then again at the two and a half year mark, I definitely made sure I conveyed that I wanted to marry him but he told me he wasn't ready and didn't know when he would be ready; however he loved me and loved being with me, and said he wouldn't be with me if he didn't think it had a chance of being anything more than what it was. He packed up his things one day and told me he loved me but he couldn't stand making me so sad when he knew I wanted more than he could give; I (foolishly) convinced him to stay, that we didn't have to get married, that I just wanted to be with him. He stayed. A few months later (as in, last weekend) I got a phone call from my friend who said she was pregnant with her second child. When I hung up, I just started crying; my boyfriend asked what was wrong and I brought up the question of our future. He responded by packing his things (again) and leaving, saying again that he loves me, loves being with me, is not interested in any other woman, but that we're just not going to "work out" in the long run and he doesn't know why. He says that logically he thinks we should get engaged but every time he thinks about staying with me forever he gets a "sinking feeling" in his stomach. I was crying and basically hysterical; I tried convincing him to stay but he left. The next day I drove out to where he was staying (about an hour and a half away, I might add) and he was receptive to seeing me but it was an awkward conversation and I was crying and blubbering the whole time, asking him to please consider the great relationship that he has and why would he want to leave. He says he can't put his finger on why it won't work, but he doesn't think it will, and he doesn't want to drag me though any more of this.

Needless to say, I am HEARTBROKEN. I can't think about anything but him. I can't eat, can barely sleep, I think of all of the great things in our relationship and how it seemed so easy for him to leave after all that we had meant to one another.

Does anyone out there have any thoughts on this? I realize you don't know me, and you don't know him.. but has anyone else been in a similar situation? What does it mean to be afraid of commitment - I just can't understand?
Hi Amy! I am so sorry for your situation and I don't think I can help at all as I have never been in a similar situation. My only advise (& I know this will be hard) is just to give it some time to see what transpires. If he truly loves you, I would think that it would "kill" him to be away for long. Maybe, just maybe he just needs time to think it all through on his own? My thoughts and prayers are with you as I can feel the awful sadness you are going thru right now. Hang in there and let us know how you are doing. BIG HUGS!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I know how you are hurting--to have given so much of yourself to
someone, only to realize he can't or won't give the same in return.
I think there are some times that two people just are not meant to
be together. I believe that God has a plan for each of us, and
He may have a wonderful man waiting for you--a man whose time has
come to settle down. Maybe the timing wasn't right with your
boyfriend. I am so sorry you are having to deal with the emotional
loss. I know from experience that time will heal your wounds. Every
week will get easier for you.
I do believe in the concept that "absence makes the heart grow fonder". Let him KNOW what he is missing. Stop calling him and begging him to return. At this point, I hate to state this, but he knows he has you on the ropes at his will. If he truly want to commit then give him this time to think it over. I really believe that he wants to move on and you gave him the out. And probably has been wanting to for a while. I know this is hard, but time for you to focus and move forward, without him.
I really don't think this guy WANTS to commit - he's sending you the strongest of signals, and I don't think you want to accept it. Please, for your own sake, hard as it may be, try to see that if a committed relationship is what you want, you are not going to get it from him.

I really get that you are heartbroken - I've been through some crap with my love-life lately, so I can dig - but IMHO it's time to move on with your life and find someone who can give you what you want. There IS more than one guy out there who would suit you, and maybe you would not want to try to find someone else now, but give it some time, and in the meantime, be good to yourself and know that HE is coming out on the short end of the stick.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias[/img]
The fact that he has any doubts at this point (after 3 years of being with you) about whether or not he wants to commit tells you, in my opinion, that it's time to pick up the pieces & move on. This relationship sounds like it's reached a dead end. No matter how great a time you had together, you deserve much better. You deserve someone who has absolutely no doubts that he wants to spend his future with you. I know this may not offer you much comfort, but it's better you know all this NOW rather than if he'd gone through with a wedding and then got itchy feet AFTER. That would be even worse.

Sorry you're going through this. It sucks. Lot of different reasons why someone would be afraid of commitment - maybe he's been burned, witnessed his parents go through an ugly divorce, fears he's going to be left so he beats the other person to the punch, is afraid to be tied down to one woman, etc. Try not to analyze too much (easier said than done, I know) and concentrate on taking care of yourself and doing things to make yourself happy and start moving forward.

