One more ? for the educated crowd!


Hi everyone - I wonder if I can pick your brains about something. When I'm doing weight work, I have problems feeling that one side (my right - I'm right handed) got worked more than the other, especially when using triceps and back muscles. I have been exercising for a long time so my form and focus is pretty good, but I still haven't quite figured out how to work everything evenly. Sometimes I put so much focus and concentration into my left side that THAT side gets worked more! Any of you have this problem? Can you tell me what works for you? Thanks a bunch!!
I would try to focus on using dumbbells more. There are books out there that have workouts totally for dumbbells...Men's Health put out a really good booklet, and Joyce Vedral's books are mostly for dumbbells.

Why do you think your both sides are not being worked evenly?
Hmm.. well, I know that my right side muscles are stronger in areas - doing the concentration curls at the end of BBA, for example, is definitely easier for me to complete on the right than the left. The day after weight training, the thing that usually happens is that my right side will just feel more "worked", or sore. I did CST yesterday and my right tricep is definitely feeling it more than my left! :-hmmm I have noticed, as you mentioned, that it is a little easier to work evenly with dumbbells as opposed to a barbell for upper body work (doesn't seem to matter for the lower). No clue why...
If you're a rightie, your right side will be stronger just naturally. If you complete the same # of reps with both arms on the concentration curl, it's no big deal if it's easier with your right arm.

Also, I don't think the soreness is any indicator. Just because you have or don't have soreness, doesn't mean you didn't have a good workout. I hardly ever get sore, but if I do it's always from a Cathe chest or tricep workout. That doesn't mean that her other workouts are not as good.

Don't sweat it, no pun intended!
RE: Joyce Vedral's books

Yuk, yuk, Miz Murph!

Hey, I found a place in Indiana (Middlebury) that has 18 oz. jars of that Amish peanutbutter stuff! Then I was thinkin', hey, there's a place probably not 5 miles from where I live that no doubt has it! Hartville Kitchen, Deb H. Yikes! That probably means I can get it anytime I want......which could be dangerous!!!!!

I'm in Indiana for the weekend, and in the Elkhart Public Library right this minute.
Murph & HB & everyone!

Murph, that was too funny! :7 HB stop it!!!! Just what I need...another treat to try to resist and soo close by. BTW, everyone, Murph, HB, LisaB and I met up for a roadtrip to Amish Country last Wednesday. We had a blast. We all drove down together after meeting at a central point. (well, Murph actually flew in for the trip!!) We ate at a Swiss Amish restaurant! Yuuuum! Then, HB gave us a tour of several sites close by, including where she lived for 4 years. (We all felt like Miss Daisy!) We made a stop at an Amish Country Bulk Store which is where we all picked up this great "stuff" called Peanut Butter Spread. It is a mixture of peanut butter and marshmallow creme. (Peanuts are GOOD for us, right?? ;-)) Lisa, it was sooo nice to finally meet you! Murph & HB, as always, fun to see you both again. We need to plan another trip soon and hope more of you Ohioans can join us next time. Til then, nice chatting with you here!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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