I went through a similar scenario exactly 11 years ago. I was living with a man I had been with for three years. We had broken up once before when he said he just didn't love me or want to be with me. Well, several weeks later he came back and I let him back into my life. Right before I was about to start law school he broke up with me again. I had wanted a commitment from him but he just couldn't give it to me. He wasn't someone who could open up about things and I never really understood why he didn't want to be wit me. It hurt for a little while, but, I was really excited about started law school and a new chapter in my life, so I was able to get over it fairly quickly. Not to mention, I met lots of new guys in school.

Fast forward, in my second year of law school I met a lawyer who worked in a firm I where I was clerking. We've been happily married for 2 1/2 years. He's 100% committed to me and our marriage, something the other guy never could have been.

So you should ask yourself, do you really want to be with someone who can't totally commit to you or a relationship? Right now, in all of your pain, the answer may be yes. But, in time you will likely realize that this relationship was not the right one for you. Time does heal all wounds. My advice to you is to try and do things just for yourself that will make you feel better about yourself, i.e. take that art class you always wanted to try, hire a personal trainer to get in the best shape of your life, whatever really interests you. Whatever you do, don't beg him to come back or you will find yourself in the same situation again in a short time.

Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.

This guy does sound like a commitment-phobe. You don't need to understand it; you just need to accept it. I think you've given the relationship, and him, as many chances as you should. Cut the cord and move on. He sounds like he's trying to keep his options open and he knows you'll always be there, so why should he close the others off?

Kick him (or at least the relationship) to the curb, give yourself some time as a completely single, relationship-free person to get back to your unified self, and move on with your life.

Amy, honey, walk away and don't check your rearviews even once. I know you love him and are hurting but a thirty year old man is old enough to know his own mind. The fact that it has been three years and he still cannot commit means he doesn't want to. And the whole packing a bag thing and then coming back is just emotional blackmail on his part. It will be ugly for a while, I know, having been there, and you will continue to think about him non-stop for quite a few days. (How could you not? You love him!) Right now you probably think you'll never feel any better, and that your love life is done, for good, and there may even be days where you think you are losing your mind, the missing him and loneliness are so bad. But I promise you the day will come when you wake up and realize that you are just fine. You made it through and life goes on.

So for now, cry, shop, exercise, curl up with a book,cry, talk to your friends, go on a mini-break, cry some more. It's all part of the healing process,IMO. Just don't let him back in. He has shown you who he is. Believe him.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Amy: Big hugs to you! {{{{{{{{{{{{amy}}}}}}}}}}. I know your pain having been thru same scenario for 5 years. I to this day dont understand why he didnt see us as "forever" material but the fact is he was and is a wonderful human being that just didn't see me as "his wife forever".... he couldnt explain it nor could I. It was a painful breakup for both of us.
FF to now and I have been married to a wonderful man for 4 1/2 years... There is love out there w/ Mr Right if you can take the time to heal and keep telling yourself that there is nothing wrong or "off" about you personally. I took a full year off of dating because I needed to make sure I wasnt going to "fall for" the first decent guy that rolled around so I could "prove I was OK". As sad as I am sometimes when I dwell on the past relationship because I still don't get it, I also thank God every day that this man had the courage to do what most of us do not which is to follow his gut and heart in marriage matters and not just give in.... a lifetime commitment isnt really possible if one person isnt into it... no matter how much they care.
I dont know if your guy is a jerk or not... I do know that you can learn to value/appreciate all you had together and now you know your standards for love in the future... you will find your perfect match out there and you'll know its perfect because HE will also feel its perfect.... takes 2 Amy and you will meet him.... my question for you is how will you prepare yourself to be fully open to the love he will have for you?
I agree with everyone here. Don't look bad. It's hard. Trust me, I know! I had my heart broken into a million pieces some years ago. It took me quite some time but eventually I DID get over him and ended up having a blast as a single person for a while before even dating again. Give yourself the time you need, do whatever you need to do to avoid picking up that WILL get easier. I promise!
I agree 100% with Honeybunch. I believe the last estimate is 5.5 billion people in the world, time to move on. You cannot rely on someone else to make you happy, you have to make yourself happy.
Do yourself a favor and move on. Man do not respect a girl that begs or that is too available to them. In fact they like the girl that they can' have sometimes, they like to do the chasing. Do not call him, keep your head up, take care of yourself and find a way to have some fun! There are people that cannot love and the problem is not you is whithin him. Let him go and you will find that there are some really good men outhere, you have to be selective and honest about what you want in life. Sometimes people like each other but they have different goals, some want kids, some do not, etc. Be very honest with yourself as to what you really want and don't settled for less.
Life is too short to be unhappy! I am talking from actual experience.
I went through a similar situation about 10 years ago. We were dating for about 6 years. We got along really well, no fighting, loved each other, had lots in common, etc. Whenever there was talk about marriage, he would say, "I really don't have anything to offer you (money, house, etc) now". He wanted to be more financially secure (according to him). I, at this point at least thought we should get engaged. And, by the way, it wasn't exactly like we were poor, we both had decent jobs. So I didn't exactly get his point. Anyway, I wound up meeting someone else whom I decided I wanted to date, so I broke it off with him. Needless to say, he was very upset. Once he realized that I was not interested in him anymore he visited my parents asked for my hand in marriage. At this point, I was so sick of waiting I could care less (sounds cold, but true). And as upset as he was, that is how we ended.

I have also been on the other end of the stick, when someone I really liked broke it off with me, so I can understand how you feel. I only thing I can say, is maybe it is for the better. You will probally meet your true soul mate in the near future. Be optomistic, and try to stay focused on your life. Get out with friends and try to do different things. If after three years he can't make up his mind, something is not right. Although, I didn't marry the man I left my long time boyfriend for, I did wind up meeting my husband of 7 years a few months after. And looking at both relationships now, I am glad and didn't choose to marry the other. I know it is near impossible to forget about him now, but try to do other things. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Almost every woman I know has been through a really bad breakup like the one you're describing... I can relate to the pain you're feeling, and I'm so sorry you have to go through it. I don't know why so many guys are afraid to commit. But I think that if you try to push this guy emotionally, it's not going to work out for you. At this point, my advice would be to let it go, no matter how hard it may be for you. If you're feeling like you're so depressed that you can't face life, I would think about talking with a therapist. Your girlfriends will listen and commiserate, but sometimes talking with an uninvolved, third-party, professional can be the best way to work through your feelings, and, hopefully, come to closure. Good luck to you.
Ok, getting a little personal here.... My dh and I moved in together after dating for about 8 mos. About a year later I started frequently wondering out loud when he was going to be able to commit. Couldn't get a good answer , so I told him that after my brother and his family left my mom's house (they were visiting) I was moving back home (I was about 20, he was 28). Then all of a sudden he gave me a beautiful engagement ring that he had been carrying around for 3 mos. We now have 3 kids and have been married for 18 years. Neither of us ever plans on getting divorced. I have been sleeping on the sofa for 5 years now. I have always felt that he would have been happy without me or a family. We do not talk to each other - there is no hostility, though. Kinda hard to explain. There is just NOTHING mixed with some resentment. When we were living together, my dad gave me an article he cut out from the paper from Ann Landers. The person wrote in about a similar situation and she advised her to leave. I just got mad at my dadl:eek: So take Sparrow's advice!;-)
I'm really sorry for your pain, but in the words of Maya Angelou, "When people show you who they are, listen."

This is probably not what you want to hear, but I don't think this guy could be any clearer about what he doesn't want, and what he doesn't want is a committed, long-term relationship with you. I think it's important for you to recognize that he obviously cannot give you what you want, and you are obviously not happy with accepting less (nor should you be, you only have one life to live and it should include all of the things you need to be happy). The hardest but very best thing you can do for yourself is to just let him go. Please get a counselor if you need someone who can help you through this.

Again, I'm sorry for your pain.

Good luck,
I don't really have any advice, other than to promise you that this is a blessing in disguise (God, the Universe, whatever higher power you might believe in, has other plans for you!) and to offer some ((HUGS)). I'm sorry you're in so much pain. :(
I'm so sorry that you have to go through this pain. I know the pain, it sucks, but it does go away. I also agree with everyone else that you need to move on. It doesn't sound like he wants the same things that you do, and you deserve a man that has the same goals.
Like AJock said, give yourself some time to heal, get to know your likes and dislikes. Spend lots of time with friends and family, they will always be there to help you. Have as much fun with your girlfriends as you possibly can. Maybe even take up a new hobby. Just try really hard to not let yourself sit at home all the time and think about him.
I think that maybe this was for the best. This way you can find a man that wants to get married and have children.

Hi Amy:

I'm just jumping in to agree that you need to find a way to move on from him. He is telling you in every way possible that his gut is telling him not to move forward and I hope you can find a way to listen. I don't want this to come across as cold or non-chalant or to downplay your feelings at all, but when I was reading your post I was reminded of an Oprah show I saw awhile back. It was the guy who did the Sex and The City episode of "He's just not into you". He wrote that book with the same title and I think he meant it as a wake up call for many women who are getting signals, some subtle, some obvious from their men and ignoring them and hanging on. Don't waste any more of your precious self on him.

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